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"Critics Choice" Winners From Viola to The Artist

Kirsten Dunst presented Best Supporting Actress to Octavia SpencerWe tried a live blog experiment which was very chaotic though conversational if you'd like to relive it vicariously through us if you weren't here. But otherwise, let's review the big speeches and the winner's roster.

Do you think all five of the major acting wins will translate to Globe and SAG hoopla... and then on to Oscar? It's been a surprising season to date so will it suddenly become a normal season where the same films and performances win each time?

SUPPORTING ACTRESS -Octavia Spencer for The Help

Okay um. Well I'm not prepared. I wasn't a Girl Scout. I guess the operative word here is Best Supporting  becasue I was truly supported by the most amazing cast and crew. Oh my god this is really kind of crazy. Okay. Uh. I'd like to thank everyone at Dreamworks -- Stacey Snyder thank you for giving me this chance. Holly Barrio. Chip Sullivan. Everyone at Disney. Rich [series of names that all blurred together for us] ...and then of course my two champions Tate Taylor and Brunson Green who have always believed in me. And thank God you believed in me enough to give me a job that actually paid this time!

But thank you so much to the BFCA. I am truly truly humbled by this. Thank you.

SUPPORTING ACTOR - Christopher Plummer for Beginners

Christopher Plummer, young againWinners and a Tearful Viola after the jump...

Being honored by a critic is like being on a three week binge with the enemy. But it's pretty heady stuff but I'm cool about it. It's rather like going back to school and the headmaster comes in and gives you a good report. It's also like beginning your career all over again and waiting for your first decent review. Anyway I'm completely turned on. I feel terribly young tonight suddenly and at my age I need all the help I can get in that department. Thank you indeed. You've brought back my youth!

Octavia spoke again.

Team Help

Well, um. They elected me to give the speech. I don't think they realized how ill prepared I was. ----[lots of stuff about Steven Spielberg and Chris Columbus] Tate taylor, Kathryn Stockett, this amazing cast. You can see that there's a lot of love here and that translated to screen and we really appreciate your recognizing our work. But it's more of a celebration of us as a unit and it's a proud moment for us all. So thank you from Team Help.

ACTRESS - Viola Davis for The Help

Viola is shocked to hear her name as "Best Actress"

I am absolutely so humbled. You know they say that the two most important days in a person's life is the day you were born and the day you discover why you were born. And, you know, five hours on the bus going to acting classes when I was 14 years old and coming from very challenging circumstances...

Viola's speech = she's winning the Oscar. Octavia's reaction = what everyone is feeling.

I absolutely knew I wanted to be an actor because I wanted to be somebody. I wanted to dream big and make a mark somehow. And that's something that absolutely Aibileen was not afforded. I considered it my honor to pay homage to these women at this time period who were not allowed to dream and not allowed to find their purpose. But thank god and praise God that they gave birth to me my mother my grandmother and I thank Kathryn Stockett for writing The Help I thank Dreamworks and Disney and 1492. Brunson Green. And Tate Taylor for being the most incredible leader. I absolutely am so honored to be in the company of so many women and so many sizes and ages and races and to be such a part of a story that is such an incredible part of american history... even despite the atrocities that can happen in the past, friendship and love can help us find our way. Thank you very much.  

ACTOR - George Clooney for The Descendants 

Ahhhh. Well, thank you. You know I was thinking listening to Viola talking about her life. A few years ago -- just before ER started I was talking to my father and I was on my seventh series and it wasn't one of the greatest series ever known. My father said to me 'you know, your grandfather was a share cropper. He worked very hard and he bought a piece of land and he bought a home and your mother and I came from the Depression and we didn't have running water and electricity... your mother made your clothes for you' -- which she did! I will say that in 6th gade she made me a naugahyde leisure suit. In sixth grade. That was a fun year...

He said "if you are not proud of what you're doing then do it better or do something else. You didn't have to be a sharecropper and you didn't have to make your own leisure suit. We would hope that you are happy about that and we hope that the work you do you would be proud of."

