Seeing Double: Best Actress

So, Meryl Streep won the BAFTA for Best Actress playing British political icon Margaret Thatcher and looked great doing so. At first all I could think was Dynasty power bitch combo pack (Collins power / Evans warmth) with those shoulder pads and the dramatic bodice.
But then it hit me...
Aunt Josephine!
Congratulations to Streep and all the BAFTA winners. I know there's been a lot of drama among The Film Experience readers and Streep fans -- the categories overlap ;) -- about who should win Best Actress . This site attracts more than its share of the drama in that regard given that we talk about the category so often even when nobody as beloved as Meryl is involved. I assume the race is neck and neck and neither outcome would surprise on Oscar night. Streep was always going to win BAFTA with the added advantage of the already awards-magnetic gift of mimicry hitting the eyes of the people who would recognize the skill of the mimicry the best and The Help being very American-skewing in its appeal (I'm actually a bit surprised it was nominated for the BAFTA). The Iron Lady was dodgy enough politically not to really get people riled up about its always controversial subject which I think hurt the film but helped the Meryl awards prospects if that makes any sense. But even though she was always going to take it (I never doubted) it still does help her stay in the Oscar conversation; Oscar ballots are due on the 21st so people are still voting.
I hope we can all agree that when the Oscar conversation involves actresses as massively gifted as Meryl and Viola we all win.
That said I still hope it's Viola just on the grounds of these two performances and because if someone has to beat Streep I'm much more comfortable with it being an actor who you know can really throw down with her. Too often Oscars go to people just because they're well liked and not because they're Oscar caliber talents. This is why so many of the greats don't have even one Oscar... and people don't like to think about the harsh realities but if Viola loses that would mean we'd have to add her to that list of Moore, Close, Bening, Weaver, Pfeiffer, et all who can't catch the gold man despite world class gifts.
Streep and Davis at the SAG Awards 3 years ago when Meryl wisely demanded that Hollywood give Viola great rolesI'll be happier for either of them since one is an all time favorite and one is a current favorite who I hope becomes an all time favorite. If only we could have a tie!
I hope we can all agree that if Viola isn't offered great roles after The Help, regardless of who wins next Sunday, we all lose.
I think that should be my last note on this particular Best Actress matter before Oscar Sunday because good lord this topic has taken up huge chunks of the internet and this blog. And to think the world spent the first half of the year obsessing over Meryl vs. Glenn!
Each year brings surprises and who would have ever predicted this neck and neck battle back when they were first watching Doubt (2008)?

Reader Comments (75)
Yes, and If their movies were good I would be in heaven.
PS They both really need to change of haidressers.
Omg, I was thinking about that the other day - what if they could just have a tie! Haha!
Another Katharine - Barbara moment. :P I could actually see that happening this year.
That would be such an awesome win-win.
(But let's be real...)
It's definitely a "can't lose" situation, no matter who you cheer for (for me, anyway). But I agree when you say that lesser talents win for being likeable which is such a waste. Hello Reese, Sandra B, Renee et al. Kill me!
Well, at least BAFTA has a brain. Let's hope Oscar thinks long and hard about this, and does the right thing. Sometimes AMPAS actually does vote for the best.
^ Ew can you just stop. I'm so over people acting as though there's only one right choice and they're superior for feeling that way. This post was even about rejoicing both actresses no matter who ends up winning the Oscar, and still someone has to bring it down and be catty, petty, obnoxious.
Philip, then don't read my posts. It's quite simple.
Katharine Hepburn's third Oscar was a tie, so... just saying ;)
^ True! Haha, giving me more hope.
Placing Davis among the greats such as Moore, Close, Bening, Weaver, Pfeiffer is a disgrace.
How many movies did Davis had carried in her lifetime? maybe 1. She was good in other roles however they are very minor except Doubt.
Just because she made you cry in The Help. You can't put her on the pedestal.
Davis is not an inch overdue.
"How many movies did Davis had carried in her lifetime? maybe 1. She was good in other roles however they are very minor except Doubt."
That's actually not her fault though...she isn't offered roles like that because they unfortunately don't exist for women of her color.
A tie between Meryl and Viola? That would be quite a moment. As noted above, the last tie for an oscar was 1968 when Katharine Hepburn and Barbara Striesand both won for best actress so it is rare event indeed. Certainly both Streep and Davis deserve the oscar for their respective performances.
there has actually been a tie since then. I keep losing the list. but that was the last tie in a major category.
chand -- it's true she hasn't carried pictures like those other women listed but the point is SHE COULD. It's so painfully obvious that she is that level of talent. Hollywood just has to step up because movie stars can't happen without movies.
