Thoughts I had while staring at Nicole Kidman in "V" Magazine

Nicole Kidman just keeps whipping us into submission. Yes, yes, "Uncle!" You're a great actress and infinitely obsession worthy. But bow down we must, again, as The Paperboy nears movie theaters. Hurry up and get her already, movie! Her latest ploy is dressing up (by which I mostly mean undressing) for V Magazine.
The V doesn't stand for "Voilà" but... Voilà. Here she is boys...
More thoughts / drrty photos after the jump...
• Given that the V is pointing right towards her crotch, and that this comes hot on the heels of the news that she'll have a small role in Lars von Trier's Nymphomaniac (2013?), it's all of a piece; Kidman Hot Piece.
• I always prefer Kidman as a redhead but if she must move away from the ginger, trashy white blond with bad roots is, to my surprise, the best way to go!
• Why am I surprised? I've always loved platinum blonde with dark roots.
I'm getting a little old for that whorey look."
-Cristal Connors, Showgirls
• You're never to old for the whorey look!
• Would you go blind if Kidman's red wrap was actually the shag carpeting for an entire room? Would you shag Nicole Kidman on blindingly red shag carpetting?
• See through underwear is hilarious. Why wear it?
• I'm sure it wasn't intentional since the photographer is probably not as old as me or Kidman but this look is SO '80s and screams Donna Mills "The Eyes Have It" mixed with ONJ's "Soul Kiss" to me.
• Every reader under 40 just scratched their head with utter bewilderment. Who is "Donna Mills"? What's a 'Soul Kiss'? What is an "ONJ"? But back to Donna Olivia Kidman Nicole...
• Blue Eyeshadow makes me weepy with nostalgia. It's the single most potent Eighties mnemonic to me. Probably on account of my then undisciplined Actressexuality.
• The metal dress, pink stilletos, and green chainmail panties look astoundingly uncomfortable. But Kidman was married to Tom Cruise for ten years so she has The Stamina.
• This photo makes me wish I was straight and not just Actressexual.
• This photo makes me hope that Nicole Kidman's Oscar campaign for The Paperboy is loud, outrageous, and frequently naked.
Cristal Connors: I like nice tits. I always have, how about you?
Nomi Malone: I like having nice tits.
Cristal Connors: How do you like having 'em?
Nomi Malone: What do you mean?
Cristal Connors: You know what I mean.
Nomi Malone: I like having them in a nice dress, or a tight top.
Cristal Connors: Mmmm. You like to show em off.
Nomi Malone: I didn't like showing them off at the Cheetah.
Cristal Connors: Why not? I liked lookin' at 'em there. We ALL liked lookin' at 'em there!
Nomi Malone: It made me feel like a hooker.
Cristal Connors: You *are* a whore, darlin'.
Nomi Malone: No I'm not!
Cristal Connors: We all are. We take the cash, we cash the check, we show 'em what they wanna see.
• Photoshoots of actresses are so blown out and retouched these days that it's a wonder anyone takes the time to for botox or dermabrasion. Modern celebrity portraiture IS plastic surgery and cosmetic enhancement and it's painless for the actor!
• "Please use the Lord & Taylor Accessories Wall thoughtfully."

Reader Comments (38)
"Cristal Connors: You *are* a whore, darlin'.
Nomi Malone: No I'm not!
Cristal Connors: We all are. We take the cash, we cash the check, we show 'em what they wanna see."
I thought of this exchange immediately while watching Joan prostitue herself on Mad Men.
Anyway, the V article is full of something interesting nuggets, particularly the Lars stuff Kidman drops in at the end.
And your point is, prey, what?
michelle --all of the above. it's a train of thought moment. unedited.
Isn't Paperboy a really bad movie:?
See through underwear is hilarious. Why wear it?
Never mind.
She has gone down 75% for me s a serious actress... I think she is desperate for her career.. I'm not sure the route she's taking will work!
I really enjoyed her in movies ... hope this is a phase.
@ Rick, I don't really understand your point, it makes no sense. First of all Nicole's career speaks for itself: two movies in 2012, three in 2013 and many others in the coming years, plus NYFF is going to award her and she just got an Emmy nomination. Isn't it enough? I don't really understand your "desperate for her career" statement. She's 45 and she's doing pretty great for her age. She's mature enough to know what she does and if she want to show her (beautiful) ass I don't understand why she should be desperate. She plays with her body and with her sexuality. If a man appears naked on a cover will you call him "desperate"? I don't think so. This is a very bad sexist way of thinking. Secondly, what phase are you talking about? The one who brought her to get another Oscar nomination less than two years ago? Or the one who brought her to work with a great director like Park Chan Wook? Or the one who brought her to work with Lars Von Trier again or the one that brought her to play Grace Kelly? Your post is pointless, sorry. Just another comment full of hatred against an actress who dares. This makes uncomfortable many, she knows it, she doesn't care. Viva Nicole!
Viva Nicole! Indeed.
Give me Naomi Watts anyday.
Living in the age of Nicole Kidman is a precious and exciting thing. Those photos are gorgeous. The Paperboy (and fall movie season) cannot get here fast enough.
