Beauty Break: Tang Wei & Takeshi

Tang Wei! We're just so happy the Lust, Caution star is working again. Here she is in Cannes for her Wu Xia (2011) photoshoot.
Photographed by Andreaz Rentz for Getty
She also walked the red carpet and hit the parties with another of our favorite Asian actors, Takeshi Kaneshiro.
He's the man Hollywood SHOULD be calling if they really want to skew older for the live action version of Akira as all of the casting reports indicate that they do.
46 year-old Keanu Reeves recently turned down the lead role in the live-action version of the classic anime. We've already griped about the casting, but mostly due to the white washing. That they're ignoring the film being about teenagers doesn't bother us as much since it's so rare that Hollywood decides to go older instead of younger. Takeshi is half Japanese, a decade younger than Keanu, has movie star appeal, and looks superb in action sequences (see House of Flying Daggers among others) so why not him?

Reader Comments (7)
I miss Tang Wei so much.
She's in such a precarious situation, y'know? Like if she never gets anything as good as Lust, Caution again, the lack of critics' prizes/Oscar nominations means that future generation are only going to discover her brilliance in their Ang Lee/Tony Leung retrospectives. And she deserves her own name-worthiness.
cosign on Kaneshiro for Akira.
See, this is why I love The Film Experience!
Only here would you find rightful cries of joy at the prospect of seeing an amazing under-the-radar foreign actress like Tang Wei finally working again.
Amen to all of the above. Takeshi is half japanese, half chinese, and is fluent in both languages. He's also passable in English, too. On top of that, the dude's handsome, charismatic, a good actor, and has a huge following in asia. This man so should be Akira for the upcoming hollywood film.
Tang Wei, like a lot of other foreign film goddesses, just doesn't get the roles or recognition she should.
@Mark: word. Nate inspires far too much breathless gushing, so joyfully often.
y'all are too sweet.