Oscar History
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Oscar Night is Here. Live-Tweeting

Each year we stress ourselves out with live blogging of all the big events but for Oscar... Since it's my favorite holiday I usually throw a party and recap later right here. Tonight I'm taking a cue from the fatigue I see all over the red carpet. As I turned on the TV Berenice Bejo had the microphone in her face. Why are the Oscars so special?

Because it's the last one."

While that's a genuine truth, "the last one" came out with something like a squinting faraway desperation for a week in bed. The cast and crew of The Artist have been working it for months you have to admit.

They're so committed I wouldn't be surprised to have seen them helping to roll out the red carpet. Bejo's high heel imprints are still faintly visible on red carpets all over the state.

I am party-less so I'll be live tweeting. Something more low key. I miss so much when I'm typing and photoshopping and polling and everything all at once. And I don't wanna miss the Oscars. I'll update this post a few times during the night with my tweets as guide so remember to refresh your screens. 

Red Carpet

• I was hoping that Michelle would come as Marilyn but she's very Michelle.

• Tate Taylor (The Help) so handsome. And I just noticed for the 1st time this morning that he's one of Steenburgen's sycophants in The Help.

• E! Claims "Total Departure!" for Rooney Mara because she's in white not black. Get back to me when she's in a pink ball gown
It's a little chilly"
-Rooney Mara
... weather and personality.
• Best Actress Fashion Watch. Thus far Davis > Close > Williams > Mara. Not exactly the order I expected. Where's Streep?

• Tate Taylor (The Help) so handsome. And I just noticed for the 1st time this morning that he's one of Steenburgen's sycophants in THE HELP

• "the man who loved best actresses too much" that'll be the title of my self-help book if i ever get help.

• Jessica Chastain looks amazing but better than the dress is that unexpectedly girlie bouncy personality . she brought her Nana!
"I love the energy, the light, the american faces and the cinammon rolls"

-Jean Dujardin

• It'll be hard to top Jean Dujardin's red carpet quote about his awards season experience.


• I'm really quite annoyed that ABC asked Nick Nolte about his pet crows and then they didn't let him finish talking about them. one is named "John David" but the other one is named....? NOoooooo I must forever wonder.

• BREAKING: Cameron Diaz still invited to Oscars

The stars seem to be filing in... 

• Gwyneth Paltrow and Angelina Jolie would totally look like twin superheroes. Let's name them!

• The crowd is totally enjoying Billy's return. There's also a lot of Tom Hanks already. Old White Guys for the wins I guess.

 • Speaking of Old White (Haired) Guys...
BEST CINEMATOGRAPHY Robert Richardson for Hugo
BEST ART DIRECTION Dante Ferretti (sans hair) for Hugo

• I'm so going to lose the Oscar pool.

• More Fabulous Old White Guys!

BEST COSTUME DESIGN Mark Bridges for The Artist
BEST MAKEUP The Iron Lady. Meryl looked so happy for her longtime collaborator.  

Two biggies in a row

First standing ovation of the night. Tate Taylor took every step up with her. Train dresses are dangerous on staircase, don'cha know. 

See it just moves too fast. Too fast. People complain that the Oscars are too long but I can never keep up. Feels great to watch it again instead of typing it. We shall discuss in greater detail the rest of week. I approve of these little clips of the craft fields.

I loved the idea of that Wizard of Oz test screening skit (execution not quite so much) but I sure miss the Christopher Guest crew.

EDITING The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo
Kirk Baxter and Angus Wall are the first back-to-back winners since 1935/1936.
The sound editors thank Thelma Schoonmaker first.
Hugo is really doing well. It was tonight's true wild card in terms of number of statues.  

I was prepared to be all snarky about Cirque Du Soleil but it was kind of cool. Too bad about the direction/editing. When people are dancing you leave the camera in longshot, dumbasses. Sometimes you couldn't even tell what clip their dancing was related to. Argh.


• And that win was followed by a commercial for Brave. Wow They're letting movies advertise finally at the Oscars?

This is my first time presenting an award. Hiiiii."
-Emma Stone 

• Emma Stone is joy and hilarity. Can she just host the rest of the night? Please? 

Wow. It's just magnetized for trophies tonight.


You're only two years older than me. Where have you been all my life"
-Christopher Plummer to Oscar.

LOVE.  He's the oldest person to win an Oscar.

Humorous Billy Crystal bit about reading people's thoughts by looking at them. Punchline was Nick Nolte Growling.

• Funny. That's just what I'm thinking half the time anyone wins an Oscar.

I was going to get worried if they lost that one. 


Lots of cheers for that one.

