Oscar History
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The Sickness

JA from MNPP here, foolishly wading for the briefest of moments into everyone-around-here-but-mine’s forte – that is, the Oscar discussion. I was just looking at the newly released poster for the “cancer comedy” 50/50, seen there to the right, and I couldn’t help but immediately wonder why Joseph Gordon-Levitt doesn't seem to be a blip on the radar when it comes to the conversation regarding the 2011 Best Actor race. Granted it’s awfully early so pretty much anybody’s blip is a hazy blip, but we’ve got an actor here who’s been getting more respected and loved with each passing year… and he’s playing the Terminal Illness card!

Of course there are a couple factors standing in 50/50’s way of serious attention It’s a comedy, for one. It’s a comedy about terminal illness co-starring Seth Rogen to be more specific, and one wonders how long a shadow of ickiness Judd Apatow’s Funny People casts. Once upon a time someone must’ve contended that Adam Sandler had a shot at an Oscar nomination before that movie came out, I’d wager. But JGL’s no Adam Sandler, thank goodness.

Sure the trailer’s jokey but you can tell there’s some dramatic meat there for Joe to chew on all the same. It’s not like AMPAS has proven they don’t have a weakness for the ocassional melodramatic dramedy about disease, hello approximately one thousand golden boys for Terms of Endearment. Granted director Jonathan "The Wackness" Levine's not exactly at the same point in his career as James Brooks was, of course. But Anjelica Huston's in it! She's insta-cred, right? (How I wish that were true - then Wes Anderson would be drowning in Oscars.)


"It's an honor just to be nomin... nevermind."

Is JGL just too young? I know Nat’s crunched the scientific data before (while wearing a lab coat and standing over a couple bubbling beakers, I like to imagine) and Best Actor usually goes to the older gentleman – ingénues are strictly Best Actress, dang it! But Joe would look so pretty cradling that statue! Natalie Portman who?

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Reader Comments (19)


July 13, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRJ

omg you have cameras on my lab? These beakers are PRIVATE, whether bubbling or still.

July 13, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterNathanielR

I'm a fan of JGL, and I think he'll do quite well in this role. As for his Oscar chances...well, I somehow doubt it. He is awfully young.

What particularly interests me in this film is that it looks as if Anna Kendrick is going to be pretty good. Her role in "Up in the Air," for which I thought she was miscast, kind of turned me off her. I'm happy to see her looking so good in this role.

July 13, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBill_the_Bear

The genre doesn't help, but age is probably the biggest factor. I mean I'm still shocked AMPAS found TWO spots for those under 35 last year (Eisenberg, Franco) and still shocked they actually nominated Gosling in 2006 and Ledger in 2005. Though in the case of both Eisenberg and Ledger, their movies were just too big to ignore.

And yet James McAvoy, who probably should've been nominated at least twice already for films that are totally Academy-friendly, has also been ignored.

July 13, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRyan T.

For what its worth I believe that Joseph Gordon-Levitt was deserving of an Oscar nomination for 500 Days of Summer. Imagine how that movie could have failed if someone less talented had been placed in that role.

I can't wait to see what Anna Kendrick does post Up In the Air. I am apparently one of the few (in the online community at least) who thought Kendrick was pretty great in her Oscar nominated role. I hope she gets another chance to show off her talents.

July 13, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJames

Count me in on loving Kendrick's nominated (well-deserved-in-my-opinion) performance, James. I don't see her gaining another nod with this film but it looks like she'll give it her best shot. This seems like the JGL show which may (keyword: may) gain him his first Oscar nomination...but if Rogan's part has the right amount of humor and sympathy I can see him earning a nod, too.

July 13, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJonathon

^ You could see Rogan earning a nod? Lulz.....

July 13, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterPhilip

No. I don't see this film earning Globe notices unless of course they're for Anjel. I will forever love you Nathan for that vintage commercial you posted of Anjel, Anjel.

July 13, 2011 | Unregistered Commenter/3rtfu11

Ryan T. Good point

We know Oscars prefers older actors, but I'm curious about certain tendencies between younger and older nominees especially last decade.

