Go L*nk Yourself

Gabby Sidibe snapped by Terry Richardson on 08/23/11 at the Our Idiot Brother premiereSome Came Running "The Trouble With Movie Stars" the distraction of stardom in The Tree of Life and other films.
Funny or Die Dave Franco in "Go F*ck Yourself". (I know he's James Franco's brother but he looks to me like the offspring of James Franco f*cking James Marsden.#amiright?)
Awards Daily has some words about Oscar's history with black actresses. This topic is about 200 times as complicated as anyone will ever claim it is but I am horrified to realize that there are still people trying to say that Gabby Sidibe just played herself in Precious. Anyone who has spent more than two seconds watching her on a talk show versus seeing her in Precious would have to be braindead to not notice the difference. Night and day.
Boston Wesley Morris on The Help. I sometimes feel like a fanboy when reading Morris's reviews . He's just great: anecdotal when it benefits the piece, funny without congratulating himself for it, and critical without being mean-spirited; his scalpel is sharp, his hand steady and he never accidentally lops off the joy of movies, while carving a fine point.
New York Times tennis rivalries and Andy Samberg portraying them. Fun!
Form is Void "5 from Dorothy Parker"
Cineuropa Joachim Trier's Oslo August 31st up for another prize. It seems more and more certain that this will have to be Norway's Oscar submission.
Film Drunk choice quotes from Ryan Gosling's Esquire profile.
Look, Helen Mirren arrives at the premiere of The Debt
I'm guessing she makes grown women half her age weep. Look at that bod! She is 66 years old.
Finally... I don't know how I keep missing the big stories but I didn't even know about the eastern Earthquake yesterday until after the fact when people kept asking me if I felt it? Felt what? This is what I tweeted about it.
Speaking of... so then I find it that everyone is talking about Ryan Gosling breaking up a fight here in NYC and I didn't know about that either. I'm in a fog!
Reader Comments (20)
Ryan Gosling breaking up a fight in the middle of the street in New York, Kate Winslet saves a billionaire's granny from a burning building...it's really ok guys! You were both going to be in my top five favorite actors of all time list anyway, you don't need to get all heroic now. What's next? Nicole Kidman takes up lifeguarding?
What a great review of "The Help". You're right Nathaniel. It's nice that a review can be that incisive without being cutting. My favorite is that the line about cleaning Bryce Dallas Howards house.
Helen Mirren doesnt only make 33 year olds weep. She makes 22 year olds weep as well. She is way prettier than almost all 20 and 30 something starlets. She is one of the most stunning women in the movies right now.
On Dave Franco - YES.
On Ryan Gosling - I was going to remind you about Kate Winslet's heroics the past few days too, but TB already did that.
On Andy Samberg and tennis - I can't wait for the US Open to begin!
On Helen Mirren - She also makes us 20-something gay guys weep. Damn gurl.
Sidibe is great in the Big C with Laura Linney!!! I can't believe there are people ignorant enough to think that she's playing herself in Precious. I would be seriously offended by that comparison. The 2nd season of the Big C is actually much better paced than the 1st season..........I hope it will not be cancelled....
Those stats about black actresses and the Academy are so depressing I have nothing to add but feeling like shit. TV is better and so is the Stage two less thought of mediums over film.
I love how Dave Franco spits on his hand, as if he did his homework. I'm gonna go take a cold shower now.
And speaking of stage being better for diversity than cinema, there's going to be a black/colour blind Streetcar with Daphne Rubin-Vega as Stella. Why can't Hollywood wake up?
Helen Mirren must have done a deal with the devil. That's unreal!
Kate Winslet & Ryan Gosling are badass and prove again they are two of the most awesome people in Hollywood. They should make a superhero movie. Nolan, watch out!
You know the subtext of that argument about Gabby Sidibe just playing herself in Precious is this: both actress and character are morbidly obese (read: pathetic and miserable), so it couldn't have been much of a stretch!
Never mind that the surface -- the look of the role -- is the easy part, or that Gabby nailed the complex psychology of the character (no small feat); let's marginalize her performance by chalking it up as a cake walk in acting! Absurd.
I find it truly amazing that James Franco has a brother that is even more fuckable than he is himself. Jesus talk about genes.
Nathaniel-- I saw "Heartbeats" 2 days ago and absolutely loved it. Thanks for your review earlier this year. I can't stop thinking about that dance scene at the party with each protagonist dumbstruck like deers-in-the-strobelights at the sight of their dancing Adonis.
that and the walking-to-italian-"bang bang" slo-mo scenes. gorgeous. Can't wait for his next.
why isn't "I Killed My Mother" out on DVD?????!!!!!!
I will never understand the bitching about the use of blue in movies. The most ironic thing is that it won't visually date any movie unlike the use of warmer colors such as brown, red, orange, and yellow -- which often times look like shit when translated to home video and broadcast -- our TV tech hasn't caught up to the point where filmmakers could use any color of their choosing without it being sacrificed for home viewing.
Oslo, 31 August must be Norway's submission for no other reason that I'm eager for it to make its way here. Could not be more excited for it.
I find it truly amazing that James Franco has a brother that is even more fuckable than he is himself. Jesus talk about genes.
I agree. The parents deserved applauses and raves. They created two of the most excellent, hottest and gay-friendly men right now in Hollywood. A dirty image with both brothers is perfect ;)
I don't think the Franco brothers play gay ... i truly have thought James is gay and now his brother, too.
ugh, Honestly, I've always looked at Ryan Gosling as someone who always looked tired or was kinda high, or atleast had down syndrome. only time his looks impressed me was in the commercial for Stupid, Crazy, Love. and his body is good but there's so much better out there. But I do not understand the attraction for james franco. what the fuck is that? but he's funny and I've liked him since Pineapple express.
Helen Mirren is incredible awesome. She really makes me weep.
Feeling so much Andy Samberg love right now. "I don't know what's going to happen in this match. I'm Agassi. I don't know. I guess I'm good." Hope they bring him back to portray Novak Djokovic in 15 years...not that Nole isn't already a caricature of himself.
"Anyone who has spent more than two seconds watching her on a talk show versus seeing her in Precious would have to be braindead to not notice the difference." AMEN. This is infuriating. I personally advised everyone I knew to catch a Gabby interview on YouTube before seeing the movie just so they could grasp the breadth of the transformation. What a gross miscalculation.
Isn't that typical of Awards Daily/Sasha Stone? Not the most well-thought-out commentary.
Mareko -- i don't believe Sasha was saying that herself... i think she was disputing people saying it in the comments or on twitter or some such crazy.