The Morning After

We always need a bit of time to recuperate. We'll be wrapping this year's Oscars up tonight through Wednesday morning. But for now... chilling. It's the morning after.
We've all seen this stone cold classic photo of Faye Dunaway the morning after her Oscar win for Network but Framework was kind enough to share more photos (and other Oscar types) in a slideshow gallery and I did a little more searching too.
More "Morning After" after you click including Best Scene Steal and 2 Greedy Gretchens.
Joan Crawford always knew how to make a scene. And her post-Oscar scene stealing in 1946 was one of her all time best. I can't be certain these photos were taken the next morning (perhaps they were at 11 PM or so on Oscar night?) but she claimed (feigned?) sickness for Mildred Pierce's big Oscar night. They supposedly rushed her Oscar to her bedside for the Star to receive... and the statue arrived with photographers of course. The next day it was Joan Crawford hogging the headlines from her bed instead of people who actually showed to the event.
Julie Christie meets the press the morning after winning for Darling in April 1966. Look at all the smoke in the press room. Mad Men had it right.
Henry Fonda was too sick to attend the ceremony for On Golden Pond but they took this photo the next day. The screen legend died less than five months later.
Greedy Gretchens: Billy Wilder the day after his Oscar wins for The Apartment, doubling his collection. He never won again though he was nominated once more for writing The Fortune Cookie (1966) and he won the Irving Thalberg too; Olivia DeHavilland sticking it to Joan Fontaine (who beat her to a first Oscar) by winning a second for The Heiress. Here she is the day after staring at the new twin.
Reader Comments (30)
Watching Meryl Streep's speech again last night, it sounded to me like a retirement or a farewell speech, which I hope is not true : (
The secret word of today child is Geraldine Page....yay!
Scafalle- I thought she was implying that she could be nominated in the
Future but she is certain that she will not win any other competitive Oscar.
The Dunaway foto is a classic for a reason. I could stare at it for minutes. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to do it again.
Streep is almost the exact age Hepburn was when she acquired her third Oscar (though Hepburn reversed Streep's grouping, getting one early on and waiting thirty years for the next two), so you couldn't rule out a fourth, though it's not something to bank on either.
It seems we've established that only Harvey Weinstein can get a comedy to the finish line in the Best Picture derby. Three comedies have won Best Picture in the last thirty years (Shakespeare in Love, Chicago, The Artist) and he's sponsored all of them. Michael Hazanvicius is now the only Best Director winner for a comedy since Woody Allen in 1977.
The Dunaway foto is fantastic... almost a landscape after the battle.
I think the speech was pretty calculated, actually (and I don't mean that in a negative sense- I do love Meryl), daring Hollywood to give her another. If they think she thinks this is probably the last one, they might be more likely to give her a fourth. People gravitate more towards the humble than towards the pompous.
The Oscars left me wanting more of Emma Stone... Best in show by a country mile!!!
Reposting here:
So so night. All of "Hugo"'s early wins got my hopes up too much. At least for Marty in director. Really wanted to see it win BP instead of that flimsy excuse of a film "The Artist." But whatever. It'll be forgotten in a few years just like most of these BP winners. They did a rush job on this show unfortunately. Billy Crystal did what he could, but he was a bit too self-pleased with his just OKAY jokes for my tastes. I never bought into Viola Davis winning over Meryl Streep, so that win was deserved. And her acceptance speech was truly great and nicely self-deprecating as expected. She tied with Christopher Plummer for the best speeches of the night. Some fun sections from Emma Stone (loved all of that! more presenters like that, please!), Robert Downey, Jr., Tina Fey, Will Ferrell & Zack Galknflkadlakdfjis, and Chris Rock.
And that finally brings to a close to this whatever Oscar season.
Where is the "How were they nominated" page, Nathaniel? I look forward to that every year, and it's not here. :-/
Oh LORDY how I adore that Faye Dunaway picture. And Nick Davis's homage to it is pretty great too.
And you know what? In the cold light of day, I'm still pissed off... about Emmanuel Lubezki losing!
The very slight disappointment I feel for Davis or Williams is tempered greatly knowing that Streep now has a third Oscar. Plus looking at all of the picture with her and Dujardin this morning gave me a perma-smile that WILL last through the whole day. Just utterly delightful the pair of them.
Also, Emma Stone... yes please.