Way to go, Nicole. 45 years old and she has THAT body, whew.......I bet you can bounce a nickle off that very pert behind. I like seeing this side of her, too bad she only shows it off once in a while. We need more mature actresses to show the young ones how it is done. Keith Urban, you are a very lucky man.
Mee88, word! Apparently, it is OK for her to disrobe on film but on the cover it is "desperation". Serious actress means different things to people. I guess for some people you are a serious actress if you only stand on a magazine cover, looking straight at the camera, lol. A serious actress does great work that brings about debate, that's Nicole Kidman to the core.
Love what she has to say about Lars ("Put your clothes back on, Lars", lol, you have to wonder why Lars decided to take his clothes off!) and I am looking forward to seeing them work together.
Med, The Paperboy is not yet deemed a bad film but it is a divisive one. 9 Fresh vs 7 Rotten on Rottentomatoes.
She's working with Lars in Nymphomaniac, right? Why would she turn down Manderlay? And for what, The Interpreter (Bewitched has a place in my heart)?
Speaking of Naomi, I just saw To Die For and there were some parts where I feel like Nicole was channeling Naomi's cheerleader-ness, for lack of a better word. Been waiting to see that and I can't wait to get drunk before/while watching The Paperboy.
Kidman is a true movie star and she is still hot enough to pull off this over the top sex kitten bit
I love Nicole and I mean this as nicely as possible...but when I see adds for the Paperboy, David Bowie in the Labyrinth springs to mind. It's the's the hair.
Paolo, Manderlay was how many years ago? lol
She got $15m for The Interprer, good incentive, I say and a chance to work with her friend, the late Sidney Pollack who produced some films she starred in.
TDF? can't say I knew who Naomi Watts was in 1995/6.
You may be right ... remember I did say i enjoyed her. The Hours and Rabbit Hole were the only movies I have enjoyed her in for a very long time. I knew I was going to get a lot of trash talk when I posted this item... gays seem to love her ... I am jot gay.
C'mon. you have to admit she IS desperate to keep herself young ... to the point she had her face lifted in her 30's and couldn't even show emotion in her movies. I am all for YOUTH be it male or female .. but when you have children and a baby ( at that ) I would not want to have my mom out there like she is doing. It's all career... my comments may be useless, but i cannot agree with you.
You may be right ... remember I did say i enjoyed her. The Hours and Rabbit Hole were the only movies I have enjoyed her in for a very long time. I knew I was going to get a lot of trash talk when I posted this item... gays seem to love her ... I am jot gay.
C'mon. you have to admit she IS desperate to keep herself young ... to the point she had her face lifted in her 30's and couldn't even show emotion in her movies. I am all for YOUTH be it male or female .. but when you have children and a baby ( at that ) I would not want to have my mom out there like she is doing. It's all career... my comments may be useless, but i cannot agree with you.
Last comment on this for good...
When I said I was not gay does NOT infer I do not like gays wife and I both have very close gay and lesbian friends.
Also, how many of these "great" movies she has made have been successful with audiences and/or have made any money? Think about it before you show your claws!
Thanks Mee88 and Amy
In Europe, people will just admire this graciously... In America, it is of course different.
I know every few years Nicole will come out of her prim and proper shell and shock us (the last she did when she wore black wig) and this time she doesnt disappoint.. She is channeling Charlotte Bless, for goodness sake... she has nothing else to prove, at this point of her career..
So why cant Nicole Kidman be proud and show us what she got?
What is wrong for being talented and at the same time beautiful and sexy?
Meryl Streep is not just the only serious actress in this world and America is not the world... she is not the bench mark..
Nicole Kidman is a true movie star...
Jaragon -- agreed. I'm just crazy 4 Kidman and she keeps finding ways to reward and reinforce the crazy in me. Lover her soooo much
I really agree with whoever said that if this were a man of Kidman's status, people like rick probably wouldn't bat an eye. Comments like "She's a mother! She has a baby! Mom's can't do this!" really show that the comment is relatively sexist at its core, even if it isn't intended that way. Sorry rick, but check yourself.
Also, when you have to preface a post with "I'm not gay but I don't care, I HAVE MANY GAY FRIENDS" it really doesn't make you look good. When will people get this? And it's not like she only has gay fans, either. She's a fantastic actress and has more than her fair share of respect within the industry (her upcoming Tribute at the New York Film Festival is just one of many things that prove this) so I don't understand how that equates to just the gays fawning over her. She has fans and admirers from all walks of life.
Ugh, I'll stop before I get angrier. Kidman looks awesome and good for her for not shying away from this photo shoot. It's obvious that she's channeling her character in The Paperboy and this isn't something she's ever done before. It's fun to see this side of her, especially when she's obviously a shy and private person in real life. You see starlets like Blake Lively shying away from doing any kind of nudity even in films because they think that they're above it, which is kind of hysterical. Not to say that you HAVE to do nudity, but if the character calls for it, be it male or female, I don't get why some immediately run away from that.
And I'm glad that she confirms that she's taking a part in Von Trier's The Nymphomaniac. Can't wait!
Nathaniel, the photographer is actually Mario Testino, who is 57, so I think the complete 80s/Donna Mills feel of this shoot is totally on purpose!
