A Link is a Blog's Best Friend

Stale Popcorn Popcorn Glenn is a Scream (1996) fanatic and he almost got to correct that little problem of "never seen it on the big screen".Sympathies!
Film Doctor has a spoileriffic analysis of a crucial late scene in Cabin in the Woods
Basket of Kisses has an insightful guest post on misogyny, goal-post moving and blistering reactions to Megan on Mad Men who is "too" everything.
La Daily Musto today's arguments about Judy Garland's legacy. Are young gays still 'Friends of Dorothy'?
Pulitzer Prizes congratulations to this years winners, particularly to the Boston Globe's Wesley Morris (pictured above) who is easily one of the best film critics working. If you aren't reading him, you're missing out.
Tom Shone, another of my favorites, on box office and spiritual pain. Don't let the "pre-sold" suck your soul.
Go Fug Yourself Lindsay Lohan three times... and behind a transparent umbrella!
The ULTIMATE in wanting to be seen not wanting to be seen.
i09 I can haz nostalgia? "Even in the 1870s humans were obsessed with ridiculous photos of cats"
The Awl interesting interview on gothic horror with Hemlock Grove author and screenwrither Brian McGreevy
Boy Culture "i want you to hold me like you hold your money" ('Love Spent' is totally Madonna's best new song)
Finally... perhaps it's time for another Cute Hierarchy.
I'll take your suggestions for recent Cute Achievements in the comments but until then, this pressing question inspired by Too Fab's story about Josh Hutcherson adopting a special needs puppy "Driver" who is missing some toes and just had surgery on his femur.
Reader Comments (6)
I want to adopt them both.
Thanks for the link! My hope is that (the other) Deborah will continue as a regular columnist, not a guest blogger. She's pretty awesome.
@3rtful - Hear, hear! I have a rescue pittie, so Driver is a dog after my own heart. (And that J.Hutch is one uber-cute pocket pistachio.)
Young gay men (and younger people in general) still love Judy! I am a 24 year old gay man in WV, and I play her music in my receiving room at work all the time. All of the college aged people adore it. Also, when I recently found a vinyl of Judy at Carneige, I squeeled with joy. Judy only seems to be lost on those who are too far up Lady Gaga's ass to notice anything else.
Chris -- this warms my heart. Judy Garland was already dead when my life got started but i have loved her since as long as I remember watching movies.
Thanks for this link. This is the nice blog.