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« Box: Office - Ghostly Christmas | Main | Whether You've Been Naughty... Or Nice... »

top o' the linkin' to ya  

Sydney Morning Herald production halted on The Great Gatbsy (briefly). Baz Luhrman hit on head just before Christmas. Ouch.
Listen Eggroll Mike D'Angelo's Christmas movie viewing history. Hee.
Rope of Silicon on that revolving director chair for Thor 2. What will it mean for the movie?
Indie Wire Ninety-seven Original Scores that are eligible for Oscar this year. Only five can be nominated of course. A notable omission is Alexandre Desplat's work on The Tree of Life but we figured that would get disqualified due to the abundance of non-original music in the film. As Hans Zimmer promised, he did not submit his wonderful Rango score. (sigh)

Coming Soon Charlize Theron discusses her role in Prometheus
Wider Screenings [NSFW]  in terms of budget to profit ratio the most successful film of all time is... Deep Throat.
Horror Asylum the Whedon-less reboot of Buffy the Vampire Slayer is apparently dead. Yay!
Scene Stealers Trey Hoch really hates War Horse. He's not playing around with the hate.
The Wrap finds a silver lining in some not-so-great 2011's fare: good characters in forgettable movies.
THR Scott Feinberg's top ten. 
Hollywood Elsewhere on the strange omen of movie poster defacement in NYC, Mark Wahlberg's Contraband in this case. I also believe in this theory. The more a poster is defaced the more angry or irritated people are with its star or existence for any number of reasons.
Guardian has a Q&A with Samuel L Jackson. His greatest fear is "not working" which explains a lot about his film choices! 

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Reader Comments (4)

first picture are very nice it seems that he is x-man

December 26, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterfreelance writer

Gilbert Grape alumni Juliette Lewis and Crispin Glover get together:

December 26, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterj

Posters for "The Iron Lady" are being defaced around my town, which i LOVE.

December 27, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterGlenn

Scott Feinberg's Top Ten features many of my biggest disappointments of the year. His write-up for Like Crazy (one of those disappointments) makes me like it a little more, but I still don't see how it thoroughly conveys the "Young people question whether the struggle is worth it" point. The final scene? Yes. The rest? Not so much.

December 27, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterEvan
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