I have to say that I'm very proud to be in this film. I'm very proud of our association with Fox Searchlight in making this film.  I'm very proud of the actors I got to work with on this film who make everyone better . I'm incredibly proud that I got to work with Alexander Payne who I adore as a director and as a perfect storyteller. And I'm very proud to get this award. Thank you to the Broadcast Film Critics. Have a good night. 

George Clooney is very proud, Y'all. But can he take it all the way to the Kodak for a second Oscar? Or will Brad Pitt find some new surge between here and Oscar. The Globes are next?

Complete list of BFCA Winners

PICTURE The Artist
DIRECTOR Michel Hazanavicius, The Artist
ACTRESS Viola Davis
ACTOR George Clooney
SUPPORTING ACTOR Christopher Plummer
YOUNG ACTOR Thomas Horn for Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close

COMEDY Bridesmaids
DOCUMENTARY FEATURE George Harrison: Living in the Material World
MAKEUP Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2
VISUAL EFFECTS Rise of the Planet of the Apes
EDITING Girl With the Dragon Tattoo

CINEMATOGRAPHY The Tree of Life AND War Horse
SONG "Life's a Happy Song"
SCORE The Artist
SOUND Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2

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Reader Comments (83)

Love this list.

January 12, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterscary

I think all the acting categories will repeat at the Oscars. Best Director and Picture too. Just watch the domino effect. I think Viola's speech definitely helped her. She nailed it.

January 12, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSquasher88

Ugh. I really hope it's Pitt. Not just because I think he is very overdue and underrewarded, but because both his performances are far superior to Clooney's. I love Clooney, don't get me wrong. I've always stood up for him when others thought he was "playing himself again." But I just have such disdain for The Descendants as a film and Clooney does nothing to elevate it for me. Brad Pitt, on the other hand... god, those two performances are flawless.

January 12, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAmir

I also think that Chastain is by far the best of the bunch in The Help. All this talk about Spencer for so many months baffles me.

January 12, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAmir

Yep I think all the categories will repeat at the Oscars including Midnight in Paris for Original Screenplay and Moneyball for Adapted. The Golden Globes will be the same except The Descendants will win Best Drama and The Artist will win Best Musical/Comedy. Meryl could win over Viola though. Christopher, Octavia and George will surley win at GG also. IF Michelle Williams gives as good a speech as Viola (which is possible see Palm Springs) she could get a boost, since she's clearly winning Best Actress Comedy/Musical. Same with Jean Dujardin who will win Best Actor in a Comedy or Musical. (but he isn't as much in the running as Michelle)

January 12, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterLola

Do we think Brad can win the Globes? I kind of assumed because Ides and Descendants did so well that Clooney would have this in the bag but I don't want to believe he's going to steamroll here... Aside from Leo he's the least deserving of the bunch, and I actually love Clooney.

But how can George Clooney win two Oscars before Brad Pitt wins one? That doesn't seem possible does it? I actually think Brad should be nominated lead and supporting this year, both performances miles better than Clooney's in both categories. Not to mention Brad has what I think is a considerably more impressive resume. Pitt really is overdue. I'm afraid Clooney might be over-rewarded.

January 13, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterCasey Fiore

I like that all of the Best Picture nominees didn't go home empty-handed. They all won at least one award though that tie in Cinematography for War Horse and Tree of Life is LOL.

January 13, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterRyan T.

I really hope there's a redistribution of wealth over the next few weeks just to breathe some life into this awards season. Frankly, I don't think this has been the strongest year for movies (or let me clarify, I don't think the films being rewarded and favored are stronger than many of the films being thrown to the curve *cough Drive* *cough The Tree of Life* *cough Young Adult*).

Can I just say my favorite speech of the night was Christopher Plummer's? So charming and cute and playful. I'm thinking he's our only sure lock as of right now.