2010: Bridges (61), Eisenberg (27), Firth (50), Franco (32) and finally instead Duvall (80), Bardem (41) was the surprise of the acting category. Sorry for Gosling (30). Average: 42

And before that:
2006: DiCaprio (32), Gosling (26), O'Toole (74), Smith (38), Whitaker (45). Average: 43 (And this is interesting because the female lead category has 50)
2005: Hoffman (38), Howard (36), Ledger (26), Phoenix (31), Strathairn (56). Average: 37

Then between 2005/2006 duo and 2010, we have three years of older actors. The youngest in these respective years are Depp (44), Pitt (45) and Renner (38)

Now, looking this year, almost all the older actors compete in the supporting category (Plummer, Von Sydow, Skarsgard, Brooks, Kingsley even Branagh). This year’s leading actor category could be even younger than the female counterpart (With names like Streep, Close, Foster, Mirren, Yeoh and even Davis). The potential contenders with their ages at the time of nominations:

-Clooney (50)
-Damon (40)
-DiCaprio (36)
-Dujardin (39)
-Fassbender (34)
-Gosling (31)
-Horn (Teenager)
-Irvine (Teenager)
-Oldman (53)
-Pitt (48)
-Riley (31)
-Shannon (36)
-Yelchin (22)

With outsiders like Banderas (50), Bichir (48), Depp (48) and -perhaps- Waltz (55).

Just 4 of the 16 are 50 or older. Gordon-Levitt (30) will belong in the group of thirties. I think the biggest obstacle is not his age; actually playing a character who deals with cancer is a big push at Oscar consideration (AMPAS like younger actors in these type of roles –Changeling and require effort and big acting moments-). The big obstacle is the genre (Comedy).

After that, I don’t say Gordon-Levitt is a shoo-in for an Oscar nom; but I think if a young male actor could surprise with a first Oscar nomination (Even instead Fassbender) is him: Former teenage Hollywood star with a long career, work ethics, historical background (With his grandfather), -maybe- the only 2011 Oscar player film by Summit Entertainment, and now, working with two powerful directors (Nolan and Spielberg) and biggest personalities (Bale, Day-Lewis, Hathaway, Field, Strathairn).

I’m more exciting with this year’s Oscar race and good luck with that talented and gorgeous Californian actor

July 13, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

BTW, About James McAvoy... Is he the unluckiest actor around the Oscars? Because if JGL got this surprising Oscar nomination... I don't know what to think.

-The Last King of Scotland: He was unknown actor and Whitaker (With a bordeline supporting character campaigned in the leading category) got all the attention
-Atonement: Too bad for him, but again, the film's curse for that year award season was in life support (No SAG, PGA, snubbed by many critics associations). Even if Knightley didn't make it instead Saoirse Ronan -I know both are competing in different categories-
-The Last Station: For me, he was the best of the ensemble -And clearly deserved this Oscar nom-, but his character is more subtle and passive for Oscar consideration.

July 13, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

Sorry, but what exactly has Levitt done to deserve an oscar nod. Certainly not 500 Days of Summer nor Inception (nice action sequence, though). I think his rep is a little overblown currently. Might change though. He's a bit cute.

July 13, 2011 | Unregistered Commentersheila kind

"Mysterious Skin". Bam.

July 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterGlenn Dunks

Brick. Double bam

July 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLucky

I third the Mysterious Skin notion. One of my favorite movies/performances. He was amazing.

July 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterPhilip

I'm also in the club of ANNA KENDRICK'S OSCAR NOMINATED PERF FANS; among her fellow nominees that year, she was better than Cruz and Gyllenhaal, definitely!

July 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMirko

Sheila. I don't know how many JGL filmography you've seen, but he's clearly one of the best actors of his generation:

Principal filmography

1. Mysterious Skin - Fourth bum
2. The Lookout
3. Brick
4. Latter Days
5. 10 Things I Hate About You
6. Sweet Jane
7. Women in Trouble - Maybe a little too controversial, but he's a great commitment and his comedic timing is adecuate.

Also his part in TV in series like 3rd. Rock of the Sun and Roseanne

July 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAnonymous

Very good in Brick, takes silver for 2006, Gold is Ryan Gosling, Bronze is Daniel Craig. 4th and 5th are Hugo Weaving and Forest Whitaker.

July 14, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterVolvagia

I think 50/50 is a pretty good new title for this movie, as it sums up my first impression of it. It has, out of 4 main actors, 2 that I always want to see (50%) JGL and Anjelica Huston, and 2 actors I never want to see again (50%), Seth Rogen and Anna Kendrick. Apologies to the fans of the latter two.

July 14, 2011 | Unregistered Commenteradri

JGL is probably my number one hollywoodcrush. He's very handsome but cute and seems intelligent and down to earth despite being in the spotlights since a young age. He's said he likes the way French people talk so I'm still taking those French classes.
Oh and he's an excellent actor too.

July 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterNina
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