May. It's a Wrap

One more month until the "halfway mark" for 2011. Of course the film year is a bit different stretching basically from each March to the following February; the Oscar calendar, don'cha know!
Best of May In Case You Missed It...
- Beauty & The Beast - the magic flower is his heart, you see.
- "Maverick" at 25 -Michael, a Top Gun virgin, checks out the Cruise "classic" on its 25th bday
- Film Bitch Awards - 2010 finally gets all wrapped up. I Am Love, The Social Network and Black Swan led the nominations and medals ceremony
- Waif vs. Waif -Special Guest Ester pitted Mia Wasikowska against Saoirse Ronan. Who won?
- May Flowers: The Hours it's a favorite film for many readers. It's aromatic, too.
- Melancholia Fallout - Lars von Trier's press conference blunder was the story everyone wanted to discuss from Cannes
- Hit Me With Your Best Shot: Matador - Pedro Almodóvar's dark bloody thriller made an excellent choice for the "best shot" series
- Ishtar's Second Wind -Elaine May reminisces about her maligned but funny flop
- Reader Spotlights continued with four movie-loving men: K.M., Sergio, John and Borja
- Cannes Goddesses - Jose and I discussed the best gowns at Cannes
Most Popular Post Game of Thrones
I guess everyone wanted to discuss HBO's new show
Runner Up: Top Ten: Tom Hardy From Behind
Most Discussed Timetables Tween Films
We're so Goldliocks. Which directors are fast, slow and "just right".
Runner Up: Cannes Winners
Moulin Rouge!, X-Men new and old, Super 8, Green Lantern, The Tree of Life, Midnight in Paris, DVD Reader's Choice, True Blood Season 4, and more to be determined by our whims and your enthusiasms.

Reader Comments (7)
Did you get my link about Judy Davis being cast in Bob DeCameron?
The Game of Thrones post was probably the most popular as it was linked by the AV Club! ;)
PS Loving the Moulin Rouge! madness! The first film I saw four times in the theater... Ah, memories...
Dominique -- ah, that explains it. tis a pity that other sites so infrequently link to us despite our generous link love to the world.,55721/
Look towards the bottom of the article...
That picture of KiKi makes me SO happy and proud. :)
dominique -- thanks, i hadn't seen that!