She also totally looks like Daryl Hannah circa the 80s in the shot with the fuchsia dress and awesome earrings. Love it. All of it.
JuJu -- thanx. i suppose i should've looked that up.
brian z -- does this mean she'll steal babies and sing with goblins in the movie?
Nat, she's getting a special tribute at TIFF where "Paperboy" will screen. That's the important announcement when it comes her career.
It seems to me that "Paperboy" is to her what "I'm not there" was to Cate Blanchett, you know ? Film's divisive, but the performance almost universally praised. Except that "Paperboy" is mucj more risque so Kidman won't get nominated for an Oscar, but she'll have earned more respect as an actor.
Love it! Go Nicole... Can be more exited with all this. Want to see The Paperboy right now! Also Stoker, The Nymphomaniac, (the railway man) and Grace of Monaco. What a list of films to come!! She deserve it and we deserve seeing her in all this projects. I'm specially exited with the von trier collaboration. I know the magazine says it's a cameo, but hope it's a large one. She says she loved the caracther, so i think maybe it's more of a supporting type of role than a cameo.
Also her tribute will be at new york film festival and not the TIFF
I'm not especially excited for The Railway Man but I think she decided to do this film because it's Academy-friendly (like Cold Mountain) just like Grace of Monaco is a baity part, to counterbalance with her auteur work in Stoker and Nymphomaniac. She's making good choices right now, and Before I go to sleep might be a cool part.
Alexis: Ooohhh comparing the genious work of Blanchett to Kidman's Paperboy slut....its such a compliment to Kidman and not comparable at all
Kidman working with von Trier again sounds really interesting
@ Manuel
I'm talking about the reception of her work in Paperboy... I'm not there was not universally praised to say the least yet Blanchett's perf was raved. Same goes for Paperboy. The comparison seems valid : both are presumably loud performances with physical transformation.
I am totally not sexist I grew up with 3 sisters and a mother and came out of it with a true respect for women... So Shove that one! As for a man bare chested,, who cares? but even in Europe women are not going bare breasted now as much as in the past.. we have an apartment in Nice and some, but not nearly as many go topless.
Also, I still agree that some of these women,girls Brittany. Lindsay etc, will have to explain their actions to their kids who will be kidded mercilessly by their peers. I taught at a College Prep school where famous ( politicians, actors, etc. ) sent their children... so I saw it first hand.. believe me some of those kids have come out shattered... so shove that one,too.
I won't even go into the gay thing b/c you twisted what I meant ( that may have been my fault in the way it was written ).
Oh Yeah... Katie Holmes is shy in real life, too! They are ACTRESSES... all the time.
Rick again, I don't understand your point. I respect it but I don't get it. Your informations about her are incorrect, BTW. Sorry, you should know facts for what they are before judging or calling her desperate. And if for you a movie is great becuse it makes money, well, you have a lot things to learn and YOU HAVE GOT TO KID ME. Seriously. Peace...
And for the record, Rick, I think Nicole makes you uncomfortable because her behaviour as a woman and as an actress is unpredictable...Doesn't she? Be honest..
Mee88, there is even more recognition for Kidman. BFI - British Film Institute has a book on her that has just been published:
What makes Kidman interesting is that she never shied or shy away from being divisive or knocked down, she relishes it and welcomes it, she has even discussed films that did not work with critics interested in talking about, she has never hidden to prepare for a "comeback".
At 45 years old, she has 2 books written about her by David Thomson and Pam Cook (for BFI) about her work, these are not people to be sniffed at. For an actress only "fawned over by gays", who can't get her film to even $50m, she seems to be making quite the mark.
Can I just say again - I LOVE HER!
No!! I was going to blog more but you really choose to misread all I write so this is a useless game .. I love Kidman... see all her movies ( some good ..some bad ).. will see ThePaperboy... but you don't get it ... these actresses ( not just Kidman ) will do anything for publicity ... she is acting all the time... I won't even go into her marriage with Cruise... if you think you know all about her movies ... you need to learn some of the reasons for their marriage!
Also, I can say the same thing about a number of male actors ... Cruise.. who is desperate to get his career back to what it once was ...
so let's stop this tag team tactics as you are blinded by what you think I am saying.
As testament to Nicole's llarger than life sex appeal, Celine Dion is also in the same issue posing as well and her photo shoot didn't turn out so well, infact I's say its rather humiliating, she certainly doesn't have Nicole's lovely cheeks and thats after taking into consideration photoshop.
I am with Rick this photoshoot screams desperation. You know the way Jennifer Aniston takes off her clothes every time she is trying to sell one of her silly movies. Nicole Kidman should not have to try so hard.
lac - Nicole is not trying to sell a silly romantic comedy. She's promoting "The Paperboy", a R-rated thriller in which she plays a trashy, sex-crazed woman. She's just channelling her character in those pictures. It's weird how some people have problems with this photoshoot. Is it because she's a woman? Did you guys have any problem with Channing Tatum posing iin his underwear in every magazine to promote "Magic Mike"?
Guys, be careful!! This Rick and lac guys are scientologists! :)