Spencer will probably repeat throughout the season as well. It's helped that she has been the unabashed frontrunner for some time (sigh, Vanessa Redgrave). The only scenario I could see happening that could stall her is if The Artist starts to gather more momentum and Berenice Bejo starts to pull some awards from her, but I doubt that will happen. Or maybe Jessica Chastain will gather some momentum with her equally impressive work in The Help. What am I kidding, it's going to be Octavia Spencer.

Viola Davis's speech was moving and I'm sure it garnered her some fans, but something tells me that Meryl Streep will win the Golden Globe on Sunday. They ADORE her and I think she will win one of the big awards and it may just be this (BAFTA is also likely, but I think Tilda Swinton stands a strong shot there, too).

And, please, oh please, let Brad Pitt win the Oscar this year. I loved, loved, loved him in both Moneyball and The Tree of Life and even though, yes, he is one of the most famous men in the world, and yes, he's highly paid, sexy, starred in many big hits, I really do feel that people in the industry oftentimes underestimates his talent and spectacular eye for more auteur, independent-minded projects. But, alas, Clooney is charming and likable and is definitely good in The Descendants so he will probably win the Oscar this year. I just wish it was Brad.

Sorry for my sporadic, discombobulated rant.

January 13, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAaron

George Clooney played himself in The Descendants and the film suffered because of it. Another actor would have been better.

January 13, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterA.J

I think the awards given today will go on to the GG and Oscars....

BA will be between Davis and Streep ... Am hoping for a Streep win.

I don't get these particular awards... especially when Williams got the lion's share of critics awards and Davis had very few?? Can you explain the dichotomy to me, Nat????

The show itself was the most amateurish and stupid award's show I have ever seen. I would have been loathe to attend if I were a major star.

January 13, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterrick

Davis is getting SAG. Williams can't touch it and Streep already had it--no woman has ever won Best Actress twice at SAG.

January 13, 2012 | Unregistered Commenter//3|RT

@ Rick, I don't really understand these awards either. For instance, three years ago they gave Kate Winslet best supporting actress for The Reader when Penelope Cruz and Marisa Tomei were racking up the critics prizes in that particular category (they were trying to start the Meryl/Kate Oscar narrative for that season but luckily the Academy came to their senses and put Winslet's LEAD performance in the LEAD category). Two years ago they gave it to Sandra Bullock for The Blind Side without ONE critics award (she tied with Meryl). Davis won when Michelle Williams has been dominating best actress. Seems like they are totally trying to pander to Oscar's "taste" and preferences rather than adhering to their own. It's really quite odd, frankly, and now the BFCA seems to only exist as a predilection for Oscar rather than being a respected organization that honors what THEY think are the best this year. I mean, seriously, how else do you explain the Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close nominations?

January 13, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAaron

I'm sorry, but I just don't buy Viola's speech. Yes, she's kind of touching, but she simply WANTS an Oscar. She wants the Oscar badly. And yet, I don't think she deserves it and again, I'm sad that bloggers (and I don't include you Nathaniel, but I include many) who actually make up the BFCA really don't want to help Meryl in the Oscar race. They never do - these ties, the snub now. To me Meryl was the best of the six nominees. And now what? 17th nomination and 15th loss, 13th loss in a row? Snubbed for some terrific performances? And Viola Davis will become an Oscar winner - for what? It isn't for a great performance. I'm sorry, but I hope the Globes & especially the SAG's will change that. Because let's face it - Streep loses now. Next year she'll be nominated - probably - but she'll lose again. It won't be a heavy dramatic performance and people will scream: she can't win for a film that isn't a big drama. So move on. August: OC. But there will always be comparisons with the play, there always will be outcries that she doesn't do stuff exactly like the actress on Broadway and then what - another snub. Why can Davis win because she delivered a performance with three corny scenes and Bullock wins for nothing and Streep can't win?! I'm furious. I hope everybody enjoys the mediocrity! Good luck.