I think they are both great actresses but I'm pulling for Viola. Sorry but I don't think anybody no matter how talented who has two Oscars is overdue when great actresses like Glenn Close, Alfre Woodard, Garbo, Barbara Stanwyck etc.have never received one. Don't even get me started on other great talents like Ida Lupino who were never even nominated!!
chand: Yeah...shut up. Yes, up until Doubt, she had mostly tertiary roles. Yes, The Help is a massive jump in role size. However: This is about being DESERVING. Is Streep overdue for a third? Except for James Stewart, I'm largely of the opinion that you should only be able to get ONE leading trophy. So, I'd say no. Does she deserve it? Absolutely. Is the movie bad? Not at all. Is it great? Not at all. It's serviceable and entertaining in it's own ways.
RE: Viola's past roles - two Tony wins says plenty to me. Just sayin'.
I see you're playing the race card up there. Tsk, tsk.
Are you real? No, I'm stating facts. You on the other hand, were not.
Sorry, but you don't make the rules.
So happy for Streep, she is just amazing
I'm also of the idea that if you have two Oscars already, no matter how long ago it was and how much great work you've done since, you are NOT overdue. Not when so many great actresses don't have even one. Plus, what is Meryl going to do with a third Oscar? She's already getting baity roles, she has an opportunity to prove time and time again that she's very talented and Oscar or not, she's going to keep getting those roles. Meanwhile, that statue would mean a lot more for Viola Davis. It might open doors for better roles, more chances and a more fruitful career. I honestly think this Oscar will mean a lot more to Viola than it will to Meryl. She will give another performance that everyone can fawn over (personally, I would like it if she wins that third Oscar for something more similar to The Devil Wears Prada, a character that feels more like an original). I'm actually not as invested in this category this year because it's tough to beat last year's dream line-up (seriously, that was one time I was bummed that the envelope had to be opened and one of those ladies had to be declared a winner, even if most of us knew who it was). Overall, I feel I would be more of a Meryl fan if her nominations didn't feel so automatic most of the time...
"Overall, I feel I would be more of a Meryl fan if her nominations didn't feel so automatic most of the time..." I have a bit of the same feeling. It's not so much that I'd be more of a fan, but that I'd take the nominations more seriously. I started getting into the Oscars around '91-'92 during the period when she had her lowest nomination tally (one in seven years), her choices were fewer and the press wondered if she was done. Since then, she's received eight nominations, but only three are for highlight-reel performances (Bridges, Adaption, Prada). I was rooting for her for Adaptation and Prada, and for Julie and Julia, even though the movie was crap, just because she was the only hope of stopping the Bullock train, and the better performances didn't have a chance of winning that year. I'd love to see her win a third Oscar for a movie I believe in. And I'd love to see Close/Weaver/Moore/Pfeiffer, etc... win first Oscars for movies I believe in. This year the best actress category is a collection of great actresses in so-so-to-poor movies and Rooney Mara. But the performance I believe most in is Viola's, and I think she'll win because the highest number of people believe in it, too.
But, hey, it could go to Streep too, since she's gone so long without winning, and maybe the nominations would stop being so automatic and start only happening when she earns them.
Point for Meryl!
There is NO POSSIBILITY of a tie because the Academy rules were changed after the Streisand-Hepburn tie.
I'm a huge Meryl Streep fan who is also an admirer of Viola Davis, who has an uncanny ability to insert humanity into the most stock roles, which is a testament to tremendous talent that is unfortunately never given enough platforms to display itself. Meryl's talent is obvious, because even non-fans usually have a performance that they like from her.
So brandz, it's actually possible to like both and not insult Viola Davis by stating this is all about race or collective guilt. I'm not naive enough to say that it doesn't play a factor, but to say that it's the dominating factor ignores her actual talent and performance, which is unfair.
And if this still doesn't sink in, as a fellow Meryl fan, please get off our side -- you're making the rest of us look bad.
That's the first thing I though of when I saw her! LOL
Please let it be Meryl! Viola can still aford to wait another 29 yrs, but Meryl can't & Meryl truley was at top notch in The Iron Lady!
You go Flickah! Well said.
And Ethan...why do people do this? Viola can't wait 29 years to win an Oscar, that's such a ludicrous thing to say. People say the silliest things just because they want their favorite to win.
I'll make my peace now if Meryl wins I'll be happy for her and her career. Having said this: can the Academy let go of the auto nomination group think they have with her?
Actually stating that this is about white guilt has nothing to do with insulting Viola. It's an opinion of how this race is shaping and it's a valid opinion. Then again, yes, I believe Viola doesn't deserve the Oscar. Yes, I believe Meryl does. Not as much as Juliette Binoche and Kirsten Dunst, but out of the nominated five she deserves it most. And it's a long time waiting for the third that should have happened long time ago.
Other than that, Philip, why don't you stop telling people what to do and what to say? Accept their opinions. Yours aren't better and aren't facts.
I'm actually hoping for both of them in some ways (love love love Viola) but I'm really rooting for Meryl.
"Other than that, Philip, why don't you stop telling people what to do and what to say? Accept their opinions. Yours aren't better and aren't facts."
