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Yes, No, Maybe So: "The Iron Lady"

Okay The Film Experience simply must take a long break from Meryl Streep. I blog about her way too much I realize...  So we'll take a long break (by which we mean until she wins her first award or nomination of the season) ...so the long break might be a short one. Such is awards season! 

TOTALLY UNRETOUCHED! © The Film Experience

I have done battle every single day of my life."

Until then, a break. I need it for sanity. As The Iron Lady might say "It's absolutely non-negotiable." But I couldn't leave Streep be without sharing this  100% Authentic Screencap From the Film In Which Margaret Thatcher seems to be planning battle against all the Best Actress players this year. WTF?!

We also can't begin our official Meryl break until after posting this UK trailer of The Iron Lady in case you haven't seen it (no US trailer beyond that old teaser yet).


  • Well, we never miss a Streep movie.




  • Ehhhhh, I hope this doesn't glorify that woman (Thatcher not Streep). The neo cons have done enough damage to the world without a liberal goddess (Streep) endorsing one of their icons.
  • This doesn't look that promising for Jim Broadbent and he deserves another year as great as 2001. 
  • Phyllida Lloyd in the director's chair again. Really? If Meryl wants to support female directors we HIGHLY approve but we could name 23 off the top of our heads that would be more deserving of double dipping with some world class actress who could make financing their next film much easier. 



  • Of course it's rude to assume that Ms. Lloyd couldn't make a huge leap forward in skill after that learning on the job business with Mamma Mia! 'So, this is what a camera is!' We would hate to be judged by our very first blog entry forever ;) 


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Reader Comments (46)

Looks promising to me....

November 15, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterrick

LOL, I love the first image!
Ugh, such a good actress year! So many actresses I like and want to make it to that shortlist, as well as good performances.

About this movie, I'm a yes because Meryl's amazing, I just hate how it looks like it's glorifying the lady who should not be endorsed in that way. Especially, like you said, by someone so liberal.

November 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterPhilip

Do you really think Streep will not be nominated this year?

November 15, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterrick

For me, it's a YES for Meryl and maybe Broadbent, otherwise a maybe so.

November 15, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterdinasztie

I'm being completely sincere when I ask this, but is Meryl really liberal as all these posts suggest? Honestly, I've seen MANY interviews with her and I can't recall a single one where she is ardently political (at least not in a Sean Penn/Susan Sarandon kind of way). None of her films suggest a certain political slant either, I might add. I guess many assume that she is a liberal since being conservative in Hollywood is like tagging yourself as a Nazi or a member of the KKK.

As far as the trailer goes, it looks very average to me. I thought it was choppy with weird tonal shifts (it looked like a political satire at the beginning then suddenly transformed into IMPORTANT. PERSON. BIOPIC. if you know what I mean). I'm sure she will be nominated for this, but a win? Not so sure...I feel like there is a general weariness about biopics nowadays (the lackluster reaction to J. Edgar is proof) and the fact she is playing someone as polarizing and divisive as Margaret Thatcher will undoubtedly throw several voters off, no matter how good her performance is.

November 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAaron

P.s., LOVE the picture! Is it just me, or does it look like Streep/Thatcher is eying Charlize Theron? Maybe she is the dark horse this year...

November 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAaron

Whatever happen please don't keep your promise about not blogging about THE goddess... I can never get enough of her!

November 15, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterstjeans

i am a big fan of meryl and i love to see her being nominated

November 15, 2011 | Unregistered Commentera

is it hagiographic? a "human" point of view about a political leader? a political satire? a feminist movie on a woman in a world of men?

i feel it will be more "W" than "the queen"

November 15, 2011 | Unregistered Commentercaro

I'm actually surprised to be saying this but visually it kind of looks quite interesting. Maybe Phyllida Lloyd is going to step up after the bashing she took over 'Mamma Mia'?

November 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterThe Jack

I'm a Yes for the already-stated reason: Meryl, but the film itself looks like it might have some strong elements even if it doesn't turn out to be good.
I'm especially curious about the comedy-cum-drama approach that the trailer promises.

November 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJames T

I'm going to see this and I'm sure I'll have fun doing so. What I'm not sure about is whether it'll be "good"

November 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterZach

LMAO at you actress-obsessed apologists. You're like you're own cult of fanboy/girl. Streep looks fine but the movie looks like crap, plain and simple.

November 15, 2011 | Unregistered Commentertony rock

A break? Thank the cinema goddesses...

Since I already commented (and cant be bothered to retype it) I'll just cut and paste what I said in the last Meryl post about this for those who didn't read it (and apologies to those who have):

I'm sure she will be nominated just judging by the trailer; it is so within her wheelhouse but also the Academy's (and Jim Broadbent is her co-star which I'm guessing can't hurt.) But I watched the trailer with a growing sense of distaste. I am the only one here who remembers how harmful so many of her policies were? I know it's only a trailer, but it gave off that "she was misunderstood! She was a true patriot! Love her, admire her!" Vibe. Yuck. I don't mind re-evaluating the real life behind the public persona, but I distrust the revisionist feel to the thing.