January 13, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterzooey

Meryl Streep will eventually win again. Viola Davis is a one shot deal to actually win Best Actress.

January 13, 2012 | Unregistered Commenter//3|RT

I guess, it's Viola then. I feel these are going to turn out to be the winners. I'm kind of disappointed, though that they are predicting the Oscar rather than giving out awards.

But I'm oh-so-happy for Octavia!

January 13, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterdinasztie

I hear there are 250 members in the organization. They are all over in the states.
Williams racked up awards from small groups of people in different areas. U know movies critics in the area.
I knew Davis was going take it since she got a lots of supporters from the members ( yes I also reads their blogs which most of them are members including our nat)

Hopes it make sense.

January 13, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterChand

I liked winners after all...
They were not all my first choice, apart from Plummer and The Help ensemble ( I was on Streep, Pitt and Chastain) but I loved their speeches, escpecially Octavia's and Viola's ones.
But really, what impressed my was Charlize Theron's face while Viola was accepting the award... Did you see it?

January 13, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterTerris

Thank you Amir! I am so confused about all the love for The Descendants! Not a great movie, the worst Alexander Payne movie ever, the script was like a first draft, and do they think Hawaiian music makes it authentic? Dude, I lived in Hawaii, and there is certain pidgen everyone speaks! You couldn't get any of it in the script....and they said it wasn't paradise and then continued to show it as paradise? No traffic? Huh? No poor people? The kids were good, but one of them may be getting an Oscar nomination? Over Carey Mulligan? Over J.Cameron Smith? Huh again!

January 13, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSBG

@Zooey - And Meryl doesn't "WANT the Oscar"? Just stop. If you thought that was mediocre acting, you clearly don't know a lot about it. People don't want to "help" Meryl? Uh, what? Maybe people just weren't as into that performance? Anyway...

I'm content with all of this except for Brad losing to George. It makes me sick to even think of.

January 13, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterPhilip

And I hope Viola goes onto the Oscar. :)

January 13, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterPhilip

I'm so happy for Viola!!! Her speech was brilliant and it's going to be so effective...

January 13, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterPeggy Sue

The critics are a bunch of separate individuals I doubt they all decided en masse 'we don't want to help Meryl ' or 'screw her we will make it a tie' , I doubt it works like that at all. Davis was incredible in The Help, such a lived in performance, I haven't seen the Iron Lady and I will have to force myself to see it JUST for Meryl as by all accounts it's not a well made film. And Davis is the co-lead of the film, ok maybe she is not in every scene, but neither was Anthony Hopkins in The Silence of The Lambs or Nicole Kidman in The Hours, does that make their performances any less worthy of awards / praise? I don't think so.

January 13, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterramification

I simply don't get all the love The Help is getting. It's a solid Golden Globe movie (in a Comedy/Musical way, if I might add), with solid performances but there's nothing stellar or Oscar worthy about it. I'll try to rewatch it one of these days to see if there's something I'm missing, but I don't believe that to be the case.

January 13, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJohn

And I actually agree with @Zooey. Viola did her job and she was good, no doubt about that, but the Academy should reward excellency, not a "job well done". Same thing happened with Bullock. I like Viola, but she was much, much better in Doubt and should definitely win an Oscar someday -- just not now, and not for this particular performance. Also, Streep and Williams (and even Dunst, if we're naming names) had to face a much bigger challenge than Viola's but because it's Meryl and her bajillionth nomination it seems as if they don't even notice her work, and her effort anymore. They just throw her a nod, and move on to the other nominees.

January 13, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJohn

And sorry for triple posting, but @//3|RT this "Meryl will win again" thing is what I hate the most. She could be giving the best performance but since she's Meryl and will obviously be nominated for some other movie some time in the future they don't vote for her. And when her next nomination comes they overlook her once again because "Hey, next year will be her year, right!?", and when next year comes, the same thing happens. And at the same time they are giving awards to Sandra Bullock and the cast of The Help because they think that's the only chance they'll ever have of winning an Oscar. Good for them, but come on...
And finally, when Meryl gets to that Geraldine Page/Jessica Tandy age they'll reward her for whatever she did before she dies... overlooking the actual best performance of that year. It's what Nathaniel said the other day about how being consistently good could work against you.

