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The Girl With the Promotional Materials

With only 132 days remaining before David Fincher's version of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo (2011) arrives -- December 21st to be exact -- it's time to start the hard sell apparently. They've just released "character bios" which are handy ways to remember things like 'oh yeah, Joely Richardson and Geraldine James are in this, too!' but otherwise seem redundant since so many people already know these characters after three international best sellers and three international hit films.

You can click to embiggen. For amusements sake, I thought I'd also share the photo of Elodie Young who plays Lisbeth's lesbian pick-up (a character glimpsed for only like 2 seconds in the Swedish movie, right? But she gets one of the 18 profiles for the American version). And it had somehow escaped my notice that Embeth Davidtz was in this. After what she gave to Schindler's List and Junebug you'd think she'd get bigger roles, right? You can see plenty more of these character promos, 18 in all, at The Daily Blam.

But while we're on the subject... here's seven minutes of The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo film score (via my fav tumblr NatashaVC), which is the second film score composed by Trent Reznor (Nine Inch Nails) and Atticus Ross. They won a well deserved but atypical Oscar for their debut, The Social Network. What'cha think? I like the tinkly music box bits.

I know. I know. I need to update my Oscar predictions. Soon, people, soon.

Reznor | Ross "Girl" Sample

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Reader Comments (9)

Why does Daniel Craig look sooty?

August 11, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAlejandro

chimney sweep?

August 11, 2011 | Registered CommenterNATHANIEL R

May be a Swedish thing we don't know about.

August 11, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAlejandro

Trent's score is as though Drawing Restraint 9, Medulla, Vespertine, and Selmasongs had an orgy with Thomas Newman, Arvo Part.

August 11, 2011 | Unregistered Commenter/3rtfu11

I understand that Scandinavian crime fictions are widely popular in North America now. But I understand not the idea of remaking the recent successful Swedish films. Same setting, story with non-Swedes as the main characters and shot in English. I don't really understand the need for this adaptation. Maybe it is just me but it is a slap to the face to our actors and film industry. I have no doubt the David Fincher is very talented, as well as the cast and crew that is involved. I am sure that the film will be good as well, but did they ran out of original ideas or other interesting materials to adapt.

August 11, 2011 | Unregistered Commenternico

no offense but I'm sick and tired of the same old argument. All you said is so predictable and already said so many times in the eve of an american remake that it becomes tedius already.

I know that the main reason for a remake is making money because americans won't read subtitles but so what?. Yes, Hollywood is lacking ideas and so on... but haven't ocurred to you that this may be an artistic improvement since the original movies are trash? Believe me, the swedish films can really be improved upon.

I'm pretty excited by this talented cast and wonderful screenwriter. Not to mention the director. In his hands this could turn really wonderful.

August 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSeisgrados

BTW the Craig dirty face look is the result of HDR photography.

August 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSeisgrados

I am terribly sorry Seisgrados that our Swedish films have disappointed so many people, including yours truly, and that you have to sit through our "trash." On second thought I am so happy that the talented Americans are coming to Sweden to save the world of our awful films!

I never said that our version was perfect. But to a lot of people and critics it was a good film and was hugely popular in Sweden and Europe. And I never said that the new films aren't going to improve upon the old one either. I was just commenting on the necessity of this remake.

August 12, 2011 | Unregistered Commenternico

I instantly knew that I sounded mean in my post, and for that I apologize. Bad day.

But the fact remains that anytime someone decides to remake a film, he or she is committing a crime, or is not respectful of the original. In theater every season there's a new take on Hamlet and that doesn't diminish the original take.

Regarding "your awful films" as you say, don't take it so personally, after all, you didn't make those films, did you? ;D

August 12, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSeisgrados
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