Pfeiffer Premieres, Then & Now

It's Pfeiffer Pfriday... on Saturday! (I can't be constrained by calendars and sunsets.) Joe reminded me in the comments earlier today that 20 years ago on this very day the stars were walking the red carpet at the Hollywood premiere of Batman Returns (1992) -- I'd casually mentioned it a month ago but pforgot on the day of! -- and just yesterday Pfeiffer was walking the red carpet at the Hollywood premiere of People Like Us (2012) so things are set right again in Pfandom-Land. She's right where she's supposed to be.
Look how happy she is hugging Chris Pine!
And just as a reminder here she is exactly 20 years earlier at the Batman Returns premiere and at the Globes and Oscars that year, too ...
Though it was the barely released Love Field that clinched the nomination, Catwoman obviously had something to do with it; when your career is soaring they're far more likely to honor you).
Pfeiffer in June 1992. Batman Returns premiere
Pfeiffer and Kelley, newly dating. January 1993. Golden Globes
Pfeiffer as a Best Actress nominee. March 1993 Oscars
One finally interesting note about these two events that happened just nine months apart. The 1992/1993 Oscar season may have been big for Pfeiffer onscreen but it was positively epic offscreen. Pfeiffer had taken her then boyfriend Fisher Stevens to the Batman Returns premiere in June but the relationship was about to implode after three years. Just seven months later she quietly found the love of her life in TV giant David E. Kelley (Ally McBeal, The Practice, Boston Legal, Picket Fences, etcetera) just as she was in the process of adopting her first child Claudia Rose. Pfeiffer and Kelley began dating in early January 1993 and *cute trivia alert* depending on which account you read / believe their first date involved bowling and their second Bram Stoker's Dracula. By the Golden Globes at the end of the month there were publicly out as a couple and obviously in love. She took him to the Oscars in March (her final appearance as a nominee *sniffle*). March 1993 was also the month she officially became a mom and by the end of the year the couple were married and pregnant with their second child. Things happened very quickly but 20 years later they're still very much together. She tends to leave the drama on the screen but those years were hardly quiet ones.
P.S. I thought I'd share two time capsules vids, the world's worst interview with Tim Burton at the Batman Returns premiere (god, he's just not cooperating at all!) and a Siskel & Ebert review just because. Ebert is really obsessed with narrative (that's not always the important thing, Rog') but Siskel has reserved praise for La Pfeiffer and DeVito as the villains.
P.P.S. If you're wondering where the wonderful archival pfotos come from thank Morrissey who runs the amazing and comprehensive Gorgeous Pfeiffer site.

Reader Comments (7)
Really hope to see Michelle Pfeiffer as an Oscar nominee soon! Maybe "People Like Us" will give her some buzz... it may not happen, but it would be amazing!
I still seeing her only Oscar nominated performance in "The Fabulous Baker Boys" as one of the most atrocious AMPAS crimes: people may say what they want but that Oscar was meant to Michelle and not to Jessica Tandy in "Driving Miss Daisy" (a great performance, but not as good as Pfeiffer's)
* her JUST Oscar nominated performance
I'd love to see her in a musical again, but a drama this time. What Broadway show could she find herself in?
Does anyone dress that causally at events anymore?
I thought the denim jacket McDormand wore at the Tony's sometime back was a disgrace.
Yes, I hope she can gain some ground again,because everything she has done lately has been not so good (to say the least )... hope the new movie is better than the others... although she only has a supporting role .. she needs to be offered something that has "meat" to it.
I don't know why but those photos from 1992 made me imagine a movie where Charlize Theron and Michelle Pfeiffer play mother and daughter with a Snow White/Evil Queen-esque approach to it.
You know Pfeiffer would rule as an icy Evil Queen and, well, Theron would be a viable contender for usurper of her beauty. (unlike KStew/Theron which we all know it's not an even close contest).
But yes since Pfeiffer is not working more, why aren't studio execs throwing great scripts at her? She's one of the greatest American actresses... Although if we think about it, there are too many (Sarandon, Davis, Lange, to name a few) not working a lot as well.
well shes always been a hokey actress if you ask me, I mean she's an ok actress but the roles she has always played are hokey and she has a hokey, shallow personality. But she's beautiful so everyone overlooks it. Everyone except for me.