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Julianne is Dope. Also: Links

The Far From Heaven team cleaning up at the Indie Spirits in 2003IndieWire so it looks like it's really happening *sniffle* Julianne Moore is moving to television. After that Sarah Palin telefilm turn she's doing a pilot for an HBO series called Dope.

But it's not all bad news: Todd Haynes and Christine Vachon are involved so it's essentially the great Far From Heaven team. Cross your fingers that it's worthy of their collective gifts! It'll have to be really really special to be that. 

The series would be set in the 1950s and is based on this novel. Publishers Weekly describes Moore's character like so.

Josephine "Joe" Flannigan, is a former heroin addict and hooker who has recast herself as a petty thief and con. Working her home turf, New York City's Hell's Kitchen, she is taken up by a mysterious well-to-do couple to find their addict daughter, expelled from Barnard and lost to the streets. 

So there's room for great acting. We shall see.

The Linkies
The Wrap Patti Smith is working on a biopic of sorts -- it's based on her memoirs of her early years with photographer Robert Mapplethorpe in the late 60s/early 70s -- with screenwriter John Logan. Who on earth could play Patti Smith? She's kinda strange looking and Hollywood only hires beauties. Here's what they looked like when the movie would take place.

ArtsBeat David Cronenberg's A Dangerous Method will get a gala screening at the NYFF.
Latina Antonio Banderas on his long artistic separation from Pedro Almodóvar 'tween Tie Me Up! Tie Me Down! and The Skin I Live In (coming soon... and also getting a gala NYFF screening).

And speaking of Almodóvar, how amazing is this Rossy de Palma wall art by Adrian Valencia? I went to his site via a series of Lady Gaga drawings that are just stellar. 

© Adrian Valencia, 2011

 The Funnies
Ultra Culture "Cowboys and Aliens Fact Sheet"
My New Plaid Pants Quote of the Day from Jean Claude Van Damme [nsfw] 
The Hairpin an amusing review of Rise of the Planet of the Apes with drawings 
I09 "ten vestigial traits you didn't know you had". Robert Gonzalez, who wrote this, is funny. 
Bachmanneyezed a new tumblr  

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Reader Comments (24)

I think Charlotte Gainsbourg would be a perfect Patti Smith - not only is she a fascinating actress who I think is really versatile, but she's a dead ringer for Patti!

August 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRobert

For Patti Smith, hmm . . . Michelle Forbes?


She's obviously very attractive, but not a bombshell or anything. Although I'm actually not a fan, so I'll be okay if that doesn't happen.

August 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLiz N.

Wait, I take it back. Charlotte Gainsbourg is so obviously the right answer that it completely nullifies mine. Well done, Robert!

August 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterLiz N.

The thing is the movie is set during Patti's 20s and early 30s i believe. so Forbes and Charlotte are both too old. but i hope this gets a good director if someone buys it (they're writing it on spec)

August 15, 2011 | Registered CommenterNATHANIEL R

well, charlotte is a little old for the part, right?

i would cast lizzy caplan...

and about julianne moore, we can only hope that 'dope" will be the best tv series to ever be....

August 15, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterremy

When I saw that picture of Patti Smith, I immediately pictured Zooey Deschanel (?!), Kristen Stewart (not that I want her to make her post-Twilight career all about rock icons, but it might work), and - the one I think would be best of these three - Blake Lively as possibilities for the role. I think Lively could knock a role like this out of the park.

August 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJulian Stark

I think Toni Collette would probably be the ideal choice to play Patti Smith. We all know she can belt. She's beautiful, but I think it's the sort of unconventional beauty that could lend itself to Smith. No work on a Charlize scale would need to be done is all I'm saying...

August 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAlex

Ah, I take it back on account of age. If Rebecca Hall were made to look really odd, that could be very interesting...

August 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAlex

Sarah Hagan for Patti Smith!

August 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterFernando Moss

Re: Dope

My first thought, "No, Juli, No!"

My second thought: Maybe I'll actually get to see Julianne Moore give a televised acceptance speech? That's right, I'm already giving her an Emmy.

August 15, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterfbh

Sally Hawkins, clearly!

However, I've heard that Ellen Page is already all over this and is desperate for the role. Hmm...I don't quite know how I feel about this. She is a little...small? Wonderful actress, though.

August 15, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRobert

Jessica Chastain for Patti Smith. I know she's too new, too red, too pale and pretty. However, if Amy Adams can do Joplin-- why not take a chance on Chastain?

August 15, 2011 | Unregistered Commenter/3rtfu11

Nathan, I know you don't like your actresses going to television but like Madonna in Bedtime Stories -- it's all about survival! Julianne Moore has play the game as best she possibly could. What else is there for her to do as an actress to shake things up short of appearing with her husband in a sex tape? Oscar could've been nice and nominated her for A Single Man, instead they made a case that Monique was the only worthy winner with their lame line up of fellow nominees.