January 13, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJohn

The only thing really stopping a stampede is the fact that the HFPA wasn't able to watch the winners here when selecting theirs-so I think we won't see a stampede necessarily there and Pitt or Streep may sneak in and take out the leads (the supporting categories are and have been a done deal for a while). Otherwise, if Davis and Clooney both win on Sunday, I don't see any way this isn't the lineup at the Kodak. As much as I like all four of these actors, I'lll really be sad if we have to sit through another steamroller year again.

January 13, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJohn T

Are people really comparing Davis to Bullock? Davis in The Help >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Bullock in The Blind Side. Davis has been a lock for a nomination since the summer, just because a performance is not loud and says 'I AM A PERFORMANCE' doesn't mean its not excellent.

January 13, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterRamification

Rami -- this makes me crazy too. Davis's work is so vastly superior to Bullocks that it's kind of insulting to list them together. The only correlative is that they're both leading big blockbusters and both films have race relations stories.

John -- yes, Meryl's consistent excellence works against her for wins. But there is a flipside. It also works FOR her for nominations. I mean, literally she just has to show up on a set to be nominated (provided she's not playing an ordinary woman in a contemporary drama... those are the only roles that are hit and miss with Oscar for her)

Philip -- me too. The Pitt thing. I can't say I've "rarely" felt this way -- getting sick over a great performance being passed over -- since it happens all the time. But it seems to me that the true movie stars are the ones Oscar has the most trouble seeing in terms of when they are worthy. I mean, it's kind of bizarre to think of Clooney's Oscar as being from Syriana. isn't it? It's just horrifying to watch a perfect opportunity like this one slip by. His two best performances in the space of a single year, BOTH of them critical hits and one of them an actual modest hit with the public, too? PERFECT opportunity for Oscar. So if they pass it up. *sniffle*

January 13, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterNathaniel R

rick -- re: Michelle. the general mass of critics awards have always been a different thing than Oscars. In the past few years I think the dozens and dozens of orgs and circles have lulled us into thinking of them as Oscar predictors because they had that horrible stretch of complete and utter sameness (god, i'm hoping that's over. This year was so much more interesting) but what critics respond to has always been a parallel but randomly overlapping thing with Oscar and never a "oh, that's a critical darling. It will win" sensation.

But i do find the Michelle and Marilyn thing a big weird. Because basically that's the type of performance that's usually more of an Oscar thing and less of a critics thing. ... since it's very like telefilm biopic

January 13, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterNathaniel R

I enjoyed seeing that the awards were pretty well spread out over various films and not one dominating things.

I didn't get to watch Plummer's speech, but reading it I am now more in love with him that ever. This is a case where I think they are getting to award the performance AND the career; it's a win-win (except for those folks who are supporting other nominees).

I really don't get the Clooney love this year, given the general mixed reception of the film vs. the stellar year Pitt has had. (I'm not a partisan of either one, btw.)

Viola's speech? Oh my, that feels like an Oscar-winner sewn up, but AMPAS could surprise. It doesn't hurt that she was so great in Doubt, that is definitely in her favor.

I do get tired of the "Meryl is overdue" talk when she is already an oscar-winner (and is famous and adored and wealthy besides) and there are so many great performers who don't even have one - who have never even scored a nomination. The universe doesn't "owe" Meryl another Oscar, IMO.

January 13, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJanice

@ Janice, and I get tired of stuff like she is an Oscar winner. Yes, the universe does owe Meryl an Oscar because Meryl has been snubbed (and robbed) in the past when she was obviously impressive and much better than the other nominees. And since Hepburn, Nicholson and Bergman can have more, why not Meryl?

