Link Me Like You Mean It

Scanners Alien (1979) in just one frame. On Ridley Scott's compositional skill.
Fug Girls well played, Elizabeth Banks
My New Plaid Pants Abraham Lincoln Vampire Hunter in 150 words or less
The Wrap Metropolis is the world's most valuable film poster. How much will it fetch at auction?
Indie Wire a ten wide Emmy nomination wishlist from Kathryn Hahn in Parks and Recreation (great choice) to Laura Dern in Enlightened "the most burrowing television performance since Tony Soprano"
Guardian smart piece, neither fully pro nor con on Brave and the evolution of the action princess...
the studio whose most iconic heroes include a toy cowboy, a rat, a fish, a boy scout, and a lonely trash compactor (all male-identified, of course), couldn't figure out how to tell a story about a human girl without making her a princess. That's the problem in a nutshell: if the sparkling minds at Pixar can't imagine their way out of the princess paradigm, how can we expect girls to?
Flavorwire "actors with the worst onscreen love lives" - a fun (?) rundown of heartbreak for Michelle Williams, Leo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet, Ryan Gosling and more
Huffington Post Mike Ryan took a male stripper to Magic Mike and wrote about their "date". I had this idea too and even lined up TWO of them, former Chippendale's guys that a girlfriend of mine once worked with. But then they both cancelled on account of 'conflicted feelings'. Argh. From conflicted feelings are beautiful movie conversations born.
Coming Soon Angelina Jolie on the very green screen set of Maleficent
Cinema Blend Viggo Mortensen may smuggle vampires in intriguiging sounding The Last Voyage of the Demeter
Let's end with two random nifty visuals. THE FIRST ONE IS UNFORTUNATELY A HOAX.
1. It's supposedly a Back to the Future screenshot but I started hearing it was a hoax and I looked it up on The Movie Timeline and it is. The future they were going to was... NOT today :( I apologize for tweeting and sharing.
2. The second was a birthday gif a reader "Mark the First" made me. xoxoxo Mark.
Isn't it cute?! It totally made my week. At the risk of sounding hopelessly narcissistic ["What else is new?" - all of Nathaniel's friends] I accept birthday gifts all June long be they handmade and heartfelt blogging fuel like so, generously monetary (see sidebar -- it's only 10¢ a day to make my life way easier) or bartery for those of you with special skill sets in Manhattan; as always I need a photographer, stylist, publicist, massage therapist, yogi, etcetera... I know that you can't always get what you want ♪ but I'm a firm believer that you should try to get it anyway.
Reader Comments (8)
I'm pretty sure the future date is October 21, 2015, not today. I love that birthday gif!
Keelay -- you're right. It was a hoax. I updated the post.
How do I send you a DVD? I am not stalking, I swear. Or is there any way to send you a gift without knowing your address: like I choose a gift, pick your account and that is done?
Birthday gif and Magic Mike date = brilliance
I'm surprised more people aren't looking to Studi Ghibli in regards to Brave. They've made a great deal of movies with female leads, some with a princess, some that fight, some that are ordinary girls, some that aren't. They almost always are memorable.
Elizabeth Banks can look REALLY good when she wants to but I mostly love that she's become somewhat of a budding fashionista this year.
Indie Wire picked some pretty good contenders for their Emmy wishlist but I wish the actual nominations would come out already! I feel like there's so many interesting breakthroughs that can happen in a year of very worthy contenders in many of the categories (like this year) but... I wanna see how they somehow manage to screw it up! /Emmy realist :(
That Mike Ryan piece was interesting. I know that whole set-up must've been bizarre for them both but I felt awkward just reading it.
YAY so very happy you loved it. I had to give back ~something for a fabulous blog that gives me so much. :D
I strongly recommend "Enlightened" to everyone and especially to you Nathaniel. Diane Ladd also had an episode for the ages.
Yes, That is Great Birthday Gift and Magic Mike Movie.
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