Jane + Mr. Rochester. TLA?

First clip from the new Jane Eyre starring rising star Mia Wasikowska and the already-obsessed-over-by-cool-people Michael Fassbender.
I think rinnyp said it best on twitter when she said "fan your privates".
My memory has gone entirely blank on the Jane Eyre plot. Here's to cultural literacy! My only memory of the book at this point is that my mom loves it. It's quite an unexpected follow up to Sin Nombre as Cary Fukunaga's sophomore feature, don't you think?

Reader Comments (12)
Well, I read it recently because I didn't want to see the movie before having read it and I loved it.
That said, even I'm not sure what this is from. I'm guessing:
It's after he's on fire and she throws water on him.
Very well-made and -acted scene. I think Fassbender is on his way to becoming an acting phenomenon. Plus, he's hotter than all the male acting legends alive. (that is, when they were young)
There's a beautiful version from ages ago staring William Hurt (then at the prime of his game) & (Godess alert!) Charlotte Gainsbourg (in my view one of the top 5 Actress working right now). Check it out if only for those two Acting Giant!
oooh, i dont like the william hurt version at all. the 2006 BBC miniseries is significantly better. but THIS has real promise. the chemistry here is fantastic. i'm splashing cold water on my face as we speak.
Man, when is this film out already?!
@James T, I bet it's that scene.
@stjeans, I doubt anybody who hasn't read the book understood what exactly happened in the end of the 1996. Plus, William Hurt is a great actor, but was miscasted in the role and he didn't have much chemistry with CG IMO.
Dimitra -- it's out on March 11th. not too long.
I love the next line in the book - he says "Cold?" (as in, how can that be?)
Nat- in the US, who knows about Greece? :( Here's hoping to a fast release.
Unlike Wuthering Heights I've loved every adaptation of Jane Eyre and this looks to be another fab version. Wuthering Heights is still my favourite book though so please someone make a worthy version. Anyway have Jane Eyre (along with all things Bronte, Austen and Shakespeare) on my Kindle going to read it now for the trillionth time...
It's the first mumblecore costume drama!
Joanne - Wuthering Heights is Andrea Arnold's new movie and it will be released this year ;)
Dimitra - I know! Sometimes it takes too f***ing long!