January 13, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterzooey

@ Philip, yes - BLOGGERS who call themselves the BFCA usually don't help her. They never do. They were the first group to actually honor Sandra Bullock alongside Meryl, helping her much more. Anyway, I think I know something and please don't tell people they don't know anything. It's never a good way of making an argument. And what I can say about Davis's speech is that it was a good speech, but what I'm saying is that it was a speech rehearsed carefully! And it was exactly that - a clever way of winning votes. And where have I stated hat Meryl doesn't want an Oscar?! She does, but unlike a lot of actresses (remember Bullock) she doesn't really lose all her dignity to achieve it. And I respect that. Another thing I'll say is that I think - YES! - that Viola Davis delivered a good performance, but in no way a winning performance. Sometimes - actually way too often in the movie - her performance was broad and lacked the details, the characterization of a character and to me she has only one scene, in which I really loved her acting and cared. To me Davis has no business being mentioned alongside the performances of Meryl, Kirsten Dunst, Elisabeth Olsen, Olivia Coleman. And that's my opinion. You may have your opinion, but telling somebody that he doesn't know anything doesn't validate your own opinion. So shut up! (I couldn't help it.)

On the 'next year' thing: people love saying that. As if this gives certain comfort, but I'm rather skeptical. Meryl may never win again, because both Tandy and Page won in different times when older actresses got a fairer treatment. They could use the 'next year' argument again and again and again. And one day they'll throw the Honorary Oscar at her. At the same time an absolutely mediocre George Clooney could easily win three or four. And Bullock, Paltrow etc will have the same number of best actress wins as Meryl. Is that fair? Nobody cares. I still have hope for this year, but we'll see..

January 13, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterzooey

Zooey -- actually things have gotten much better for older actresses i think (and Streep and Mirren are definitely helping there). i mean people thought Meryl's career was dying in the early 90s! just because she had turned 40. Now it seems the actresses don't disappear from leading roles until 45/46 so ... baby steps of improvement.

It took Hepburn 33 or something like that years to win three Oscars. Meryl is only at 31 years in terms of Oscar stretch. There's still time. I totally believe she's going to win a third. I just don't know when it's going to be.

Maybe this year even? I think Viola is going to win but it's early still ... i mean -- LOL. we don't even know the Oscar nominations yet and everyone (including my silly self) acts like everything is already set in stone.

January 13, 2012 | Registered CommenterNATHANIEL R

Welll....that was predictable! How come I enjoy the Awards season right up to the point we get closer and closer to LA. Viola's speech....well written and the Academy Awards wants another Halle Berry speech...YAWN! And I guess memebers of SAG have recieved HELP DVD screeners...so that is in the bag! And also no woman has ever won Best Actress twice at SAG...so not sure about Meryl there....

BUt I am still holding on hope...as I have for the last multiple nominations...that Meryl will win the Best Actress Oscar and the world finally makes sense...I mean really? Have we been watching the same performances all these years?

Come on Weinstein....where is your magic touch?

January 13, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJamie

Zooey I love Meryl, but I mean come on, actresses without even one Oscar from Meryl's generation include: Michelle Pfeiffer, Glenn Close, Kathleen Turner and Anette Bening .. she's in the club, they're not, I can't imagine Meryl herself feels like she is owed anything, in all the interviews I've seen with her she seems very humble about the amount recognition / success she's had.

January 13, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterRamification

When did Davis exactly become the favorite /defacto Oscar winner, all the critics buzz was on Meryl and Michelle (and Tilda), her win is a genuine surprise to me. Golden Globes and SAG still to come, the story can still change. Her speech made me cry and I only read the transcript.

January 13, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterRamification

I don't get all the attention Viola Davis is getting either. I watched The Help and I liked her performance but she's clearly NO LEAD. She's actually MIA throughout part of the film. And right, Anthony Hopkins won the oscar for less screentime but his performance was clearly on another level, besides you sense his presence during the whole film. Viola? She's effective, but IMHO her performance isn't one to be rewarded for. I think it would have made more sense if she had won Supporting Actress for Doubt, because she did steal the show on that film, despite having little screentime. I haven't seen The Iron Lady or My Week with Marylin but for what I've heard Meryl and Michelle carry their films, so I think them winning would make the most sense.