BEST ORIGINAL SCREENPLAY Woody Allen for Midnight in Paris
Angelina accepted on behalf of the Academy accepting for Woody Allen who never shows to collect.

Woody Allen is the male version of Katharine Hepburn the only idol they're okay with being ignored by.

LIVE ACTION SHORT The Shore by Terry George
DOCUMENTARY SHORT Saving Face by Daniel Young
ANIMATED SHORT  The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore

• The Bridesmaids cast (presenting all three) made this entire year so much better. Someone throw them a pizza party or something.

• "SCORSESE!" [gulps back drink] Apparently Martin Scorsese doesn't watch the SAG Awards as that joke entirely confused him.

• They cut to commercial with "Best Director coming up" while showing a Hugo clip...


• Honorary Oscars. you're so important you get to stand up while we pan up to a violinist and cut to commercial. 

• In particular I'm pissed we didn't get to see that Dick Smith makeup artist tribute because he looks so genuinely touched.

• IN MEMORIAM: all the white fade to white photographs were like the beginning of a very special episode of Six Feet Under

• The "In Memorium" ended with Liz Taylor's Oscar speech "thank you with all my heart" followed by a Cleopatra wink. Great. 

BEST ACTOR Jean Dujardin

I love your country."

 He tap danced on his way off the stage but they didn't cut to the camera that would see it well. What is up with the direction tonight?


 When they called me I had this feeling I could hear half of America going 'Oh no. Oh come on why? Her. Again?' You know. But, whatever."
-Meryl's funny intro. 

Beautiful speech as per always.

Taking my prediction score to a decent but unspectacular 17/24... t'was Hugo that threw me. 

My new phone suddenly stopped taking pictures / working just as Meryl won which is surely a sign that I should sleep on it and come back tomorrow evening with a clear head, and final words... and quite possibly a new new phone. Not that I blog from my phone. I need all ten fingers to type like the wind.

Good night. 


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Reader Comments (137)

Did Faxon and Rash actually do anything? I thought I read that Payne started from scratch.

February 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSean C.

Yay Bret has an Oscar. Now let's work on getting Jemaine one too!

However, that category can GTFO, no?

The Screenplay wins made me sad. If those were the best scripts of last year, then I clearly don't know what good writing is. >_>
Dean doing that Jolie leg pose was priceless though.

February 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMark

Will someone PLEASE explain to me the love for The Descendants' screenplay? A voice over is the absolute laziest thing a screenwriter can do when adapting a novel, and it wasn't even that good of a voice over! That it keeps winning over Moneyball, which made a very uncinematic book extremely cinematic, baffles my mind.

February 26, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterdenny

Denny -- i am not that person. I'm equally baffled. Actually by the praise for the whole movie.

Mark -- agreed on the leg gag.

February 26, 2012 | Registered CommenterNATHANIEL R

Beyond Saving Face, those short winners couldn't have been two of the dullest I've seen in ages. Le Ugh.

denny -- I guess it just might be industry respect and love for Payne/Clooney and some of that snazzy, snappy, edgy dialogue. "Snazzy". "Snappy". "Edgy".

February 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMark

YAY! Scorsese not winning Best Director again for a lesser film! May he keep challenging himself so that he can reach the standard of Raging Bull, Taxi Driver, Goodfellas!

February 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterLars

Scorsese not winning was rather fantastic. And I'm fine with Hazanavicius getting it but I can't help but feel Malick deserved every inch of that little golden guy. And then some when you consider the nominees he was with. And this was a pretty great shot to reward him too. Ah, well, just glad we're seeing more of him and that's enough.

That In Memoriam.segment was one of the classier ones I've seen from these award shows.

February 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMark

In Memoriam was good, for a change they didn't make the singer the focus, she had a great voice though. Glad they didn't change the proper order to highlight Whitney Houston, Elizabeth Taylor deserved to be the final tribute and having Jane Russell first was also a good call.

February 26, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterjoel6


February 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterPhilip

Mark - Malick has plenty of movies (for his standards anyway) coming out in the next few years so that opportunity may still happen for him. Although I think he'll be hard-pressed to match The Tree of Life.

February 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMDA

Yep, Malick certainly deserves it. But he's an outsider and a divisive artist (unlike Scorsese, who's always belonged to the In-crowd). Maybe he will get enough goodwill in the upcoming years to get an award (but I think he doesn't give a flying-f**k about the Oscars)...

February 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterLars

Wow, Streep actually wins. I genuinely didn't see that coming.

February 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSean C.

Well, I guess wearing a gold dress is good luck for winning an Oscar.

