Hey, who Abducted my links?

Taylor Lautner, that's who!
and Kate Winslet but we'll get to her in a minute.
Michael Musto wonders if Taylor Lautner can be a film star outside of Twilight. My guess is no... but that he'll be crying all the way to the bank for the rest of his life by association. But, really, if you can't even sell a performance (Abduction) for two minutes in a trailer, how are you going to carry an entire film?
Ultra Culture also has some words about the disingenousness of the promotional efforts for Taylor's BabyBourne film and...
Movie|Line giggles about how desperately Abduction wants to be seen as Teen Bourne.
Biblioklept "all four Twilight books in one comic" by Lucy Knisey is totes funny so read it. Unless the previous words about Taylor hurt your feelers.
P.S. I don't follow these things: Is there another Twilight about to come out or something? Cuz why is everyone talking Twilight again just as Harry Potter finally shut up? Blargh! Put new things into the world. Why is 2011 just like 2007? Noooooooo
And since you're all talking about it in the comments without me even posting it, here is an early teaser/trailer (?) for CARNAGE.
For those of you who haven't seen the play you're seeing two of the three big moments from Winslet's character.... and almost none of anyone else's. Which is interesting choice for marketing... but doesn't necessarily mean anything in terms of the movie as a whole.
My New Plaid Pants "who the hell wears this to dinner?" Sophia Loren, that's who!
Lemonwade the author of War Horse already has another film adaptation of his work, lined up. Private Peaceful is about two young farm brothers and, like War Horse, also takes place during The Great War.
Art & Design on the Jim Henson exhibit at the Museum of the Moving Image and Cookie Monster's origins. Have I ever told you how much I love Cookie Monster? Probably not. I do.
Towleroad True Blood's Carrie Preston records an "It Gets Better" video. (Loooooove her. Wish she'd do more supporting roles in movies as the last few were awesome)
Towleroad I'm not one for bathroom humor but Anderson Cooper is the world's cutest giggler - totally loses it when discussing Gerard Depardieu's urination incident.
Reader Comments (46)
Trailer for CARNAGE is up!!! http://twitchfilm.com/news/2011/08/kate-winslet-will-wipe-her-ass-with-your-human-rights-in-trailer-for-polanskis-carnage.php
Kate Winslet firing all cilinders!
And about TWILIGHT... I believe Summit is pulling a 'Harry Potter' and divided the last book into two (Gotta milk that CASH COW!). So, we'll have two more years of Twithards clucking our timeline with tweets about how much they're in love with Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson.
And about 'Carnage'... I believe Kate Winslet being a drunk bitch automatically qualifies her to be our Supporting Actress frontrunner by now?
Taylor always seems robotic and uncomfortable...he really lucked out with Twilight and the obsession people have with his body.
I was in a production of God of Carnage, so I have bit of a soft-spot for the upcoming movie...and the trailer makes the movie look watchable. I think we may be underestimating the film.
Jorge - Isn't it weird that in the trailer she seems to be the juiciest performer while it's supposed to be the other way around? I wonder if it is because of the trailer or Foster toned the performance way down? Or maybe she (Foster) isn't all that interesting in the movie? Dunno...
JAMES T: I always thought Waltz and Winslet would do well with the source material since I've read the play and they look like a good match, Waltz being very apt at straight face comedy and Winslet letting go of her composure (à la Eternal Sunshine).
I already thought Foster undermined 'The Beaver', she didn't know how to play to Mel Gibson's strenghts and thus looking like the lesser performer of the four core actors of that movie.
In here, it seems to be the case as well. Or Polanski REALLY toned her down or MARCIA GAY HARDEN will be absolutely right to claim that the role should have been hers.
The play is not much on paper, requiring strong performers to work through the idiosyncrasies and the subtle humor amongst the heavy drama. Jodie seems merely ok to me from what the trailer gives me to evaluate.
I don't know what to think of that trailer. This will certainly be rated R. I haven't seen the play.
I thought Anderson Cooper was considered a serious journalist in the US.
By the way, I would say he totally mispronounces Depardieu...
Thanks, I haven't seen/read the play so I'm counting on people who have to make me understand more about what the movie will more or less be.
