
Guardian an "intimate" Q & A with the one and only Hilary Swank. Admit it: you want to know how often she has sex and what her most embarrassing moment was.
<--- ExpressUK talks to Lucy Punch whose career has apparently been reheated by playing that golddigging bimbo in You Will Meet a Tall Dark Stranger last year.
Movie|Line offers up suggestions for replacing Darren Aronofsky on The Wolverine. I do vaguely like the Andy and Lana Wachowski suggestion. The others, not so much.
The Playlist Joseph Gordon-Levitt will play The Holiday Killer in The Dark Knight Rises (2012). That'll mean something to some of you but for me it's the first Bat villain from a movie that I'd never heard of prior to the movie.
Every Film in 2011 Just like it sounds. Hats off (but maybe straightjacket on?) to this UK guy Neil White who is going to review every film released in the calendar year. Insanity! He's already to #105 (The Adjustment Bureau).
Orlando Sentinel here's a charitable movie promotion: Disney is encourage potential young Tangled customers to get their hair cut. The locks go to making hairpieces for those suffering from medical hair loss.
One of my friends asked if I wanted to see [lists four movies] yesterday. I say 'I'll see any of those but Paul.' My friend is all "oh, right. You hate geek things." Total misconception! So many people think this about me so I feel defensive. Not true. loves geeky things. I just have a weird ambivalence about fanboy culture because it's too narrow/noisy. I love superheroes and sci-fi and such but how you gonna live on only one to three genres? Why limit yourself? If you're not also taking in classic cinema, Almodóvar, serious actressing, arthouse, silent film, talky dramas, and other genres you're going to die of artistic malnutrition! So I say "Ugh, stop it. I do so love geek things. But Paul? Seth Rogen voicing a CGI alien?"
For what it's worth I ended up at Rango finally. Y'all were right to push me in that direction. In case you aren't aware, the "Reviews" on the banner will take you to an index of movies seen and screening log and when I've reviewed something the link itself. I'm behind so I'll need to do capsules soon.
Off Cinema Diversions
Towleroad photos of last night's super moon. It was just blinding and beautiful here in NYC. Were any of you killed by werewolves?
Warren Ellis issued a challenge to his readers to remake/remodel The Fantastic Four. Super fun illustrations followed. They don't mention it in the thread but 2011 (November to be precise) marks the 50th anniversary of the cosmic ray mutated superfamily. Too bad the film version was so terrible.
Spiegel Knut the famous polar bear has died.
The Awl answers the question "What is a Rebecca Black?" in case you noticed that name clogging up your twitter feed and facebook wall this past week.
Vulture has a funny "dos and don'ts" for making your own Friday style viral hit. Warning: Disturbingly homogeneous Teen Girl emerges! I haven't been a teenager in a long time but I remember there being more than one kind. I mean there's even several different types on Glee each week.
Antenna offers an informative primer on all sorts of things going down with Netflix, Google, MPAA, NPR if you, like Nathaniel, find the behind the scenes of media-internet-showbiz occassionally confusing / disorienting.
Reader Comments (10)
I'm really sad that I didn't like "Rango." I chuckled here and there, but I just wasn't engaged that much. I thought it focused too much on being clever (though not in a repulsive "all pop culture, all the time" way like "Shrek") and forgot about being entertaining too. Looked great, though.
Oh, and the few pop culture gags that were in "Rango" weren't that troubling. If you didn't know that the tortoise was supposed to be John Huston in "Chinatown," that's OK. You'd just think that it was a tortoise wearing a sweater and a funny hat just because.
Re: Hilary Swank
"Admit it: you want to know how often she has sex and what her most embarrassing moment was."
Nope. Really couldn't care less.
I'm with you on geek things. Love em but I've gotten really bored with how self referential they've all become. I wince every time I hear of another self aware horror or sci-fi comedy in the works.
I've always had my eye out for anything Lucy Punch related since The 10th Kingdom.
An ad where a cgi alien Seth Rogen says "it's probing time" is the ultimate way to make me not want to see a film. Who does that appeal to?!
Only on one occasion did Allen snap at her improvised efforts telling her: “you’re not saying anything better than I’ve written.”
This must be every actor's nightmare on a movie set, specially coming from Woody Allen.
BTW, can anyone spoil me the ending of Melinda & Melinda? I've given myself to a Woody Allen weekend, but the DVD for M&M stubbornly stopped when the tragic Melinda found out about Chloë Sevigny and the musician. What a way to finish it, with this movie and ending it abruptly. Next time I'll do it backwards: more recent to older films.
IMDB is now showing the Meryl Strep/Julia Roberts drama August: Osage County for 2013, not 2011. Anyone know why a 2 year push back? Wonder if it will get made at all now.
I definitely thought that picture of Lucy Punch was Lady Gaga for a moment.
You've just given me hope that Annette Bening will replace Meryl Streep.
Stealing another Oscar away from Annette Bening.