And that last line in the trailer: "Let us join the ladies." Yes, she aligned herself with men, it's how she came to power. Much like Elizabeth I - the notion of "I may have the body of a woman but the will of a man." Dismissing half the human race wasn't cute then and it's not endearing (to me) now.

November 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJanice

While I do worry about glorifying Thatcher, every time I link Thatcher and art I think of The Line of Beauty, which is still the best damn book of this millennium, so I am optimistic. Completely different stories and focuses, obviously, but it can be done.

November 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJohn T

Am I the only one who thinks that this looks simply awful and Meryl's performance looks a little....uh....overcooked?

November 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJames

God People!!!

Its simple. The trailer seems fine. ITS NOT A POLTICAL BIOPIC OR DOCUMENTARY. IT is an other view of looking Thatcher as a woman politician; and it is just the trailer. And SORRY but I do not see any huge difference between this trailer and the Queen.

November 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterNaxos

I agree, James. Meryl looks completely lost under the makeup, and the performance looks campy and not especially grounded in reality. And the tonal shifts were all over the place. I still have no idea what this movie is going for. But hey, maybe it'll be good...

November 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAdam Keller

James, you're definitely not the only one. I said something similar in the previous Meryl post.
I love her, really liked her Julia performance of which quite a few said it was overdone, but this looks terrible.

The critics here in the UK are all over her though. The film is apparently so and so but Meryl is, to say it with Guardian's Brook, "astonishing and all but flawless". Hard to believe from watching this trailer.

November 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLara

I don't see why people worry about the fact that the movie glorifies Thatcher. I mean people say this as if she was Hitler or something. No matter what I think of her policies, she was a terrific politician who represented what she believed in and that's something I give credit for.

About Meryl: I'm sure she will be fantastic. And she will get the Oscar. This is her Queen. I really feel it's her time now.

November 15, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterdinasztie

Jut because there are worse people in history doesn't mean Thatcher glorification should be exempt from criticism.
"she was a terrific politician who represented what she believed in": substitute she for he and the same could be said about Hitler. I doubt you give him much credit for that.

November 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLara

First off, that pic of Meryl/Thatcher on command is HYSTERICAL!

and i totally get what you mean by glorifying thatcher. lets hope it's just the marketing. not digging that trailer music either. perhaps they should take a nod from the campaigns of LAST KING OF SCOTLAND or NIXON.

November 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRyan Steinke

John T - It really is the best! It's amazing how much that book pops into my head whenever I read about this movie.

November 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMike in Canada

My problem with all of this is that I clearly don't know enough about Margaret Thatcher or British political history to know what to make of this or what Meryl's doing right or wrong, and what's historically accurate or not. Frankly I thought that the "Julie & Julia" trailer was overcooked and verged on caricature for Meryl too until I saw the film, so I should reserve judgment until the film comes out. But that's not why we're here, is it? I can see Meryl getting in for this easily, just like DiCaprio can for "J. Edgar." I won't get into all of that "Meryl doesn't get nominated for everything!" song and dance again, but these films are too much in the Academy's wheelhouse for them to completely ignore. And if "The Iron Lady" suffers the same critical drubbing that "J. Edgar" got, then expect Streep and DiCaprio to be the sole nominees from their respective films. Which isn't the end of the world after all, but still. Her look and accent seem killer already. I know people have criticized Streep's makeup, but again, have you seen "J. Edgar" yet? Complain about some shitty makeup there, not here. If this is any good, I hope this brings back Jim Broadbent to the fold. I think he needs another nod to validate his "Iris" win. I'm usually a YES on these kind of Oscar-bait trailers, but this time, I'm veering toward the MAYBE. But you know I'll be there opening night to see my girl in action.

November 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterUrey

Has anyone else noticed it is the same EXACT score used for THE ARTIST trailer?? WOW

November 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDave

Well, I myself really liked the trailer it made me excited to see the movie actually and even though I still don't get why you dobt it Nat, I'm 100% Meryl will be nominated and not only that but also probably win, which I wouldn't object to, she deserves a third oscars since the 80's (Silkwood and Out of Africa come to mind).

Oh and btw, the reviews I've seen so far are really good so I guess the movie speaks for itself.

November 15, 2011 | Unregistered Commentercarl

Meryl will get the 17th nomination for this.....plain and simple. What is astonishing...is that she is winning over the BRITISH critics for her portayal. Also...this is the most "oscar baity" role for a female this year....in my opinion...real person,dialect, in every frame....

November 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJamie

Dave, I noticed that too. Bad decision on their part, in my mind.

And I thought Broadbent looked good- seems like he'll have plenty of screentime. I'm definitely predicting him now.

November 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterEvan

Oh, and I'm most definitely a yes on this. I try to hit all of the major Oscar contenders, particularly for acting, ESPECIALLY for Best Actress, and while you can argue whether or not she's a lock or a maybe, she's certainly in the hunt. I'm also a yes on Albert Nobbs, even though that trailer did less for me than this one did.

