BAFTA Prep, Open Thread

Have you seen these downloadable e-mags from the British Academy? They have beautiful illustrated covers by Adam Simpson, one for each of the Best Picture nominees. I've included three of them here representing... well you can tell, can't you?
Black Swan continues to inspire graphic artists. I think The King's Speech design might be the best of the five designs. It has great composition, cleverly utilizes the memorable Eve Stewart production design, and that blimp heading towards / pointing at the King tells you the thrust of the story. The True Grit illustration is my least favorite of the five but I include it because it made me chuckle trying to reimagine the Coen Bros western as a Disney musical. You know how they do; the heroes/heroines are always standing on those jutting triangular pointed cliffs, singing their hearts out.
Hailee arrives at a pre BAFTA eventWhat would Mattie Ross's "I Want" Song be like anyway?
♪ ♫ Just You Wait, Tom Chaney, Just You Wait
You'll be sorry but your pleas will be too late.
You killed my father, fled the city.
I will avenge him, I'll be gritty.
Just you wait, Tom Chaney, just you wait.
Is that a movie you'd like to see?
Meanwhile, since BAFTA is on tape delay tonight we'll know the winners before we get a chance to see it. (Unless we turn off our computers, which is not something we often do, damnit). And the Grammys are also on tonight. Big awards night. I'll probably write about the BAFTAs late tonight or tomorrow morning but if you feel like spoiling the winners in this thread, feel free.
P.S. BAFTA promises various footages today, such as red carpet and the like at their official site.

Reader Comments (15)
Nathaniel, I have a piece in the brochure on Black Swan (pp 37-38), if anyone fancies a Portman-based ponder on the film - Craig/DarkEyeSocket
"I Want" song- LOL
Dang Nathaniel! Now I feel True Grit should have been a western musical. Can you imagine The Dude about to break into song and dance? As much as I liked True Grit, your version sounds a hell of a lot more interesting. Too bad middle America wouldn't show up to watch a musical unless it featured Justin Bibier
Craig -- ooh. fun. You shoulda told us earlier so we coulda featured a blurb from it!
Leo -- i think America's resistance to musicals is GREATLY exaggerated by the media -- my (wishful) theory -- especially considering some of them just last deceade were pretty big hits.
I don't think America is resistant to musicals...they flocked to see the massively successful Mamma Mia! ....even if it was one of the worst films I've ever seen...
Those posters are terrif. Love the Inception and Black Swan ones, etc., but I think they're all beauties.
Spoiler alert:
Nat - I completely didn't think about it until it was too late. But no matter. I have been plugging it to death, hah. Thanks anyway.
HBC just for the speech alone !
After seeing the winners, I am so *not* watching the awards tonight. I'm sure whatever reporting you do (outfits/interesting speeches) will end up being all I care about.
All I have to say is hello Jennifer Lawrence's boobs! Yowzer
Firth won! Rush won! HBC won! TKS won best british movie & best movie BUT Fincher won
Let me tell you what I think the BAFTAs have shown us: Nothing
The Rush and HBC awards is just the British Academy loving The King's Speech which is obvious from the combo award (Best Film-Best British Film).
The Fincher win just shows what many had been talking about weeks/months ago: There might (and probably will) be a split. Hooper didn't have any advantage besides the notion that they obviously love his film a lot.
I mean, his only big award was the DGA, right? And we know that that means they awarded the film, and not necessarily the director.
So, if the BAFTAs indicated anything, it's that things are how we knew they are.
TKS Best Pic
Fincher Best Dir
Best Supp actress cat still open.
My god, this awards season has made me so sick of Aaron Sorkin. It just seems that he has the most simplistic views of his own movie, and the quantity in which he just babbles on and on about his "creation" as if it was the second coming just outacts any substance of what he actually has to say. It's just embarrassing to watch him.
On the other hand, how cool is Tilda Swinton? I think she's a huge TSN fan. She said she was "proud" when announcing Fincher's win, and then specifically requested that Garfield and Eisenberg come up and accept it in Fincher's absence.
BTW it's hilarious that half the the winners weren't even there. It seems that the viewers aren't the only ones sick of this awards season.
FBH -- i know. I'm just gonna fast forward to hear HBC's speech.
anon -- right. plus there's the translantic flights ;)
I desperately want Annette to pull a Tandy on Portman’s excepting to win pregnant ass.