But judging by the trailer it seems they will have a hard time getting away with campaigning Kate for supporting.
That Twilight comic is hilarious. Taylor is an awful actor, but will probably be a star for years anyway.
I'm not sure how people can tell who's lead, who's supporting, and who's giving the best performance from less than 2 min of Carnage footage. It has however stoked my interest. Weird how people are saying Jodie must have toned down the performance. Haven't seen the play, but it appears if she went much bigger, she would be a full on caricature.
Maria Bello. Jason Isaacs. Alfred Molina. Sigourney Weaver. The supporting cast of "Abduction" is far more interesting than Taylor Lautner is, Part of me actually feels bad for these young guys who keep getting cast in projects based on looks and appeal to a certain demographic as opposed to talent. How many of them from a decade ago were supposed to be the next big thing by now? It's like they're all set up for ultimate failure.
Re: "Carnage"
It most assuredly looks like they foursome is having fun, which does go a long way in a film like that, but the trailer makes the film look a tad tenuous. Waltz seems like the only one who actually knows what he's doing.
Yeah, Breaking Dawn Part 2 is coming out in 2012.
So it turns out drunk Kate Winslet in the Carnage trailers hits the same button in me that drugged Meryl did in Adaptation/It's Complicated: YAY SHE'S LETTING LOOSE, MORE PLEASE
EVERYONE -- since you're all talking about it anyway without any patience whatsoever for a yes, no, maybe so post ;) i've opted not to do one for the Carnage trailer. I've included the trailer in the post now with a very brief commentary about the misleading nature of the quartet balance (unless they've really rewritten the play)
Sorry Nathaniel - But I'd rather you did a Yes No Maybe So anyway :)
Your input is always valuable!
I wasn't talking about that! ;)
My hope is Winslet smashes her Spotless Mind character with a lite version of Sandy Dennis. God Waltz is a fox. I want him so bad.
//EVERYONE -- since you're all talking about it anyway without any patience whatsoever for a yes, no, maybe so post ;) i've opted not to do one for the Carnage trailer.//
What, what, I just got here! I love you to do a Yes, No - but whatever. I haven't seen the play, I can't judge who is lead and who is supporting or what any one total performance looks like from this. It looks a bit stagey and hidebound and I HATE when movies look like a stageplay (or, like Nell, bring the action and the camera to a screeching halt to recreate what was a major speech in the play.)
But I definitely want to see this. Waltz looks like a man in command of his gifts just from these glimpses, it looks to be an actressexual dream - in the hands of Polanki? What's not to be excited about?
Oh that trailer? I was totally talking about the other one :p
I know the Foster role is the more interesting one of the two but I think Winslet is more interesting in the admittedly short trailer at the quiet moments as well.
Also, I read that Polanski based the script more on the original play than the english translation.
But you're right, it's just too short to get enough info.
I was too excited to wait, sorry. :(
Janice -- they're all essentially leads: it's a four character play in real time and they RARELY leave the room (only for bathroom breaks essentially) but naturally the Oscars will split them up somehow (if they're interested at all). we shall see.
Anyone think kate is an easy bet in support,never doing what she's done before,i love her choices,she never takes the money and runs!!!
Watching that again (I just watched the Trespass trailer and had to cleanse my palate), Jodie's best moment in the trailer for me was when she's saying nothing while Waltz says "I believe in the God of Carnage" - the holding-in, the discomfort/anger/frustration are all so palpable on her face, in her locked jaws and furrowed brows; it made me believe in Jody as an actress again for a moment. I thought Kate's "the here and now, goddamnit" breakdown seemed very acted and not at all real, but I'm not seeing it in context. But the bit where she brushes lint off her husband's coat? Talk about bitch face.