Academy Award for Best Actress (1990) -- Kathy Bates
My favorite Oscar win of all time. She beat Streep, Roberts, Manjelica, plus an old lady. At age 42.
Emma stone should get a nomination for playing anne hathaway in the 2011 academy awards. Brilliant impersonation.
At least now meryl's talifans will stop whining, give the rest of the world a rest and we can all peacefully move on!
"At least now meryl's talifans will stop whining, give the rest of the world a rest and we can all peacefully move on!"
Until her next Oscar-adjacent film is released you mean...
I did cringe a little when Viola lost, only because she seemed to think she was getting called, especially after Octavia's win. But I also thought back to how she wanted to be lead...and if she went supporting, use discussing it now.
I really enjoyed Meryl's acceptance speech, as ever.
I don't think that was a farewell discourse... it was rather a joke... to say "I got my 3rd Oscar after 29 years... if I have to wait other 29 more years for the next one, this is probably my last time on this stage"... =)
Meryl still has a lot to give to her public... she can't retire. She won't.
Just like Streep wanted to be lead in One True Thing, Prada, and Ironweed.
Did anyone else find Billy Crystal boring? Yawnsville, man.
His song and dance number was cringe worthy. It sounded really lame, and worse, really really odd and old, like it was a remnant of another Oscar show when Bob Hope was still hosting them.
I'm happy for Octavia and Meryl, but sad for Melissa and Viola. Did any of you catch that flash of disappointment on Melissa's face when they announced Octavia's name?
Speaking of Octavia, I think she blew her chance to give a great speech. I know she was overwhelmed with emotion, but still, she was the frontrunner and knew that there was a great likelihood that she'd win. You'd think that she would have come prepared with a great speech in hand.
Did not dig the way those Descendent screenwriters made fun of Angie when they came up to accept their award. That's how it came across to me, anyway - that they were mocking her. Granted, she did stand oddly placing her leg in that position. Still, their actions were rude, and uncalled for, really.
Loved that Meryl went and kissed Viola before going up to accept her award. Very classy.
....and suddenly that "Finally Meryl, here's your 3rd Oscar for 'August: Osage County' " that we were thinking would happen a year from now....
Julia Roberts for Oscar no.2 -- August Osage County
Remember, Katharine Hepburn didn't win for 34 years, then won 2 in a row. I'm thinking before it's over, Meryl gets one more.
I love how positively over it Dunaway looks at the statuette. One can almost imagine verbatim the monologue occuring in her head.
Meryl's gonna get her fourth when her "On Golden Pond" rolls around, don't you worry. Now Ms. Roberts better bring it in "August: Osage County." You were just given an in, girl!
Dunaway was over it (diva!) but boy did she deserve that Oscar.
Even more delicious, in Dunaway's autobiography she mentioned that her future husband/father of her son actually took this iconic picture -- I believe it's how they met!
"....Dunaway was over it (diva!) but boy did she deserve that Oscar..."
Respectfully, she did in no way deserve that award. Anyone who has actually seen Liv Ullmann's masterful performance in "Face to Face" would have to agree with me.
Nat? Help me out here please !
Call me a dilettante, but I preferred Ullmann in Cries and Whispers, for which she was not even *nominated* (and was easily better than Glenda Jackson in A Touch of bloody Class!).
But I also get flack for asserting that Gwyneth Paltrow, whom I don't care for in general, absolutely earned her Academy Award for Shakespeare in Love -- an amazing, sure-footed performance that holds up well and doesn't get nearly enough credit.
wow I've never seen that Faye Dunaway photo before ! thanks! love it
so much to discuss in these photos and people still only wanna talk Meryl?
Patryck, Liv's performance in Face to Face is a joke. It's totally external and void of any depth. She can't even produce tears when she is supposed to, which is...almost all the time in this film. Her little Linda Blair impression (or her ''breakdown'' scene) in the hospital is extra embarrassing in its superficiality. Liv Ullmann does that in every performance. I thought she was great until I started watching her instead of simply reading the subtitles. Watch her confrontation scene with Ingrid Bergman in Autumn Sonata, and you'll see the same embarrassing and outrageous camp. Check that one out! She even had the audacity to sniffle nonexistent snot. It's hilarious in a campy way, though! I'm tired of people talk about how great she is. She's a hack. Nathaniel, maybe you should review one of her films and give us your insight?
ell -- hmmmm i definitely should write about bergman movies more, eys.