The Edge of Linky

Geekologie What if Disney villains had won? Fun illustrations of our favorites including Ursula & Maleficent
Pajiba reads my mind on the Olivia Newton-John / John Travolta Christmas Album !!! Well they read my mind except the part where the article is all obsessed about John Travolta's fake hair instead of Sandy & Danny reunited again!
Film Dr 10 Notes on Looper and the reciprocal nature of violence
Fleshbot *NSFW* Daniel Radcliffe gets naked for The F Word and Kill Your Darlings. After this and Equus... maybe he's telling us he's a naturist?
Gawker Liam Neeson does his naked part for charity on "Ellen"
Badass Digest interesting piece on the splintering of pop culture. Film may no longer rule, but neither does anything else.
Playbill Miss Pettigrew Lives For a Day, the musically inclined feature that starred Frances McDormand, Amy Adams and Lee Pace may be headed for the Broadway musical stage
In Contention Beasts of the Southern Wild won't be honored at the SAG Awards who have ruled it ineligible. This could put a dent in Quvenzhané Wallis Best Actress hopes if you ask me since SAG has historically liked little girl performances even more than Oscar.
Team Experience
Pop Elegantarium Alexa loves Looper and Looper paintings by the director's brother
Stale Popcorn Glenn kicks off a miniseries 31 Horrors with Cat People (1982)
MNPP JA loves Barry Levinson's The Bay
Serious Film Michael survives ocean storms with The Life of Pi
Exit Music
The hilarious Rebel Wilson sang from her "breast voice" for her Pitch Perfect audition
Reader Comments (5)
François Ozon won Best Picture and Best Screenplay last sunday at the San Sebastian Film Festival. I thought you would be glad to know it.
In defense of Pajiba, it's impossible not obsess with that hair. Tina Turner's palm tree wigs looked more natural. Have you had a close look? How anyone on earth would get out of his place thinking THAT looks good? No mirrors? No assistants, stylists? anyone in the street, sincere enough? At least it's distracting enough to not to talk about the woman's face work. So, it's Travolta being generous with Newton-John.
Completely unrelated, but it's one of those things where you follow a link on a link and you get lost. I've come to the conclusion I hate Taylor Swift.
I love Rebel Wilson. BTW I mistyped her name as Revel first and wanted to leave as is because it's so appropriate.
This Rebel Wilson thing is strange. Nobody hear seemed to take much notice of her...
God bless Daniel Radcliffe!