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The Link-Up

Ultra Culture "the stills photographer is here? fetch me my viewfinder at once!" HEE
Movie|Line on the weirdly surprising colors of the new EW issue featuring The Help. (More on this film right here very soon.)
Wet Asphalt "how to write a book in three days" regarding Michael Moorcock (of Elric of Melnibone fame. Weird that Hollywood's never managed to make that into a franchise)
Scott Feinberg thinks The Artist will be a good case study for Oscar. Will a silent film catch on in today's marketplace?
lemonwade doesn't mind the lack of Supes' spit curl but don't get him started on those cape pleats.
Show Blitz Game of Thrones director Brian Kirk in discussions to helm Thor 2. er... i worry about this. Thor's saving grace was its humor and Game of Thrones biggest problem as a series is its humorlessness (believe me the book has humor... admittedly of the gallows kind. But still)
Scene Stealers h-a-t-e-s on The Change-Up consider this opening bit about that trailer moment where infant poo flies at Justin Bateman's face. 

I know how Dave feels. In its opening moments “The Change-Up” took a dump in my mouth, and did not relent until the credits rolled.

Ouch. But then the film really does look terrible. Let me know if you see it and can verify.

Anomalous Material top ten movie roles Lady Gaga could have played. (I myself suspect she cannot act. But I'll hold my tongue.)
Socialite Life look i love Neil Patrick Harris but should he and David Burtka really be yachting with Elton John? Shouldn't NPH be doing penance for Beastly and The Smurfs? And by penance I mean: searching tirelessly for scripts that are actually worthy of his talent? Because, awards-show hosting aside, isn't it going to waste?

Unearned vacation! Find a good movie NPH.

Off Cinema
Daily What "Internet Filtration System" I'm lol'ing despite the fact that i've screwed this up myself in moments of speed typing. (sigh)
Tom Shone wonders if Sarah Palin is suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder. It sounds far-fetched until you actually read what he has to say. 
The Onion "Obama Turns 50 Despite Republican Opposition" hee. 

I'm loving this video called "Trim"

Trim from Petey Boy on Vimeo.


It's amazing how a change in hairstyles affects your perception about someone. People don't talk about this but that's the #1 thing that's most depressing about losing your hair -- if you're someone who is visually oriented that is -- it really cuts down on the number of ways you can modulate your own look and persona. I am my hair ♪

Judy Fest
Stirred, Straight Up With a Twist has a detailed look at The Pirate, which is one of the films I sadly missed at the current Judy Garland retrospective here in NYC. Weirdly I've never seen it despite the fact that Gene Kelly and Judy are both among my top dozen or so favorite movie stars of all time. I absolutely disagree with the comments about Gene Kelly's screen persona though since they directly contradict what I wrote in my For Me and My Gal review about his sexual allure. 
Enthusiasm has notes on the The Pirate and its camp value.
Towleroad In this week's column I wrote up a short bit about Presenting Lily Mars (1943) which is my new favorite that I hadn't yet seen from the Garland canon. Let's raise this film's profile, people. It's really funny and quite fresh. I was tempted to slap it in the face and then take it to bed like some prim but randy 40s heroine. Loved Van Heflin in it. 

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Reader Comments (13)

Nat, does your comment mean that you've seen The Help?!? I LOVED the book, taking it on after a recommendation from my mom who grew up in the south and could have easily been one of the younger children in the novel. I'm not sure I was watching it objectively, but many complained about the trailer. Nervous that it didn't translate. Viola and Octavia should have Oscar caliber roles if it did.

August 5, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDrewB

Oh, just saw your twitter post on the side! Can't wait to hear you elaborate.

August 5, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDrewB

Amazing how much Viola Davis looks like Regina King in that cover photo. It's the 'do.

So glad to see Octavia Spencer in a breakout role. I've had fun spotting her in movies ever since she crowbar'd John Cusack into the 7½'th floor in Being John Malkovich.

August 5, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterNick Davis

look i love Neil Patrick Harris but should he and David Burtka really be yachting with Elton John?

Yes, because they're hot.

August 6, 2011 | Unregistered Commenter/3rtfu11

Ever since a friend of mine put it in my head about how much of an ideal casting choice she'd be, all I think about when I see Viola Davis now is, "Why aren't you trying to get Caroline or Change as your Oscar ticket, fool!"

/ random

August 6, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMark

Nat, I am convinced you have never actually watched Game of Thrones. Your comments on the show as time goes on become more and more off base. Humorlessness? There is a lot of dark comedy running rampant through that show. One of the aspects that most people love is that it is a show that takes itself seriously but has a sick and witty edge to it. Your potshot remarks at the show get old. We get it, you don't like game of thrones.

August 6, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSean

It's cute that here and on Towleroad you keep calling Jason Bateman "Justin" - easy mistake to make, given that's pretty much his sister's name.

August 6, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMike in Canada

Mike -- omg. what is wrong with me. I blame Mr & Mrs Bateman (not Justine & Justin - haha)

August 6, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterNathaniel R

Sean -- i saw every episode. we'll have to agree to disagree.

August 6, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterNathaniel R

Don't forget that NPH also starred in a rousing version of Company. (Not that that satiated my thirst for NPH in good roles...)

When "How I Met Your Mother" ends, hopefully he'll pick up more interesting, substantial, and challenging big screen roles...

August 6, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterEvan

As far as "Presenting Lily Mars" goes I always thought the film was enjoyable, I mean it has Fay Bainter AND Spring Byington AND Connie Gilchrist in it for crying out loud, but what makes it really stand out is I think it's the film where Judy looks the absolute best she ever did on screen and when she sings forget about it. Her rendition of Every Little Movement with Connie is a lovely moment that should be better known.

August 6, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterjoel6

nph would be great for the oz film with rachel wiesz and mila kunis.

August 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterMARK

As someone who actually saw "The Smurfs" (good uncle duty), I've got to disagree that NPH is wasting his talent. No, not in that movie. It's a complete waste, that's for sure. But as long as "How I Met Your Mother" is on the air, NPH is assuredly not wasting anything.

August 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterChip
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