I have a divisive reaction to the trailer. GOD OF CARANGE is my most anticipated film of the year. I read the play and found it pretty diaphonous, hollow and mean-spirited, but, in the right actor/director hands could turn into brilliance. I have huge respect for Winslet, Foster and Polanski (though both ladies have turned in some rather pedestrian or downright awful performances, I still am loyal to their talents goddammit!). Waltz for me is still too green and John c. reilly does nothing for me as an actor. Basically, I feel that from that trailer my worst fears were realized, Foster seems ill suited to a stagy Judy Davis style acrid lacerating yet controllingly liberal part (her making fun of the nickname shows her straining herself...its just awkward), Waltz and Reilly don't parse, it looks Doubt-ish (ie clearly a play, not cinematic or visually exciting)...BUT I do think Winslet might release some blood into the less flamboyant part of Annette/Nancy... Nathaniel, you keep saying it's the least challenging but I think this could free her up. Also, it's more of a reactionary part than Foster's character and I feel that's better suited to Winslet's strength. All in all, I'm excited and I really think that unless it tanks, at least 3 or all 4 will be nominated because it's so obviously actorly as long as they don't fuck it up, AMPAS will want to feel like Thespians and award such ostensible "acting", even if it reaches Doubt levels of ostentation (or in Foster's case overarching).
Sean C.
I am so effing happy to see Winslet in modern roles again. It's been a long time coming, as arguably her greatest work (Sunshine, Holy Smoke) were set in modern day. (That's not to say her period pieces are lesser; the majority of delightful. But it's nice to see her less mannered and just GOING for it.)
I've always been a Foster fan in comedy; I may be one of the only ones who adored her in "Maverick" when I was a kid, still adore her in that movie today. And I for one think she's right on target with the material thus far. Waltz and Reilly will do just fine, Winslet's firing on all four cylinders. But I'm holding out hope that Foster gets MVP status in this fine, fine looking film.
As if I wasn't already stoked enough for Carnage. I am a little disappointed that they only gave Kate Winslet the big trailer moments but it looks like the chemistry is good. The performances look great, but with this cast, that just goes without saying ;)
Why so hesistant about CARNAGE, Nathaniel? Showy actor piece...seems like AMPAS would go for it? They did like Natalie Portman and Clive Owen in CLOSER a while back. (Not the same, I know, but still...)
I am withholding judgement on the movie but that was the dullest trailer in recent memory. They put together the "Next week on Boardwalk Empire" promos with ten times the energy.
MICHAEL C: Nothing is so boring as the promos - or the show - BOARDWALK EMPIRE. Nothing. When I remember the vivacity of the pilot compared to the rest of the season... Oy. That got boring pretty fast. Even Buscemi and Shannon seem to be losing steam by the tenth episode.
Luke -- well, plays are always tricky to adapt. Especially plays that take place in one room. I just think it's going to be very very very tricky to make work. In the theater you're kind of trapped in the room with them which actually adds to the whole heightened tense humor and bad behavior satire because YOU CANT LEAVE EITHER. ;)
that said Polanski is really talented and Winslet looks fun in the trailer so maybe they did it. we'll see.
@Nathaniel: Oh, you should totally do a Yes, No, Maybe So!
The Americans Foster and Reilly look far more convincing than Winslet and Waltz do in the trailer. Winslet's drunk moment was memorable in the trailer because it was so campy. Doesn't necessarily mean she's the standout performance of the quartet.
Im in love with Carnage already, i dont care if the trailer is short i already love it; i had a huge smile on my face after watching the trailer; plus i absolutely love Kate Winslet; i think she was featured more in the trailer because she is nominated for an emmy this year and prbs will win so she is more likely to be in the press more than the rest. :)
I can't access the Carnage trailer's Vimeo page but the stats on the Youtube videos combined are less than 2000. This shit should be going viral!
The movie hasn't come out yet but I'm already quoting it. And I'm really surprised that Winslet gets to be the nightlight for the marketing in Contagion and Carnage even if she has the least challenging roles in both. It's like the suits are seeing that she can sell movies.
For those who are suggesting Carnage might be an honorable misfire: this kind of film must be quite difficult to market, and even tougher to condense into a teaser/trailer! I understand your apprehension, but have some faith!
Also, I must defend Kate Winslet's comedic chops. She was pretty funny in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, and was hysterical in her cameo on Extras. Whenever a trailer shows a balls-out, actorly explosion, it rarely feels authentic, but that's only because we're not being shown the slow-burn tension that lead up to the moment.