Another point, I love love love Octavia Spencer, but I can't help but rooting for Chastain. With a year like hers, if she doesn't win the oscar I will be quite disappointed. But hands down, these two stole the show in The Help so I hope it's between them.

January 13, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterbrooke

Nat: Haven't seen Moneyball, but of the Brad Pitt performances, here's my top 10 right now:

10. True Romance
9. Seven
8. Inglourious Basterds
7. The Tree of Life
6. Twelve Monkeys
5. Thelma & Louise
4. Interview with the Vampire
3. Burn After Reading
2. Fight Club

And the worst performance I've seen him give:

Troy. I think he would have gotten a "Worst Actor" nom for it and Ocean's Twelve if they didn't pull the gag Bush nomination.

January 13, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterVolvagia

Exactly what i needed to read today....taken from THE IRON LADY review from MIck Lasalle from the San Francisco Chronicle....

"It's possible,only because anything is possible,that in the distant future people will decide they don't much like Meryl Streep. But I predict an opposite scenario, that someday people will look back on the movies that Streep keeps making every year or so - and they'll watch these performances that we almost take for granted - and they'll wonder why we weren't raving about her even MORE. They'll wonder how it's possible that anyone this brilliant ever existed."

January 13, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJamie

We've said it before -- readers and I both -- but with Meryl, it really might take being in a great film and being her typical greatness. She so easily outclasses her films but this wasn't always the case. I have (almost) every confidence that if she makes a film as good as one of her performances again, she'll win. Maybe that's what they're waiting for?

I so wish she had one for Prada. To me that was the perfect moment. (sigh) My favorite thing is when Oscar wins actually reflect a whole career and her third Oscar win being for a great comedic performance late in her box office hit years would have been so so very perfect.

January 13, 2012 | Registered CommenterNATHANIEL R

If the August: Osage County movie ever actually happens...wouldn't THAT be a slam dunk Oscar for Streep (despite the fact Sissy Spacek should be playing that role)? I haven't seen The Iron Lady yet, but aside from Meryl, the film looks kind of ridiculous. I'd much rather Meryl win for something else other than mimicry.

I got The Help for Christmas and recently rewatched it. Viola is truly wonderful. I even remember when it was announced she would be playing Abileen that she would probably win an Oscar for it.

January 13, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterKim

All of you -- Are you really that surprised with Viola? It's a great performance and it looks even better compared to all those clumsy biopics... and I don't even like the movie!

Kim -- I also think Meryl might get her third with "August: Osage County". Sounds like the perfect "quality" project to reward.

January 13, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterPeggy Sue

I have to echo so many of the sentiments here - especially those of my namesake right at the top. These are just such uninspired winners in the acting categories (save Plummer). Spencer really didn't have much to do. She's winning because her character made a poo pie. Chastain was that film's best performance. (And don't get me started on J Smith Cameron, Mulligan, and Redgrave having no traction in this category). Davis was very good - but not good enough for a nomination let alone the win in this strong year: I mean look at all the performances that aren't even in the running anymore: Dunst, Knightley, Olsen to name but a few! Davis and Spencer's win make a good media story. That is all.

And don't get me started on Clooney. A near-awful film which suffered because of Clooney's performance. I've agreed with all his previous nominations - but the love for this amateurish film/performance is BAFFLING. Especially when we consider it's from the same guy who came up with Sideways and Election - I mean, is that even possible? Such a drop off! Come on people!

January 13, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAmir_UK

Stop with August Osage County!!!!!! When isn't the next Meryl Streep movie a "slam dunk" for an Oscar??? Besides, last I heard the project seems dead in the water.... it may even be moved to HBO ala Angels In America...and the director is John Wells....who as directors go who knows??