February 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterErin in Flagstaff

Man she seemed really pissed that she won; I guess she was pulling for Viola like the rest of us.

February 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMDA

At least Streep fanatics will stop whining now.

February 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterLiz N.

Does Streep really need a third shiny gold man? And for such a milquetoast, awards-baiting performance? Any of the other four ladies would be been a refreshing change-up, but I was especially rooting for Davis. Hopefully her second high-profile role in three years will jog loose some more substantial parts.

February 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterW.J.

One Meryl's great but I was hoping for Viola. Tom Cruise! Are there only five people who can present best picture?

February 26, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterjoel6

I'm so conflicted. I'm sad that Viola didn't win, but I can't help but be happy for Meryl and glad that she does finally have another Oscar. Oh well, you can't win 'em all. I'm only sad that we still can't manage to have a black best actress winner aside from Halle Berry, even when Gabby and Viola have come on so strong.

February 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterPhilip

I'd be happy as well if it had been Viola, but wow, Meryl! :D

February 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJohn

To all the haters, Oscar got it exactly right by awarding Meryl Streep with her third Oscar and best performance of the year. Finally, the national nightmare is over. CONGRATULATIONS MERYL!!!

February 26, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterbrandz

I woke up half an hour ago and didn't watch anything :(
Anyway, I love Meryl, so I'm happy for her, but I was rooting for Viola.
Congrats to all the winners!

February 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterJames T

The happiest Oscar night for me since Daniel Day-Lewis for "My Left Foot" in 1989.

Meryl: Simply the BEST

February 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterPatryk


February 26, 2012 | Unregistered Commenter/3rtfull



February 26, 2012 | Unregistered Commenter/3rtfull

I would have been happy with either Meryl or Viola winning....needless to say, I was absolutely thrilled with Meryl's graceful, touching acceptance speech. She is such a class act, and we are all lucky to live a time when she is able to grace with her talent nearly every other year.

February 26, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterLindsay

Meryl - what a classy lady and a classy speech. I find it hard to begrudge her the award, but I still don't think she entirely deserved it. Viola does infinitely more for her film, makes Aibileen a far more complicated character, and still honestly earns our emotions. And she doesn't have the aid of lots of transformative makeup.

February 26, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterdenny

MERYL Finaly...

February 26, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterstjeans

@brand - I'm not sure anyone on this site's been hating on Meryl really. I think griping has centered on certain fans of hers who, rather than championing Meryl's achievement itself, have spent much of the season insulting her fellow nominees and their fans.

That said, it was great to see Meryl up there. She's such a class act. I'm still a little disappointed that that Davis lost, because I thought she was marvelous and I wish the Academy would have taken the opportunity to honor an actress who hasn't been abundantly and consistently awarded for 30+ years. But Davis's nomination is by itself an incredible honor, and I hope her career continues to flourish.

February 27, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSteve

I'm so sad. Viola joined Whoopi Goldberg as the only black actress with two Oscar nominations, but became the only black actress with more than one nomination without winning. I'm so sad.

Couldn't The Iron Lady have come in 2009 so Meryl could have won over Sandy and Viola would now have an Oscar? Agh.

I loved Meryl's speech though, truly touching.

February 27, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterPhilip

When people who don't even know much about movies are saying Viola deserved the award over the competition (on Facebook to boot), you know the Academy without a doubt missed a golden opportunity to do something major. At least, we no longer have to contend fans going on about how utterly wrong it is that Streep doesn't have Oscar number three. I hope you all do realize that the next time she is *actually* great she won't be winning. BTDubs, I love her, but not this performance in this woeful film.

February 27, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterTroy H.

Meryl winning was such a fun surprise. I felt a little surprised as it was happening. I think Meryl made my night.

February 27, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMarsha Mason

I really hate Harvey Weinstein right now. Meryl Streep likely voted for Viola.

February 27, 2012 | Unregistered Commenter/3rtfull

@brandz well said! the hate and backlash that is to come will never overpower the joy and greatness of that win and the collective happiness of so many people everywhere RIGHT NOW!

That wonderful woman has been overlooked not once or twice and she finally won and I can't explain how happy I am!

She gave a great speech.

@ all the people who are about to start with their purely negative and rude comments ->
I suggest they take their pills and go to bed.

Tonight is Meryl's!!!

February 27, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterYavor

I think I'm most happy that the critics got it COMPLETELY wrong and Streep actually won, and deservedly so.

February 27, 2012 | Unregistered Commenterbrandz

Let's start to find a role for Hilary Swank to win her 3rd Oscar....lol
Just joking.....:)

February 27, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterLars

Meryl Streep is clairvoyant. She completely called my entire screening party out on our groans that immediately followed her win. A characteristically excellent speech, per always; I do hope Viola Davis gets another chance soon...

