Oscar History
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The Film Experience™ was created by Nathaniel R. All material herein is written by our team. (This site is not for profit but for an expression of love for cinema & adjacent artforms.)

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Curio: Capturing Gravity

Alexa here. Like many, I saw Gravity this weekend in all its IMAX 3D glory. I was astounded by the experience, since it is as close as I'll ever come to a spacewalk.  Yet, like Nathaniel, I was underwhelmed by what remained. As I watched Sandy's floating tears I thought, Finding Nemo was subtler in conveying this, "just keep swimming" and all that. But, wow, space, man! 

by Peter Stults

With that in mind, here's a selection of alternative posters for the film...

Click to read more ...


How I Feel (Demonstrated by Sigweavie)

This is how I'm feeling today...

The role of Nathaniel will be played Sigourney Weaver and the role of Life is gross oozy mouthbreather alien.

How I wish I felt! TA-DA!

Triumphant Perserverance Through All Unfortunate Hideous Obstacles!
Reducing All Terrifying Obstacles To Self-Flattering Backdrop Ambience!

I seriously don't know what's wrong with me lately but I'm beset by all sorts of obstacles, some of my own doing (eye strain, major time management issues, job(s) stress, fatigue, personal setbacks) perhaps the cinema gods are punishing me for not loving Gravity??? Sigourney Weaver is just always going to be my favorite Distressed Lady in Outer Space Masterpiece. Sorry Sandra B! 

This is not meant as a pity party just a 'have patience' as I work through this and get back to upping the blogging game a bit for Oscar season. If you want to help, share posts on facebook or twitter or comment regularly (trust that it's like fuel for bloggers) or donate to the blog -- see sidebar -- think of it. For the price of a fancy cup of joe each month you could collectively free up all my time for writing and managing the blog. Or keep enjoying it for free but know that that's like letting aliens slobber all of over me. Your call!


These Tweets Touched Me In Places That Made Me Feel Uncomfortable

These two tweets were next to each other on Twitter as I scrolled through my feed....


unretouched from my twitter feed. no cropping!

I find this juxtaposition totally uncalled for and HIGHLY upsetting. I will never be able to look at Superman's crotch again without seeing Annabelle *shudder*. Can I sue Warner Blu-Ray for emotional distress? 


Link Hunter

Variety mourns film criticism wondering if Roger Ebert was the last critic who really mattered
Cinema Blend talks "narrative" in Oscar campaigns and what they might mean for the futures of Gravity and 12 Years a Slave
Pop Matters Matt Mazur elaborates on his comments from the last Supporting Actress Smackdown
Antagony & Ecstasy another rave review for Short Term 12, beautifully written by one of the web's best film critics. (This is why I hired him, yknow)

i09 in today's stupid remake news Neil Marshall who once directed a movie as good as The Descent is going to remake the clever Norwegian film Troll Hunter. Despite the fact that Trolls are kind of, you know, Scandinavian in nature in their appeal/fictional dominance. 
Awards Daily Sasha thinks its crazy to doubt a nomination for Sandra Bullock in Gravity. Maybe I am crazy but I'm kind of doubting it. Not wholly mind you... she's definitely in the running. But Oscar's acting branch does not like scifi and have only gone there a couple of  times really in lead (Sigourney Weaver in Aliens and Jeff Bridges in Starman spring to mind). But it could be that my feelings about the averageness of her performance are getting in the way. All that said, I do think it's strange to suggest that Oscar WANTS to reward women over 40 for being successful. On what basis is this a thing since they're always going for 20somethings when they could reward older women?
/Film Michael B Jordan, Saorsie Ronan, and David Oyelowo all being talked up for the next Star Wars movie 
Empire the first official picture from the tank-centric war film Fury starring Brad Pitt. I used to think that one day I'd grow out of Brad Pitt but it hasn't happened. And shan't. I just love him. 
Playbill Kristin Chenoweth to play Jennifer Lopez' best friend in the thriller The Boy Next Door about a woman (Lopez) who falls for her teen son's friend. I love me some Cheno but that is bizarre casting + genre weirdness, right? 

Today's Must Listens
Here's Lee Daniels talking about being gay and black in Hollywood... and in life. When asked which is harder in Hollywood he replies:

 I don’t know what to say to that. I want to answer that question to you but I have to be very honest with you that I’m afraid to answer that question because, uh, and I have to stay like Cecil and stay silent because I want to work."


Finally can we talk about BEST ORIGINAL SONG for a minute? I've been remiss as per usual in thinking through this category. IndieWire is pushing this rap number from Short Term 12, which is one of the film's key moments narratively and also emotionally courtesy of a pretty great performance from Keith Stanfield who also co-wrote the song with the director.

Until they abolish the category as some have argued they should, it's worth trying to suss out. But which songs will be eligible? Let's make a list in the comments while I'm updating my Oscar charts.


Twenty Years A Sculder

JA from MNPP here - typing this now I'm realizing I actually have no idea what Nathaniel's stance is on The X-Files, but today's the 20th anniversary of the very first episode if you can believe it, so I figured I'd check in with you guys, see if we have an fans up in The Film Experience. I can never quite believe that I came as late to the show as I did - it was firmly up my alley even back then, but it wasn't until well into the show's fifth season that I started watching. I think that maybe corresponded with the first movie? Anyway I was hooked just in time for the quality to take a nose-dive (hello Annabeth Gish), but I stuck with it straight to the muddied end. There's been talk ever since the second movie in 2008 of a third film, wrapping it all up - do you want to see it come back? Or should Mulder and Scully stay off in the sunset? 


And how freaking fabulous does Gillian Anderson look these days (she is divine on Hannibal) anyway? Sound off on your favorite X-Files moments in the comments!


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