Where did I say my opinion was better or fact? The only thing I claimed was fact was that black actresses aren't offered the same plethora of roles/good roles that white actresses are. Is that not fact?
I'm not sure why you're so unnerved, but I'll pray for you come Oscar night should Viola prevail over Meryl because I imagine you'd have a heart attack or kill the person next to you.
A tie??? Wow, that would be great... and would please both teams! =)
Also, I think it would be a joy for Meryl and Viola to share the award. I do believe one is rooting for the other... Did you see Meryl's face yesterday when her winning was announced? She looked at Viola and make a face that was saying "Oh no... hoped it was you, sorry"... =)
Anyway it's a tight race... I am for Meryl, but a tie would be okay imo... because I truly believe that even if to me Streep's was best performance (in a so-and-so movie), Davis did a great job in The Help, and I would like she continues to do it in other relevant movies. So good luck both these great actresses!
I hope if Meryl wins she'll prevent herself from repeating that "Oh no... hoped it was you, sorry" face that is so paternalistic towards Viola.
I am one of the fiercest Streep fans rooting for a third win. What happened to Whitney made me think about things. What if Meryl *knocks on wood* dies and she hasn't been honored with #3. She isn't exactly young and her age is the age which has a higher mortality, according to the American mortality table, that is. That would be extremely painful.
That said, I have no problem with a tie. :-)
Oh Regina! Honestly, that's the most unfortunate thing I've read this season.
@ Philip,
your response makes no sense at all. And again trying to insult and turn critique. Why don't you look at yourself first?!
Davis is a wonderful actor, but I just don't think she was that great in The Help. And I'm someone who really liked that movie. I just find it a bit surprising that the standout performance in that film, Jessica Chastain, will walk away with nothing while Spencer and Davis will both likely get Oscars.
Thank you Zooey. You know, I can hear Philip whining from here.
That's what I wanted to say for years but I haven't got the guts to do so. Whitney's death really shook things up. Did you know that a 60 year old has twice a much chances of dying than a 40-yr old?
*knocks again on wood*
Sandra Bullock's win for The Blind Side was totally about white guilt. I think it's fair to assume the same for Davis in The Help, and in many ways more so.
All these cat fights from the Streep fans to the Davis fans should be redundant. They are not fighting - they are friends. I loved how the first thing Meryl did when she won her BAFTA was to look over at Viola, then go over to her to say something (love to know what was said). These are two women who respect each others work and, more importantly, are friends.
If Streep wins two good things will come out of it. The attacks against Davis will be over and the "overdue" conversation will finally end.
Can you imagine if Meryl knew what their fans were saying against her competitors - probably disgusted.
Yikes... the Meryl thing is starting to get a little unhinged. What if Meryl dies having only won two Oscars and become the most celebrated actress ever? I mean, can you imagine anything more tragic?
Ouch. I've enjoyed the columns and posts on this blog for a few months now, but this one is making me cringe. Kinda feels like the gibberish and vitriol I've seen on comments to Yahoo news stories. Take a break, movie fans, and read a book for the next couple of weeks until the Oscars. Out bad karma, in good karma.
Had white guilt really been a factor back in the 2009 Best Actress race, then the award should have gone to Gabourey Sidibe. Why half-ass it with a vote for Sandra Bullock? That's simply ludicrous. And quite frankly, all of these interminable Best-Actress-race discussions regarding which of these two ladies is more deserving have devolved into a whole lot of nonsense. It's a matter of preference -- NOT FACT -- preference. So many of these viewpoints have been duly noted on countless past posts, yet people continue to be dogmatic in their determination to change others' minds. Obviously, that ain't gonna happen, so it's time to move on.
Nat-you just keep on writing about Best Actress-any discussion of these two ladies is well worth it-the press that both are receiving should hopefully mean they'll be fully employed with choice roles for years, which I'm all for.
I will be happy to see either actress win, and really I think this year it will be down to the various members of the Academy awarding it to who they thought gave the better performance. Both Viola and Meryl give amazing performances and there is a good argument for each side, and neither of them are way out in front like Helen Mirren or Natalie Portman were in years before so it's a genuine race, can we just for once enjoy the fact that best actress is NOT a foregone conclusion and be happy for whoever wins it.
Sandra Bullock's win for The Blind Side was totally about white guilt now? That's new.
Of course, if Davis and Streep were to tie, the Streep Sheep would start bleating that the Academy gave her only half an Oscar, much in the same way that they complain that one of her Oscars is for Best Supporting Actress as if that is some sort of insult. They fail to recognize that she has a Supporting Actress Oscar because the role in question was a supporting role. Clearly, I'm not a Streep fan, and I don't think her performance in The Iron Lady is Oscar worthy, but part of me hopes she will win, just so I never have to read another article or post about how she is "overdue" for a third Oscar.