I bet that the awards narrative for Foster and Winslet will be "you've never seen them like this before!" The Academy respects actors who impress in a variety of genres.
[quote]Also, I must defend Kate Winslet's comedic chops. She was pretty funny in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, and was hysterical in her cameo on Extras.[/quote]
And Romance & Cigarettes. And she had her moments in Heavenly Creatures and Sense & Sensibility.
I think she could get nominated for Carnage. She looks on fire! I even think that with a role like this, she would maybe even work better on stage. Get your EGOT, girl !
The four actors look totally equal so it will be probably difficult to buy some in leading and others in supporting. Maybe it will be just like Closer: only two will be nominated. But so far I don't buy how Winslet and Waltz are supposed to be supporting compared to Jodie.
I was thinking about the average time the life of a pretty boy star lasts. Remembering the Chris O'Donells, the Ryan Philippes, the Hayden Christiansens to which Taylor Lautner, Robert Pattinson, Pettyfer, Shiloh Fernández, etc seem to be the nth natural replacement, I think Hollywood is quite patient with the lack of talent when you're a young hot beginner, and they all have a couple of years getting parts in the big projects. Even someone as ------- as Hayden Christiansen will probably live his entire showbusiness life after his Star Wars performance. But there's no place for talented but not bankable/pretty Edward Norton, for instance. So my guess is that Lautner will soon start being in movies that go straight to DVD (a younger The Rock kind of movies?). I think Pattinson has a darker future, or he proves himself worthy as a romantic lead and/or bankable or soon he'll be supporting the next Pattinson in thankless roles (sorry if there's any fan aruund, but I don't think he's got the looks to live from that outside the Twilight series).
I saw the Jim Henson exhibition when it came to Orlando! Highly recommended, and so much fun!
zn3v6 -- but that's what i've been saying about supporting/lead. there are only 4 characters in the play and they're all basically on stage the whole time. So... any divisions of lead and supporting are man made (projected Oscar) constructs ;) ... as they were in Closer.
FWIW all four of them were nominated as LEADS at the Tony Awards
@Nathaniel: Yeah. I very much doubt they will all receive leading nominations even though they are all lead; sadly Oscars has another agenda than Tonys. Unless they are exceptional or that the year turns out to be totally weak, which doesn't seem the case at all so far. When was the last time a movie receive two leading nominations in the same category? Thelma & Louise? Looks like it was in another life. The rules seem to have totally changed today. Not to mention how Carnage is certainly not the type of movie that would produce such passion for its two actresses. Yeah, either it's the Closer scenario: only two will receive nominations, either it's the Mystic River/The Hours/Doubt scenario: arbitrary placement in leading and supporting, generally based on star power. Problem is, Foster & Winslet are both big stars. I can see more easily Waltz and Reilly being pushed in supporting, but a lot less Winslet. Maybe it can end up like a Notes on a Scandal situation: Blanchett/ Winslet in supporting, Dench/Foster in leading... But Blanchett was more a co-lead, while Foster & Winslet look totally equal... Oh well.
The whole Pretty Boy Star thing is really depressing. Rarely do any of them have actual talents and then even rarer that any last. But god help the rest of us when Hollywood insists that they're The Next Big Thing by putting them in tons of movies in a short span of time. I'm always reminded of those silly/fun Vanity Fair 'Young Hollywood' photoshoots where you only see a couple actors still totally relevant today. This Lautner kid better get decent fast (the Abduction trailer is beyond laughable) or he'd better start saving up those Twilight paycheck$$$ now.
Carnage looks awesome. I'm most excited for Foster and Winslet and wish the men had been most interestingly cast.
We Don't Live Here Anymore.
Norton dug his own crave the moment he developed a rep for being difficult. I don't feel sorry for men. Hollywood is design for them to succeed and if you don't -- you're just wack. Women can have all the talent of the world but it don't mean shit unless you're British, Australian, Marion Cotillard, and, or Meryl Streep.
btw -- please visit YouTube where the late and great Gene Siskel in his last days ranks Anjelica Huston as his number two right behind Meryl Streep. It's from his Buffalo 66 review.