7th Time the Charm for Cate & Kate

Murtada here to celebrate the nominations for Cate Blanchett and Kate Winslet. It's the 7th nomination for both. Blanchett for Best Actress in Carol and Winslet for supporting actress in Steve Jobs. (Which means they're both moving up that Oscar Hierarchy) .
The two have always been linked since they have (essentially) the same name and started winning the hearts of cinephiles around the same time in the mid 90s.
Although younger by 6 years it was Winslet who first made a splash in Heavenly Creatures (1994) and received her first Oscar nomination a year later for Sense and Sensibility (1995). Three years after that Blanchett announced herself as a force to be reckoned with - and got her first nomination - with Elizabeth (1998).
Winslet’s other nominations are for Titanic (1997), Iris (2001), Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004), Little Children (2006) and The Reader (2008). Blanchett’s are The Aviator (2004), Notes on Scandal (2006), Elizabeth: The Golden Age (2007), I’m Not There (2007) and Blue Jasmine (2013).
Let’s have fun with 7 anecdotes after the jump...
1- They used to be mistaken for each other
For a long time Cate’s go- to anecdote was that people always tell her how much they loved her in Titanic. She hasn’t told that anecdote in years so we assume that both are so famous now that it doesn’t happen anymore.
However, most brilliantly, even Faye Dunaway couldn’t tell them apart. In this 2007 interview Cate tells that funny story, it’s the very first minute of the interview and it’s delightful.
2 - They Like Each Other!
Their friendship is not as deep as Nicole/Naomi or even Meryl/Viola, doesn’t burn hot as newly established twosomes Amy/JLaw or Julianne/Kristin. But whenever they took time from their busy lives on opposite sides of the world, they seemed to really enjoy each other's company.
3- They've worked with the same directors
Their crossover director list has four names. British theater director Richard Eyre directed them both to Oscar nominations in Iris and Notes on a Scandal. Peter Jackson, who gifted the world with Kate in Heavenly Creatures, has of course directed Cate in Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit movies. Then there's Steven Soderbergh. Kate starred in Contagion (2011) and while The Good German (2006) is not fondly remembered, Cate looked absolutely her most beautiful in its black and white cinematography. Till Carol that is. And this year's 6 time nominee brings us to the other director they share; Todd Haynes. He has directed Cate twice - first in 2007’s I’m Not There - and Kate once in HBO's Mildred Pierce (2011).
In this video from the The Hollywood Reporter roundtable Cate is asked if Carol should’ve been directed by a woman. Her response is funny and funnier still is Kate, from across the table confirming that yes she too has worked with a genius.
4- Leo!
While Kate will always be linked to him because of Titanic, it was Cate who was by his side when he was nominated a decade ago for The Aviator. Of course Leo didn’t win but Cate did. It would be fantastic if one or both join him in the winners’ photo this year.
5- So different on screen!
They represent very different aesthetics on screen. Cate is frosty glamour (Carol, The Good German, Galadriel), sometimes teetering close to completely losing it (Blue Jasmine, Truth). Kate on the other hand is earthy sexiness (Hideous Kinky, The Reader) coupled with matronly concern (Mildred Pierce, Steve Jobs) which is why they are ….
6 - …..never up for the same roles…..
….. except for the upcoming Triple Nine. When we first heard about it, it was going to be Blanchett but actually stars Winslet.
7- They are both chasing Meryl
And not just in Oscar nominations count, for the title of the ultimate best actress. As the media likes to anoint successors, they have both been branded “The Next Meryl”. Blanchett is on a tear since Blue Jasmine and seems to be much adored and loved by actors, including the mighty Charlotte Rampling. Kate has stumbled a bit post her Oscar win but this new nomination is a correction to a pretty brilliant career.
Best Actress nominee Saoirse Ronan obviously can’t choose, but can you?
What is your favorite moment of Cate and Kate.
Reader Comments (53)
Happy for Cate and Kate, especially for Kate, because she was laughed at a bit too much the last years in terms of "failed Oscar bait". She needed 7 years after her win in 2008 to be nominated again.
Cate's longest "dry" period of no Oscar noms between Elisabeth:The Golden Age 2007 and Blue Jasmine 2013 was 6 years.
Meryl Streep is still 12 nods ahead of both. 19 noms are insane and yet she still managed to get two "afterglow" nods after her cotroversal third Oscar win. (still fit the film's subject perfectly imo)
She sits this year out, but might have a great 2016. Berlin, here we come! 8)
Records are there to be broken, but I begin to think Jennifer Lawrence, if she continues to work this much, will overcome them all,
But the future's not written yet.
It was indeed a neck to neck one between the two beauties.However,
there was a slightes of the notion that Kate might never get
nomiated but this turned out to be jsut the opposite.
Also, the young actresses these days are setting up bars too.
Kindly visit Litlisted
for more of such galmour town content.
It was indeed a neck to neck one between the two beauties.However,
there was a slightest of the notion that Kate might never get
nominated but this turned out to be just the opposite.
Also, the young actresses these days are setting up bars too.
Kindly visit Litlisted
for more of such glamour town content.