January 13, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJamie

Nathaniel, did you actually vote for any of the winners? Are you not embarrassed to be associated with this group - after this and for the fact that they were responsible for Bullock's Oscar?! It just goes against good taste and what all the critics and reviews have been saying!

January 13, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterAmir_UK

Amir -- i have never claimed that I totally approve of the BFCA but joining the group was a good career move for me as I get far more access that makes writing about the season possible for all of you. The distributors make it very difficult for the non-professionals to follow the season by keeping audiences away from movies (10 one week qualifiers this year. It's geting worse!) so if you don't have access... If you aren't on the press lists... if you don't get the screeners... It's very very difficult.

I've said time and again that absolutely no group, not BAFTA, not the BFCA, not the Kansas City critics not the Alliance of Whatever Whatever ought to be giving out awards if their purpose is to predict the Oscars. If you're only predicting, you have no reason for existing unless you are individually an Oscar pundit (nothing wrong with that) but if you are than don't confuse predicting for actually voting on "Best". You'll notice that the Film Bitch awards are not remotely an Oscar prediction EVER. They are always what I would vote for if I had a ballot (with a few exceptions such as things that aren't eligible for Oscar for whatever reason but are eligible for my awards)

that said I disagree that the acting awards are in poor taste. Spencer's performance is very good. Plummer and Davis are both divine in their movies. Even though i PERSONALLY think The Descendants is kind of a mess, one can hardly argue that Clooney wasn't praised for it. Critics went wild for that movie. I personally think he has no business being in the running this year but then I don't think the movie deserves even one of the nominations it's received thus far. but i understand I'm in the minority.

January 13, 2012 | Registered CommenterNATHANIEL R

They were better at the beggining. They even awarded Nicole in To Die For!!!

I would be honored if they asked me.

January 13, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterPeggy Sue

In the past 10 or so years, it has become quite strange when prognosticators and their followers started conceding that a good speech by a winner so early in the game almost guarantees the Oscar. Why has this meme flourished and actually started becoming truth? This insane obsession has turned this event into just another crass version of American Idol/Dancing with the Tarts episode. I foresee a time when great actors will probably be embarrassed by this whole negation of art. The Oscar enthusiasm that I cherished when younger (winning surprises like Ellen Burstyn and Jack Lemmon) has almost completely drowned in this ridiculous sump. I wish that the mother of all awards still seemed relevant, but sadly (and I mean this sincerely), it does not.

January 13, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJohn

Meryl Streep vs The World: Best Actress

(1981) Katharine Hepburn, should've won Diane Keaton
(1983) Shirley Maclaine, should've won...well this was the Academy's last chance since Maclaine was 49 at the time of her win
(1985) Geraldine Page, should've won Whoopi, and I do love GP from her performance in Interiors
(1987) Cher, should've won everyone else in the category
(1988) Jodie Foster, should've been nominated and won Susan Sarandon, Close or Weaver out of the nominated
(1990) Kathy Bates, To quote Faye Dunaway "Don't fuck with me fellas!"
(1995) Susan Sarandon, wrong performance but her last chance at 49 years of age, I love her but my winner would be Elizabeth Shue, and I'm such a Sharon Stone fan and supporter--Streep was strong enough to win but the other women outside of Thompson--why were you there again?--this was their moment
(1999) Hilary Swank, I hate Streep's nomination here and the beginning of Annette Bening's losing streak in Best Actress
(2006) Helen Mirren, should've won Judi Dench
(2008) Kate Winslet, no problem with her win
(2009) Sandra Bullock, maybe the worst Best Actress win of all time, but Bullock is loveable, likeable, and so darn cute, plus she's 45 at the time of her win

January 13, 2012 | Unregistered Commenter//3|RT

omg I missed (1998) Paltrow, I would've given it to Streep here.

January 13, 2012 | Unregistered Commenter//3|RT
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