And the LINK said unto Noah, Come thou and all thy house into the Blog

<-- Look it's Russell Crowe as Noah in Darren Aronofsky's hopefully insane biblical epic. I hope he's nicer to the CGI tigers than he was in Gladiator.
Vulture Will now middle age Bill & Ted have another excellent adventure?
Pajiba whoa. Darlene Cates, the nearly immobile obese mama from What's Eating Gilbert Grape (the movie that brought us baby Oscar nominee Leo DiCaprio) has lost 244 lbs.
MNPP Shia Labeouf joins Lars von Trier's Nymphomaniac
Towleroad Lady Gaga vs. RuPaul. Fierce x 2?
Cinema Blend looks at the rumors and facts about Warner Bros plans for a Justice League movie. Warner Bros still doesn't get it though, since so many Green Lantern people are still involved. Wake up WB. Green Lantern was terrible. The Avengers would not have become a beloved mega hit if everyone hated the movies that led to it.
Coming Soon Oooh, track listing for Tim Burton's Frankenweenie remake. Karen O has an original song (will Oscar notice this time? They so screwed up with Where The Wild Things Are and Winona Ryder is on the CD too.
Just 4 Fun
3 things that made me LOL this morning when I most needed to.
Olympic Booty Appreciation I ♥ the titles so much
Call Me Maybe ♫ Chatroulette version
"Pile of PeeWees" from the Crazy 4 Cult show. Scotty C. is the best
Reader Comments (6)
OK, it's time for a "Call Me Maybe" by Team Experience.
PS Madly in love with Berki, Leyva, Nguyen, Mikulak... all those heavenly gymnasts.
On the Cinema Blend article: The problem is that EVERYONE is interested in the Marvel Stable and NO ONE is interested in the DC stable beyond Superman and Batman. Top tier talent is getting attached to B and C list Marvel characters (Edgar Wright is attached to Ant Man, for example) but they can barely scrape together D list directorial talent for the other three A List DC characters, let alone anything beyond that. In terms of sheer production, tight scheduling and interested talent, Marvel is, frankly, winning.
That Olympics tribute may have pinpointed why the London games have had such a strong set of ratings. :)
Volvagia -- i don't think it's a matter of hollywood major players not being interested. I think it's a matter of WB having their heads up their asses. *SURELY* stronger talent is available given the Nolan films. I mean they did fire joss Whedon. They clearly don't know what they're doing.
Pegy Sue -- if only i weren't camera shy!
Nat: I don't quite see it. WB has been DUMB (they really turn down the one major directorial talent that's interested in a cinematic DC adaptation that isn't Superman or Batman?), but outside of Whedon's attempt at Wonder Woman, I don't quite think the major directorial talent is interested, on the overall picture side of things. The problem is that, generally, DC makes Symbols and Role Models. Marvel, generally, makes People. Major Directors are, generally, not really interested in Symbols.
The Three Most Popular DC heroes aside from Superman and Batman:
Wonder Woman
The Flash
Green Lantern
The Three DC Heroes or Concepts aside from Superman and Batman that Directorial Talent might actually be interested in:
Green Arrow
Birds of Prey (Also: Part of this concept would need set-up in a Batman film.)
Animal Man