Denzel's Pastrami

Mmmmm, (cinematic) sandwiches.
[Hat tip to the Daily What] That shot of Denzel Washington with his mouth full is too great. But my favorite clip in that montage is Marion in Raiders of the Lost Ark. She's got true appetite.
But clearly they forgot short order cook / lonely waitress classic Frankie & Johnny.
Frankie: I gotta eat
Johnny: We all gotta eat -- we'll eat. How about i make a little picnic for us?
Frankie: What's the menu?
Johnny: Whatever you like. You like tuna fish. I can make casserole.
Frankie: No, Not tuna casserole. [makes face] No. Tuna fish sandwich.
Johnny: I am defined by my tuna sandwich! I take the tuna out of the can and I work it between my fingers until it gets real soft.
What are you hungry for right about now?
Reader Comments (7)
Ey Nathaniel, I'm hungry for this: "The Skin I Live In" first teaser trailer for Cannes:
OT: I don't know where to put this.
I just finished watching Anything Else -- and I now understand why Quentin Tarantino thought so highly of it -- I give it a solid B+ or three stars.
I enjoyed everything about it except Christina Ricci -- I'm not sure if she played an unlikeable character really well or I just didn't like her character and her performance didn't help it?
Jason Biggs was so cute -- too bad he's been usurped by Jesse Eisenberg. The Ellen Page usurping Christina Ricci doesn't bother me as much because Page is very good -- and outside of sexist pigs I liked her in Inception and I hate Inception.
Oh my god, the one from Spanglish! I have dreams about that sandwich.
What, no star-shaped peanutbutter and jelly from "Mermaids"? That's my most memorable cinematic sandwich-moment. :)
/3rtfull -- one must never regret that Eisenberg eliminated Biggs (if that's what happened) since he's like 6 million times more talented.
Mysjkin -- YES.
The first thing I thought of was a scene from Moonstruck. Rose Casterini fries hollowed out slices of Italian bread with eggs and red peppers inside. I can smell it now ... perfection.
Yes! The sandwich from Spanglish! Wasn't Thomas Keller the the culinary consultant on that film? A great sandwich that deserved better than to be in such a terrible movie