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Reader Comments (33)

I just watched The Parallax View (like, ten minutes ago). Damn, why aren't movies that good anymore?

September 6, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterDeborah Lipp

Recently saw Jodie Foster's "The Beaver" and I was impressed at how restrained Mel Gibson's performance is: he thrives (even with some character limitations) despite the movie not excelling at the same level. Also, I really want Natural Selection with Racheal Harris to open. I've seen a clip and I'm super excited about it.

September 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBVR

With the Eddie Murphy hosting news, I'm wondering who will be picked to present Best Picture. Maybe with a bold choice for host, we'll see a bold choice for best pic presenter. *sigh* But in reality, probably Tom Hanks or Jack Nicholson or Denzel Washington or Steven Spielberg again.

AND... I'm excited to see Contagion this weekend :)

September 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterTravis

Well, since you ask, Nyhtes Premieras (literally "nights of premiering"), which is Athens Film Festival, is starting in a few days and I'm getting tickets for We Need To Talk About Kevin, Senna, The Artist, Drive and Skoonheid. Excited!

Plus, I kind of can't stop thinking about Shame!

September 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJames T

I've heard that Fox Searchlight is planning on buying Shame and campaigning Michael Fassbender for Best Actor, which made me wonder...what is the most sexually uninhibited male performance ever nominated for an Oscar?

September 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRobert Hamer

Robert - That would be great (I'll just assume I'll love the film) and even if they have a problem with Fassy's nudity et al, I'm sure they won't mind Mulligan.

September 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJames T

Can't get Shame out of my thoughts. Fassbender is amazing.

September 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterTiffany

I'm just wondering why the hell Bucky Larson is an actual movie being released in theaters for people to pay money to watch. I. Don't. Get. It.

September 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRyan T.

The Drive soundtrack is fan-tas-tic. Its only $8 on amazon, 10 on itunes. do yourself a favor.

September 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAlex BBats

Cinematically, I just had, like, ten arguments in a row with someone that basically has the same general taste as I do. It's just the differences that we found so insulting/revolting/irritating in each other. Even worse: he can back up his opinion better than I can. That is the difference between sober criticism and drunk belligerence.

September 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterWalter

I wonder why I haven't watched more from Hong Kong/Taiwan/China. It has turned out to be a bit of actress heaven.
Maggie Cheung, Michelle Yeoh and Gong Li was where I started but Josephine Siao in Nu ren si shi and Hu Du Men was a revelation. Then there's Brigitte Lin, Sylvia Chang, Anita Mui, Rene Liu, Carina Lau, Wu Chien-lien etc. Actress heaven.

September 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterSofie

i think about Fassbender's full frontral in SHAME ...and i even didn't see SHAME (LOL)

September 7, 2011 | Unregistered Commentercaro

Inglourious Basterds! Rewatched it for the first time in over 2 years yesterday, and now I'm writing a blog post on it. Such a tense and entertaining film, and I had forgotten just how good it is.

September 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterEsh Kebab

I was thinking of that imaginary fight for the throne of "Best of his generation" between Gosling and Fassbender, but my imagination went to more... earthly places that I won't share. However, they could actually physically fight if Almodóvar decided to remake his Law of Desire in English, and cast them to reprise Antonio Banderas' role (Fassbender) and Micky Molina's (Gosling)... I think at some point they fight for the love of the film director that could very well played by George Clooney.

Then, I woke up. Not only I don't imagine Clooney accepting doing steamy sex scenes with Fassbender, but I think Almodbvar himself has said that he'll never do remakes or sequels.

September 7, 2011 | Unregistered Commenteriggy

The last thing of almodovar, la piel que habito ( I don’t know the title in English) it has burst my head , I get a big crush for Elena Anaya, and the complete movie. And to see Andreas Arnold take on Wuthering Heights, I go the whole morning reading reviews of venecia and I am not going to be able to last up to the premiere here in spain

September 7, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterjulio

1. That I really hope the rumours of Fox Searchlight picking up SHAME are true.

2. That I still can't believe that THE ARTIST is actually emerging as a top tier best picture nominee.

3. That the backlash to DRIVE is rather amusing.

4. That rewatching NIGHT OF THE HUNTER, KISS ME DEADLY, and SUNSET BLVD was a far better way to spend my labour day weekend then going to the theatres.

September 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterArkaan

Whatever happened to Rebecca Gayheart? Is she permanetly Mrs. Eric Danes now? I haven't seen much of her work but what I've seen makes me think she can handle her own.

Her three most recognizable projects, I think, would be Urban Legend, Jawbreaker, and Dead Like Me. All 3 completely different characters....all 3 played and approached differently. The psycho killer, the nice girl with a conscience, and a 1920s free spirit. All portrayed well, in my opinion.


September 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJonathon

I was thinking about the reviews from Venice and Telluride and it seems like it could be a great slate for actors: Fassbender, Oldman, Gosling, Clooney, Hardy, Dujardin, Mortensen all getting strong reviews...im excited
Just finished watching Take Shelter Im hoping there is a decent push for their leads Shannon and Chastain theyre both excellent

September 7, 2011 | Unregistered Commenterjjablo

Robert-I would assume it is still Last Tango in Paris.

