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Oscar Nominee Luncheon

Oopsie. Misremembered the date on this.

Thought it was tomorrow. Guess I should have checked my own calendar right here.

Here are my favorite bits from the live stream televised portion

  • James Franco at the end of his interview "Is that it? WHAT? all right". Ha. the interviews were super super short.
  • Learning that Jeff Bridges is recording an album with T Bone Burnett. Interesting.
  • Michelle Williams being sad that Ryan Gosling wasn't nominated but then a quick "but there are lots of other friendly faces" and she was off without even saying thank you or bye to the room.
  • Hailee Steinfeld admitting she mostly only watched the Oscars for the red carpet to see what they were wearing. Well, she picked up the gift quickly (see red carpet lineups)

  • That Jacki Weaver was practically invisible under the microphone. Actually that wasn't HAPPY but it was interesting. couldn't they have had one of those moving stand that goes up and down.
  • Nicole Kidman was asked about other Australians nominated. Re: Jacki Weaver: "its so wonderful to see to see Jacki Weaver who I grew up watching to have this chance it says to so many actors it doesn't matter what age you are you can have a huge break."
  • Nicole Kidman also said that this nomination,her third, is the one that made her happiest. Partially because of the movie but also because of how long it's been since she was last honored. "10 years?"
  • HAPPIEST MOMENT Hearing that Jacki Weaver has had several offers for new movies. Yes! She says "I've never had grand ambitions to work elsewhere and suddenly i'm thrust into this milieu of excitement. i must say it's become addictive quickly. I've been saying it's the twilight of career but it appears to be the midafternoon."
  • One more Jacki Weaver quote: "How do I feel? If I were a bell I'd be ringing."
  • John Hawkes was very nonchalant "It's a wonderful time in my life but I'm nervous that my cover is blown" Jeff Bridges also spoke about anonymity being a gift for actors.

  • Amy Adams walking out to scattered quiet journalist applause. "That was tepid" she joked. "I'm just playing" She seemed very relaxed.
  • Amy when asked about Christian Bale said 'all that matters to me about working with an actor is what happens between action and cut' Interestingly vague. She then said that he stays in character between takes.
  • Annette Bening telling the truth about how to combat homophobia and other such issues. " if you can open people's hearts first then maybe people's minds get opened after that."

  • Colin Firth on whether people have been treating him differently: "I do get the odd bow which I put down to confusion or facetiousness."
  • Helena Bonham-Carter was hilarious throughout in one of the longer interviews. Second happiest moment for me, a long time fan, was her admitting that The King's Speech has born fruit and people are interesting in casting her again. YES.
  • HBC on the offer for The King's Speech "When they first approached me I wanted to play George cause that's the best part. I didn't look in the mirror and think I was a dead ringer for the Queen Mum."
  • HBC on what she'll wear to the Oscars "I have no idea really. it's probably going to be a catastrophe. "

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Reader Comments (24)

Helena Bonham Carter's interview is hilarious. She's the coolest lady, and I really hope she can pull off an upset.

February 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMike M.

she is hilarious . the best part though is the serious part where she says that people are interested in hiring her again.


February 7, 2011 | Registered CommenterNATHANIEL R

Perhaps Jacki Weaver and HBC can star in a movie together. That would be unbelievably amazing.

February 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRobert

I missed it! Is there any way to watch it?

February 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLucky

HBC owned that luncheon. Also, Melissa Leo needs to calm down. I love her but what was all that voodoo airplane yoga talk?

February 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterWill

HBC's fashion choices still baffle me and really for all these years turned me off from her personally but this is the year I found out she is hilarious. I love her. I'd love her to win just for the acceptance speech alone.

I've done a 180 on James Franco. I really like him. I will try to see 127 Days. Is it out on dvd?

Have to add nother quote by Nicole. She said her daughter Sunday has sway on what she'll be wearing Oscar night. "Fingers crossed guys....I may be wearing a tutu." Her delivery was perfection. She is so funny. I wish more people would see that in her.

February 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterCity_Of_Lights

yes, is there any way to watch this online?

February 7, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterlovesmeryl

God, seeing that picture made me realize that Nicole and Amy MUST play sisters at some point.