Also, does anyone know of any Oscar-winning performances (other than Hunter/Paquin and Marlee Matlin) that have been directed by a woman? I know there's a number of nominated ones, but would Meryl be the fourth if she were to win?

November 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJohn T

John T. -- Charlize Theron was directed by Patty Jenkins, Hillary Swank by Kimberly Pierce ...

November 15, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterstjeans

The neo-cons in Britain are already criticizing the movie and Streep for her portrayal of Thatcher. I don't think we have to be concerned about gloryfing Thatcher. Divisive, yes, which makes the film more appealing. Words like 'astonishing' and 'flawless' and 'towering' are being used by critics (British) to describe this performance. I say Meryl for the win!

November 15, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterbrandz

Regardless of who the precursors go to (although we know she’ll win the BAFTA), I think Meryl has the little gold man in the bag at this point.

November 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommentertomR

You do not talk about Meryl Streep too much, you think too much of Meryl Streep. I use to after much hype, then disappointed from the hype, wanted to place a pillow over her face while she was sleept. Thank God, I realized it wasn't her, but the people that supported her that made me angry. My problem with Streep supporters is that they can never make a proper case for her. It's like telling someone to stare at their new car and marvel about it with you--except all people don't appreciate new cars because they don't car for cars to begin with. Wait I just got lost in my own logic. Never mind, more Pfeiffer less Streep is good for the ole diet.

November 15, 2011 | Unregistered Commenter//3rtful

You do not talk about Meryl Streep too much, you think too much of Meryl Streep.
I use to after much hype, then disappointed from the hype, wanted to place a pillow over her face while she sleept.
Thank God--I realized it wasn't her, but the people that supported her that made me angry. My problem with Streep supporters is that they can never make a proper case for her. It's like telling someone to stare at their new car and marvel about it with you--except all people don't appreciate new cars because they don't car for cars to begin with.
Wait I just got lost in my own logic. Never mind, more Pfeiffer less Streep is good for ye ole diet.

November 15, 2011 | Unregistered Commenter//3rtful

I can't see this being a hit, critics are gonna destroy it and Viola Davis is still going to win the Oscar.

Streep looks awful in drag, btw.

Davis for the win.

November 15, 2011 | Unregistered Commentercal roth

Cal- I love VIola Davis...but i do not think she has this in the bag already! Let us be serious....The Help was an commercial success but not a critical....had a weak director, played to stereotypes, and despite Viola's performance the film comes off a little "disneyfied" for my taste....Also, The Help comes out on DVD December 6th....that is alot of time before Oscar to lose some steam!!!

Now...Iron Lady may have a wek director and controversy as well...I was not expecting the film to be an Oscar powerhouse...but I still think Streep has a chance to win....30 years after her 1st Best Actress win....kennedey center honors in December....the movie still fresh in voter's minds because it is playing at theaters...and I think she will be buzzing more in Hollywood once we get closer to awards especially with Weinstein....I think Streep has all things in her favor.....

November 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJamie

I adore Meryl, but this made me think of Mommie Dearest.

November 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDuncan

@John T: I hear you.
The line of beauty is a marvelous book. The tv movie they made, also very good IMHO, showed a ball scene that Thatcher attended and everyone seem to be starstruck by her even the protagonist who to the surprise of everyone ask her to dance and she does. Although we never get to see her face, in that short scene I get a better picture of who Thatcher meant to british than in this whole trailer.

November 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSeisgrados

I think Streep can win with this. It looks like it pretty much has it all for voters itching to give her another Oscar. Yes to the trailer for me!

November 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLe

She won the Golden Globe lost at the Oscars -> The Devil Wears Prada (2007)
She won the SAG lost at the Oscars -> Doubt (2009)
She won the Golden Globe lost at the Oscars -> Julie & Julia (2010)

SHE WILL WIN THE BAFTA (DUH!!) And that will change everything. SHE WILL WIN THE OSCAR!

November 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAFK

People, there's a huge YES nobody's condiering it: Giles is in this movie.

November 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLucky

oops, it was supposed to say: "there's a huge yes AND nobody's condisering it". Anyways, Anthony Stewart Head!

November 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLucky

Can't tell if that is pure camp caricature or not. Yikes! Don't know about this one yet.

November 16, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterCeCe

maybe meryl will be helped by the death of thatcher sometime during the campaign?


November 16, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterpar3182

Am I the only one who associated some of the lines with 'Mommie Dearest'?

" I have done battle every single day of my life" = "I've fought worse monsters than you for years in Hollywood"

November 16, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSomeone

Why is everyone saying she has the BAFTA in the bag for this? I think the British will probably be more nitpicky about this movie than the Americans will, having experienced Thatcherism firsthand and all. If it either a) glorifies Thatcher or b) heavily deviates from historical accuracy, I don't see them reacting favorably to it.

November 17, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJohn-Paul
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