September 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJohn T

I'm starting to think there are a lot of film critics who flip a coin when they enter a genre film. If it lands on heads, they lie about the film. If it lands on tails, they won't like the film. And if it lands on its side, they gain the ability to read minds and right a glowing review of a film. There is no consistency from film to film. They'll condemn an Apollo 18 for not having a plot, characters, or scares when they claimed Paranormal Activity was the greatest horror film since The Exorcist. I saw both films in theaters and only the latter had me cooking up schemes to try and get my money back from the movie theater.

It's one thing if you actually justify your opinions with something--anything--that actually happened in the film. It's quite another when you go off on old talking points about "x" kind of film that don't even apply because the film in question did none of those films. Show me on the doll where the shakycam horror film touched you and why you claim all found footage films are shakycam horrors.

September 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterRobert G

I'm thinking that Eddie Murphy was robbed of an Oscar five years ago by an actor who gave a performance that was inferior to those of his fellow nominees as well as the other actors in his own film, but I guess the Academy felt the need to reward "Little Miss Sunshine" somewhere. Alan Arkin might want to stay home if invited.

I was also thinking the other day that it's been three years since the Academy crowned a best picture winner that I could agree with ("No Country for Old Men"), so I am overdue for a one.

Another thing that's been on my mind is Jessica Chastain's Oscar chances. If the studio campaigns Viola Davis for lead, which they should, then I think it's wholly possible for "The Help" to sneak another actress into the supporting category, assuming Octavia Spencer gets her predicted nod. Chastain's funny-sad peformance coupled with her overall ubiquity this year just might give her an advantage.

September 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterTroy H.

Surprised there's such little talk about the Eddie Murphy news. That's a huge deal. More than most things talked about around here. I hope this isn't the debacle that all signs are pointing toward. We don't need another Chris Rock part 2 or worse. But a step up from Franco and Hathaway at least. I thought Hollywood hated him so much, despite the countless millions and millions of dollars he's made for them over his career. But he doesn't "act right." What the hell ever. Best of luck to Mr. Murphy He'll need it with that crowd on Oscar night.

September 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterJames

Jessica Chastain: She's going to be nominated and win SOON. She gets the Oscar hunt.

September 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterVolvagia

Anticipation for your "I dont know How She does it" review.

September 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterAdrian

I've been thinking about possible unexpected Oscar contenders that may emerge during the next months... I mean, Oscar predictions guys seem to have a big couple of possible nominees in common, but almost every year there's a "scene stealer"...

Does Angelina Jolie's directorial debut will be the surprise during the awards race? Or it will be smaller productions like Rampart or Machine Gun Preacher (awful title) that may impress?

Just wondering your opinion, Nathaniel...

September 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterEd

I'm thinking about TIFF and how much I'd like to attend the festival. One of my best friends works there and could have gotten me free passes and stuff. Unfortunately, I'm working in Montreal so going to Toronto for TIFF isn't a possibility now.

I'm also thinking about closeted gay actors and how some of them aren't fooling anybody. Hell, when even the average joe or joanne cinema goer knows that they're gay, what's the point being in the closet? Ex: Jodie Foster, Kevin Spacey, Ellen Page...etc. Oh I know why they are of course - discrimination, loss of job opportunities...etc. Still, when it's an "open secret" and everybody more or less knows/suspects, it's time to consider coming out in my opinion.

September 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBlinking Cursor

"Still, when it's an "open secret" and everybody more or less knows/suspects, it's time to consider coming out in my opinion."

So? That's no one's business but theirs, they shouldn't be expected to tell anyone about it at all.

September 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterPhilip

Philip (and everyone else),

If I offended, that wasn't my intent. Certainly, it's an individual right to have privacy and to decide when to come out (if ever). I phrased that badly. It's just that in some cases, I get a little frustrated by this thin veneer of heterosexuality, the use of beards...etc. It just comes across as so fake, and the pretense so tiring.

Anyway, that's just me. Keep calm and carry on with the rest the convo about cinematic matters. ;)

September 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBlinking Cursor

Ellen Page? News to me.

September 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterArkaan

Arkaan -- really? I thought everyone knew that about Page.

Philip & Blinking -- The topic of closeted gay actors is an eternally annoying one to me. I can't accept the "but it will hurt my career argument" because the only examples we have of it doing so did not last -- Ellen Degeneres took a small hit (but her show was ending anyway) and now she is more popular than she ever was before. Rupert Everett was out his whole career and he can blame the gay for hurting his career all he wants but the fact is that he is difficult to work with (many people .. including Rupert himself ;) have said as much) and 'difficult to work with' is more detrimental to careers than practically anything else in any field. Then you've got people like Alan Cumming and Cheyenne Jackson and Neil Patrick Harris who have HUGE careers in teh grand scheme of professional actor things: frequently employed, awards opportunities, well liked by devoted fans, etcetera.