August 15, 2011 | Unregistered Commenter/3rtfu11

Becca Hall, Char Gainsburg would both be good. I want to save sally Hawkins for a PJ Harvey biopic though (not that I think we'll ever get one)

August 16, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBroooooke

I think it is a good role for Moore. How many more adulterous, children-losing roles can she take on in movies anyways? Besides, I don't think TV is still as "second class" as movies as back in the days.

August 16, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterkin

kin -- no, you're right it's not. People always misunderstand my feelings about television. I totally KNOW that some of the great work is being done on television. I just believe that they're different artforms unlike most people who find them interchangeable. and i've also been alive long enough to know that headlining in one and headlining in the other is not something you can really toggle back and forth with successfully. So Moore being on TV --- even if the role is great -- essentially means it's the last great role. Because she won't be headlining in prestige films anymore.

I guess the reason i prefer movies to TV is i like a lot of variety and TV thrives on sameness. As much as i love Pfeiffer and Moore and Streep, for example, I don't really yearn to see them play the same character every week, even if that means I get to see them every week.

August 16, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterNathanielR

You know they're just going to cast Kirsten Stewart as Patti Smith. It's not even worth discussing.

Although Charlotte Gainsbourg would be absolutely perfect (if it wasn't for the age thing).

August 16, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterThe Jack

The Jack -- ewww. she'd be so so wrong for that. blargh.

August 16, 2011 | Registered CommenterNATHANIEL R

That Rossy de Palma artwork by Adrian Valencia is BRILLIANT. Why is nobody talking about it?! He got her smelling-shit-up-in-here face from Women on the Verge perfectly! And his Gagas are rather fantastic as well.

Even if Gainsburg is practically perfect, I love the idea of Sally Hawkins as Patti.

As for La Moore on tv - if the role is not 100% up to her level, I will be very depressed. NO JOKE.

Bachmanneyezed is mondo creepy.

August 16, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMark

Nathaniel, I know you are disheartened that Julianne is going to TV, but times really may have changed enough that TV, especially a prestige cable series, doesn't harm a career permanently the way it used to. Everyone's talking about Glenn Close this year as a done deal to be nominated for "Albert Nobbs," so "Damages" doesn't seem to have damaged her. I think Laura Linney will be able to go back to good movies, though for some reason I'm not sure Toni Collette will (her career was more iffy prior to "Tara"). The person I'd worry about is Patrick Wilson, who I believe is going to network TV, a sure sign of a career downturn, like Linus Roache and Jonny Lee Miller before him.

As for Julianne, I wish she'd gone the HBO mini-series route, like Winslet with "Mildred Pierce" or Streep with "Angels in America." That way she wouldn't have to suffer the opprobrium of being cancelled. Can you imagine being the executive at HBO who says one day, "Let's cancel Julianne Moore"?

August 16, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterOwen Walter

Obviously Charlotte would be perfect but she looks a bit Older now, so someone should ask Leslie Feist if she can act, she already has the whole musician thing down and looks a lot like Patti.

August 16, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterPaco

Wow, I had no idea Charlotte Gainsbourg was that age. Regardless, she seems so perfect that I can't think of anyone else.

Feist is an interesting idea though, if she can act. I wouldn't bet on it.

August 16, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJessica

I'm really worried that the Julianne Moore tv show will be mediocre. If it's bad it'll probably be cancelled and if it's good that's great but if it's mediocre it could trap her for years.

Also, Sally Hawkins as PJ Harvey- please make that film Broooooke!

August 16, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSVG

I think (I HOPE) you're exaggerating with Moore "moving to television". This is one project. She turned down the NBC Prime Suspect series - a part that went to Maria Bello. She turned down a role in Mildred Pierce (the part went to Hope Davis). She turned down Hilary Clinton in The Special Relationship.
She has got a lot of upcoming film projects. Right now she's in the cinemas with Crazy Stupid Love. She has wrapped two projects this year already -- one for Television, yes, HBO's Game Change, but also the Paul Dano-Robert De Niro-Drama "Another Night in Bullshit City". She's currently filming the indie modern-day Henry James adapatation "What Maisie Knew", in the lead. She'll be the villain in the fantasy movie "The Seventh Son" co-starring Jeff Bridges, shooting in the fall. She's got several very interesting film projects rumored.
So I really wouldn't worry too much. I really don't want to worry because it would be terrible not to see her on the big screen any more! If she's doing it like Streep -- balancing her film career with some TV projects -- I'm fine.

August 17, 2011 | Unregistered Commentercinephile
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