They look so alike?!

Lmao, Melissa Leo. Yoga on an airplane and lifting her legs over her head. She would. This decade's Sally Kirkland.

The interviews that I enjoyed the most were Nicole's (for the tutu comment), Amy Adams (mostly for her applause reaction) and HBC, of course. She is just awesome and I want to like, be her best friend or something.

February 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJojo

How was Jennifer Lawrence, everytime i've seen her she's been completley down to earth, and a joy to watch.

February 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBroooooke

City of LIghts -- oh my god. that was in my notes. i forget to include it here. total LOL.

February 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterNathaniel R

Aren't they all so CHARMING? I enjoy falling in love with these people. HBC is awesome beyond description, and Nicole Kidman, Amy Adams, Jacki Weaver, Colin Firth, and Annette Bening are all so funny and nice. Maybe they are all narcissistic pricks in real life (tho in HBC's case, I have absolutely zero doubts that she's completely genuine), and only keep it under wraps for press events. That might be the case. But I just love watching them.

Also, I loved what HBC was wearing and hopes that she will also wear fishnets and pearls to the Oscars. Classy, but still her.

February 7, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterstella

also, quick suggestion nathaniel - maybe you could put a "favorite comments" box on top of the "recent comments" box on the side? It would be a great feature - i used to love the comments that you showcased!

February 7, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterstella

@Lucky - you can watch it on their site!


February 7, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterstella

Jesse Eisenberg was pretty hilarious in his"this is like a bar mitzvah" quip. He's doing a great job of representing the film (even though they aren't going to win anything hahaha)

February 7, 2011 | Unregistered Commentertsnfan

Hailee Steinfeld looked adorable yet again. I agree with the sentiment that she's killing it on the red carpet this year. It's refreshing for such a young actress. Does anyone else remember the year Ellen Page did the awards circuit for Juno and it seems like she wore the same black dress to every event?

HBC should show up to the Oscars in the look and outfit she's wearing on p. 275 of next month's Vanity Fair. Fabulous.

February 8, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterPaul Outlaw

In a different spirit from all the fabulousness that has already been recounted, I have to say, I love when Natalie got that question about her dress, and she was like, "Yeah, but it's a shame that people want to talk about dresses and not the movies, don't you find? Oh, well." She didn't just throw that shade, she fastballed it.

February 8, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterNick Davis

Don't worry Nathaniel, your fellow Kidman lovers have got your back! LOL

Thought you and our fellow Nicole devotees would love this pic of her with Mr. Oscar. If only this were her year to take it again....


Also the contrast in height between Nic and Jacki is undeniably amusing.

February 8, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterCity_Of_Lights

I love Natalie Portman and its probably my favorite of the nominated performances but its like you know what, you're a movie star at the end of the day, you've signed up for this, people will want to ask you about your dresses, get over it. She came across as a really unlikable 'I AM A SERIOUS ACTRESS' type, and its like honey no, you still filmed No Strings Attached, you can't pull that on us. Like Jeff Bridges said you shouldn't take it too seriously.

February 8, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRami

I second stella's suggestion about the 'favourite comment' box that you used to have at the old site. I find myself missing it here actually, they were always so funny and clever.

That Jacki Weaver / Nicole Kidman contrasting height pic is precious. And I'm glad Weaver and HBC are basically getting more jobs offers out of their nods. Isn't that basically what it's all about in the end?

February 8, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMark



Meryl as Maggie!
Will La Streep be at the Oscar Luncheon 2011?

February 8, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterKeegan

LOL at Nicole Kidman's "it's so wonderful to see Jacki Weaver who I grew up watching..."

"I saw you when you played in Trelawney.. . .Though I was only a little girl at the time."
"How extraordinary.. . . We must have a nice talk about the Civil War sometime."
Dinner at Eight

February 8, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJ.P.

No pic of Nicole at the podium?

February 8, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJanice

I was at the Film Retrospective and Q&A with The Bening last night. FLAWLESS. She looked gorgeous, and many of the attendees said they learned more from listening to her talk about acting for an hour than they did in 4 years of acting school. YES.

February 8, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterEricka
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