FACT: being heterosexual is NOT private. It's ALWAYS a matter of public record: marriages, public hand holding, conversations with loved ones, conversations with strangers, in-laws, photos on the desk, raising children together, etcetera. Why should homosexuality be any different? Privacy is a weak argument. I've literally never met a straight person who was "private" about their straightness.

James -- i didn't have much to say about Murphy right away besides what I said... and we'll have plenty of opportunities to talk about it ;) The Oscars are still five months away.

September 7, 2011 | Registered CommenterNATHANIEL R


I've just drunk some pear ice wine (which btw isn't as good as just regular ice wine), so if my following response isn't exactly coherent, blame the booze!

You made some good points, and I agree with most of what you wrote. However, straight people don't have to be private about their orientation because a) it's the norm and isn't considered "deviant" and b) heterosexuality isn't discriminated against; straight people don't have to worry about verbal and/or physical abuse for being the way they are, nor fear loss of job opportunities, marginalization, ostracism...etc.

I can understand why some gay people are in the closet. Also, who people shag is a personal and private matter as well, regardless of orientation.

Now all that said, I do find myself getting exasperated and frustrated by the pretense that certain gay actors (who are obviously gay) put up. They are excellent actors, but the pretense of being het comes across as so very false and fake that I think to myself, "Shit! You're an academy award winner/nominee. Surely, you can do *better* than that!" A few years ago, when the movie 'Contact' first came out, Jodie Foster and Matthew McConaughey went around doing the press circuit promoting the movie. I was watching ET (Entertainment Tonight) with a friend, and Jodie and Matthew came out of the limo, held hands acting rather couple-ishy, and walked the red carpet together working the press. My friend turned to me, rolled her eyes and said, 'Ha! She ain't fooling anybody! Everybody knows she's gay, it's an open secret!"

The thing is, if a gay actor came out, would s/he still be able to get work? I believe, yes (contingent on said individual's talent and professionalism of course). But would that actor be offered the straight leading man/woman roles thereafter? My guess is probably not (NPH playing a womanizer notwithstanding, which is a rarity and not the norm)

Sorry for this long winded ramble, but my feelings about this are conflicted (nor mutually exclusive). On one hand, I can understand all the reasons why someone would be closeted, on the other, when an actor is known or identified as being gay by the general public and isn't out, I get exasperated by the pretense and wish said actor would just stop with the lying.

September 7, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterBlinking Cursor

We want our favourite actors to be perfect and so, to come out to become references for gay people, but they aren't. They can be selfish, insecure or too influenced by their people.

I must admit I'm completely clueless about most actors and actresses (I still believe Tom Cruise isn't gay). I didn't know Elena Anaya (The Skin I live in) was a lesbian until this summer some mag published some pictures of her and her girlfriend. No, I'm not outting her, it seems she had already taken her to the Goya awards. Maybe that's the way to go, not publishing a statement the Ricky Martin way, but just being natural about it. Or even Amenábar (The Others), who released a very short and discreet statement in a magazine* and has had no problems so far. But this is a small industry (Spain), I can perfectly see her leaving her girlfriend out of red carpet events if this movie gives her bigger opportunities in Hollywood. What I can't stand is those back to the closet moves (that Evans actor) or lying about it, but I do think they have the right to be private about it.

Personally, I don't come out in my work place. As the job market is the way it is, I don't spend more than a year in the same working place, so it'd be kind of tiresome explaining everyone, particularly those I know I won't see again. I'm a single man in my 30s, if you want to do the math, fine, but I don't explain my life to anyone. Sure there're some awkard moments like the "kids conversation" (I won't go there) or the moments a woman, presumably straight, hits on you, but all in all that way in between : not lying but not be completely open is a comfortable way.

I've also noticed lately that some straight people are private about their lives in the work place, too. There's this woman at my work place I thought she was a lesbian (never talk about her private life, if so she'd talk about "her partner") and then, a couple of months ago she announced she was going to get married. Some people even asked her to whom? Presuming probably the same wrong ideas as myself. Her answer: to my longtime (15 years) boyfriend.

But yes, some big star coming out would be nice, for others like Foster I think it's already late. people would make the Ricky Martin type of jokes (oh, really, what a surprise!). But maybe there're also subtle or no subtle threats not to work again "in this town" we don't know.

*I've always believed he was forced (blackmailed) to release that statement, because that mag had always that reputation that they got their exclusives by way of extortion. And in this case Amenábar himself never mentioned the issue before or after that statement, which is weird.

September 8, 2011 | Unregistered Commenteriggy

My point is they shouldn't be expected to come out of the closet if they don't want to. Just because society wants to know because to them it's SO important, doesn't mean they need to. Ultimately, it's their business and no one else's. Of course straight people aren't the same because it isn't something that needs to ever be kept secret, it's expected, etc. But they can still keep their love life secret if they choose. It's that same kind of thing.

September 10, 2011 | Unregistered CommenterPhilip
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