National Film Registry Adds 25. How Many Have You Seen?

Ah the National Film Registry inductees! One of the most important December cinematic traditions that I always forget about. I wish it were in March each year -- since it's not any kind of "year in..." since film works aren't eligible for induction until they're ten years old. Placed it March it would also serve as a nice salve to the sometimes wounding notion that the Oscars are the only barometer for American movies that are deemed "culturally, historically or aesthetically significant" I wish too that this annual honor were more practical (restoration, anyone?) and less symbolic in nature.
Which have you seen and which will you be seeking out?(presented in chronological order)
Bert Williams Lime Kiln Club Field Day(1913)
The oldest surviving film featuring African-American actors. But no title cards, credits, or script has survived.
Shoes (1916)
Directed by Lois Weber, a female film pioneer. This one is about a desperate girl trying to support her parents and brothers who sells her body for a pair of shoes!
Unmasked (1917)
Another female silent director Grace Cunard who also acted in the short with co-director Francis Ford
The Dragon Painter (1919)
A US/France coproduction
More films after the jump filled with Satan-worshipping neighbors, chocolate rivers, and rugs that tie the whole room together...