20:10 In Utah No One Can Hear You Scream.

To celebrate the movies of 2010 - the film year ends on Oscar night -- we're freezing the movies at the 20th minute and 10th second to see what's happening. Here is 127 Hours.
Kristiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. Megannnnnnnnnnnnnnnn.
This moment is so good it's in the trailer. Aron Ralston (James Franco) has just realized how damn stuck he really is. It's that freaky zoom out (and up) to leave our outdoorsy hero good and stranded all by his lonesome in the canyons of Utah, screaming himself hoarse for the girls he recently met who have already hiked away.
I figured this was appropriate today since I was just relating how I felt. The 'off my game' has moved from sad to comical on account of the escalation: i just lost my phone. At some point you laugh and then things start getting better. Thank God it's Friday, huh? At least I remembered to hit the record button while interviewing because the way this week was going...
COMING SOON (as soon as we wiggle free): new podcast with the gang, more Film Bitch awards, favorite love scenes for Valentine's week, a Pixar diversion, Ben Affleck, and interviews from the teams behind True Grit, The Social Network and The King's Speech. Stay tuned.
Reader Comments (5)
"New podcast with the gang", music to my ears. Or to my eyes, since I'm reading. Can't wait!
Podcast, yay. Film Bitch Awards, more yay.
Yay yay! ...and also greeting to you from Thailand. Have nothing much to say, just feel like I should show you support today after I've been reading your blog for years! My favorite blogger in the whole wide world. Keep it up man!
Just saw "127 Hours" last night and I liked it, perhaps more so because I'm roughly the same age as Aron Ralston and I related to the emotional selfishness the film exhibits him regretting as he ponders the rock on his arm. I thought it was overly flashy and the flashbacks too maudlin, but Franco's central performance and the situation galvanized me.
I have watched 127 Hours last week and I could say that it's one of the best films that I have ever seen. I also felt dizzy on the time when he was already breaking his bones just to escape the pains of being alone and cannot do anything but wait until he die. Anyway, I really enjoyed this film and later I'll be watching The King's Speech. Most of my friends say that it's also a good movie to watch.