February 27, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterRyan Crowe

Nick Davis...baby...get on it!

Best Actress: Icon Viola Davis
1 Nomination (11), 0 Wins
1 Supporting Nomination (08), 0 Wins

February 27, 2012 | Unregistered Commenter/3rtfull

I only hope Viola gets an Oscar one day soon.

February 27, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterPhilip

So... is anybody else pissed that Meryl doesn't have a fourth Oscar yet?

February 27, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSteve

Meryl Streep has 2 plum leading roles coming up(?) and Viola Davis has 2 tiny supporting roles coming up. I feel a great opportunity was missed here to honor a unique and wonderful actress who does wonders with the tiny roles that she manages to get. On one hand, a never ending struggle and on the other, having the best opportunities every year.

February 27, 2012 | Unregistered Commenteradri


Not to night baby.
Halle Berry -- Non-White Best Actress
Shirley Booth -- 50 something Best Actress

February 27, 2012 | Unregistered Commenter/3rtfull

Worst part of the Oscars......Blech. I can't believe they're letting Tom Cruise present Best Picture.

Best part.......Meryl winning!!! Liked Glenn Close, so it's wonderful to see her looking so hot.
AND The Descendants writer Jim Rash mimicking Angelina Jolie’s pose while accepting the statue. He stuck out his right leg, resting his award on this thigh, very funny!!!!

February 27, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMia

Very disappointed that Streep won for her mimicry, especially when you consider some of the performances that went unnominated this year (Theron, Dunst, Swinton...). At least we will no longer be subjected to her fans whining that she is "owed" a third Oscar. Why they were fixated on the idea that she should have three Oscars is beyond me. But now she has her third, so that should keep them happy for a while.

February 27, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterClaude North

MDMA & Lars - Totally agree on all points, I was just trying not to teeter on slightly depressed to see him get passed over for that such an achievement like that. Can't wait to see his next couple ones for sure.

The Meryl Moment was surreal. I thought it was gonna be Viola but I definitely hope this leads to more interesting quality roles for her because a horribly dated film like The Help simply doesn't deserve her talents. And now that Meryl has her third, maybe she'll start giving a damn about who she works with, yes?

Natalie's moment with Gary Oldman while presenting Actor was so nice to see, you could tell that she might've been gunning for him.

The Artist wins big, which I'm fine with because although it's not Tree of Life, it's better than just about all the reasonable possible alternatives they could've gone with. Win-win, I guess.

Nate, can't wait to hear some final thoughts. But I'm certainly glad this season is OVER.

February 27, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterMark

If you see Colin Firth presented the award,
then that means Meryl won the award


February 27, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterNugros C

@/3rtfull --- I hope it was clear that I was kidding ;-)

February 27, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSteve

And furthermore, I find Streep's fans to be pathological in their worship of her, flying into rages if someone dares to suggest that she is not the greatest actress who ever lived.

February 27, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterClaude North

I was totally rooting for Viola Davis. Hopefully, she gets another great role that could win her that Oscar. However, even though I was not a fan of Meryl Streep's performance in The Iron Lady, I am thrilled she finally has that third Oscar. Even if it's just a gesture of appreciation for a great career, I'm happy when it's Meryl Streep. I just fear that now the conversation will be about how she didn't deserve that third Oscar for THAT performance. People we're hating on the Academy for not giving her a third Oscar, now they'll be hating on the Academy for passing Viola Davis to give Meryl her third. The hating never ends. There have been TRUE travesties within the Oscars than this one. This isn't even a travesty. I applaud Meryl and hope for Viola Davis to get another great role. SIGH!!! now let's move on from Meryl and start pushing for Julianne Moore's first Oscar :D

February 27, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterBVR

@Claude --- well, as a Meryl fan, I take exception. But I know what you mean ;-) (or am I no longer a fan because I happened to prefer Davis this year?)

I just don't know why certain fans who were rooting for her this year can't just enjoy the win, because it was really special to see Meryl win another Oscar, and she really was great in The Iron Lady (just happened to be a bad movie). I mean, if Davis had won, I certainly wouldn't be spinning it into an "in your FACE, Meryl and fans!" type of conversation.

Memo to the Meryl fanboys: take a lesson from your idol, and have a little class.

February 27, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSteve

I should add that, with that last comment, I wasn't addressing everyone on this thread who's thrilled that this particular performance netted Meryl her third. I was just talking about the trolls.

February 27, 2012 | Unregistered CommenterSteve
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