Link. Link. Link. Etcetera

The Wrap Glee's Chris Colfer is Struck By Lightning in a darkly comic high school movie which he also wrote. It's a Tribeca hit. Will it transfer outside the festival?
Art of the Title Saul Bass' work on Bunny Lake is Missing
Stale Popcorn starts a 1994 project (great year) with one of my personal favorites Reality Bites and, yes, I think that's Winona Ryder's single greatest performance.
Movie|Line asks you to a caption a new pic of Nicole Kidman from Paperboy. Damn, I wish I'd seen this for Say What before they did.
MNPP (NSFW) Les infidèles with Jean Dujardin gets even more notoriety: Dujardin takes it like a man
MNPP ...and of course Jean Dujardin is all hilarious about it in a promo
Self Styled Siren is hosting another film preservation blog-a-thon and as a little appetizer a piece on Farley Granger and Alfred Hitchcock. Ugh, I love Rope (1948) so much.
Chicago Tribune yesterday's it girl Rooney Mara replacing last week's it girl Carey Mulligan in the new untitled Spike Jonze movie, his first since Where the Wild Things Are. (No word on if today's it girl JLaw was ever discussed).
Four Avengers moments
Pajiba the most deplorable comments on a negative review of The Avengers on rotten tomatoes. Every time I read a piece on superhero movies not getting the respect they deserve I think: the fanboys bring it on themselves.
In Contention Kris stumps for The Avengers under the "best ensemble" category at SAG
Joe Utichi interviews Joss Whedon on his ups and downs and downs and downs and back up again in Hollywood
Finally... What if The Avengers had been made in 1978?
My ears. My ears. Bleeding. (The eyes on the other hand enjoy their 70s kitsch)
Reader Comments (10)
After reading the cruelest reviews in a long time, I have decided I will not watch "Les infidèles" because I don't want to regret Jean Dujardin's Oscar.
"Jonze penned the script and is set to direct the pic about a man who falls in love with the voice of a computer. Details of Mara's role are unclear."
Rooney Mara co-stars as the Blank Slate Dream Girl who is understanding of the man (Phoenix) and stands by him until he realises that the computer (Adams) can't fulfill him and he should have been in love with Mara all along.
The Jack: It's Spike Jonze. If he directs a movie about someone falling in love with the voice of the computer...there's some very...bizarre...stuff about to go down, especially if it's science fiction. Can you say...Implied Robot Sex?
The scene is really strong, huh? Please name an mainstream (or Oscar-winning!) American actor you've seen being banged in the ass, naked, being touched by another naked man, in a scene that is not a rape. I mean, really seen, because in Brokeback Mountain you couldn't seen anything.
DuJardin seems so relaxed about it, no big deal, just like Ving Rhames in Pulp Fiction, that had no problem about being filmed in a scene in which his character was being raped. He only asked the other actor do dress his penis and balls with socks, and then everything was ok. He said QT could film the scene the way he wanted, that he was ok with being shown nude and fucked. I can't remember any other case. Not even Sean Penn, I think, in Milk. I can't remember any sex scene in that movie.
I mean, bravo JdJ for the lack of gay panic. Some actors should take notes.
cal: Best I can remember, Milk did have a scene of Emile Hirsch dropping out of frame to give a blowjob. That was about it in terms of sex. And yeah, Brokeback Mountain had sex scenes shot as inpenetrably dark.
Bradley Cooper and Michael Ian Black in Wet Hot American Summer? I guess not quite as much skin...
Psst.....Nicole Kidman is doing something in that scene and it has nothing to do with talking. An open mouth is not always about words coming out ;).
I really loved Reality Bites way back when. That Stale Popcorn piece is right about the soundtrack (and it probably is Winona's best performance, though Heathers is up there, too). I should rewatch it.
Suzanne -- i saw it four times inthe theater i was so excited about it.
As far as I'm concerned... Reality Bites is one of the defining movies of the 90s, one of Winona's best performances and still stands as Ben Stiller's best work as a director -- give or take some brilliant moments in Zoolander. Unsurprisingly, it held up incredibly well when I gave it a shot on Netflix a couple months ago after many years of not having seen it.
Okay, okay, I'll watch Les infidèles now. If Dujardin keeps making ballsy choices like that (gay or not) I may have to follow him for many more projects. Agreed with cal roth on the bravo for lack of gay panic. Then again, French actors have always been game for anything.
Cannot wait for that Spike Jonze movie to be in my life. Also that film is apparently gonna have Samantha Morton in it. She's been giving me life lately so yay.