Emmy Live Blog 2012: Golden, Winged, Deadly

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6:25 I thought about calling this Emmy Live Blog: Now With Less Pneumonia! (I think I'm on the mend) or Pneumatic Emmy Live Blog! but they both sound too contagious.
6:30 I love the Emmy statue but I don't think any golden statues should have deadly points. There's already enough drama without weaponizing the things.
6: 32 "It involves sex, sharp objects"... actual quote from Lena Dunham just as I was typing that thing about Emmy Statues. I'm not making this up.
6:39 Charlize "J'Adore Dior" commercial. I secretly wish she would introduce all her red carpets outfits that way. A golden aggressive strut to each camera with a breathy whisper ... "Gucci".... "Dior Haute Couture" ... "Valentino"
6:42 Max Greenfield's date would like everyone to know SHE'S WITH MAX GREENFIELD. Clingy!
I want an Emmys night full of redheads! @_juliannemoore and Christina Hendricks #FTW
-awesome TFE reader @Luiserghio
YES. Ginger looks good holding gold. Speaking of...
The stars of the new "Nashville" Connie Britton & Hayden Panetierre
I watched the pilot of "Nashville" (Not Related to the Altman Classic!) and I dunno. MORE EMMY TALK...
It's one of those shows that was trying to do a lot in one "Introducing...!" episode. But Connie Britton was great (duh*) and Hayden was actually unterrible as a deliciously narcissistic auto-tuned über bitch.
*this is like saying Nathaniel loves Actresses. It goes without saying.
7:00 Tina Fey is talking about the end of 30 Rock. Only 13 more episodes. *crying*
7:01 Guiliana tells Emily VanCamp that "you are kind of an 'it' girl". Oh Guiliana... there is no such thing as "kind of" when it comes to "It". You either are or you aren't.
7:05 January Jones and Elisabeth Moss have switched hair colors. Nothing in the world makes sense right now.
7:07 Sofia Vergara is the new Charo (sans catchphrase unfortunately). Shameless!
Julianne Hough gets 3 minutes. Julianna Margulies gets 30 sec. At this rate, Julianne Moore will be lucky to get 3 seconds air time. #Emmys "
-awesome TFE reader sortathatboy
7:23 That's so true about arrivals. They arrive in order of fame which just goes to show you that the big stars don't really like working the carpet that much. Show up late. Be done quick.
7:27 This shot of Christina Hendricks laughing is brought to you by my fear that she'll lose again so we will drink up all her happiness right now.
7:28 It's going to be so weird to see Claire Danes with boobs. Just a few months from now!
7:33 Nobody can make "I'm really excited about it" sound more like "I'm not excited at all" than Zooey Deschanel.
7:39 Julianne Moore is in YELLOW. FYI.
Gaze away. She's used to it.
8:08 I should probably start a new post but I'm too weak. cough cough. I never know how to live blog opening monologues because they're so rapid fire. Or montages for that matter. If you type you miss everything. Supporting Actor Comedy Series goes to... Eric Stonestreet in Modern Family.
8:13 Off to the side of stage there seems to be a miniature red carpet where the winners have to go through the flashbulb gauntlet again. It's right on the stage -- like a magazine sidebar, made flesh and blood!. The Emmy Statue next to it appears to be the same color as Julianne's dress. It's a sign!
8:19 In case you're wondering I don't recommend attempting this from home. With pneumonia.
9:20 Best Writing Comedy Series goes to... Louie "Pregnant" Episode. Oh god, I forgot to include him in our awesome ginger poll up top. His show is brilliant. Watch it.
8:23 I would just like everyone to know that E! said repeatedly during arrivals that Kat Dennings is not wearing hardly any makeup! She's so amazing. If that's their idea of "hardly wearing any makeup" what on earth would qualify as wearing a lot of it?
8:26 Best Supporting Actress Comedy Series goes to...Julie Bowen in Modern Family. This is a sign of a night of repeats which is why I can never remember the Emmys the next day. All the years bleed together.
8:33 Best Direction of a Comedy Series goes to... Steve Levitan Modern Family "Baby on Board"
I wouldn't be standing here without my faith in me."
Good line but ohmygod it's so boring that this show wins everything. Parks and Rec, Louie, Nurse Jackie, 30 Rock, etcetera. So much good comedy on TV. Wait why did Modern Family just get their own skit reel? Is that part of the winner's gift bag?
8:38 Best Actor in a Comedy Series goes to... Jon Cryer for Two and Half Men again. "I didn't actually win this. This did not just happen". If only, Jon, if only.
I'm trying to think of the Oscar equivalent of this win. Anyone?
Some suggestions from followers on Twitter (they keep coming in): The Zeéeee in Cold Mountain, She Who Must Not Be Named, Crash (lol!), Sally Field, Shakespeare in Love, Roberto Benigni, Cuba Gooding Jr, they keep coming in. I don't agree with all these but I love thinking about them in this context. For the record I prefer Shakespeare in Love to Saving Private Ryan. Shut it, I do!
8:45 Best Actress in a Comedy Series goes to... Julia Louis Dreyfuss in Veep. She really is excellent on that show but I was so pulling for Amy Poehler. Beautiful acceptance speech and HILARIOUS bookend with Amy Poehler jokes. Amy Poehler is the Greatest Loser of all time. If that little bit doesn't win her the prize next year.
8:52 Best Reality Competition Series... The Amazing Race again. The TV Academy could save *so* much money by filming the ceremony once every 3 years. Replay it each year with "added" footage.
It takes them so long to get out of ruts!
8:59 Best Reality Show Host - the guy from Dancing With the Stars. Seth MacFarlane has kind of a sexy voice. I was napping when he started talking. (Pneumonia + The Amazing Race = better than ambien). This is how I know.
9:02 Those Once Upon a Time clips were meant for the "Unintentional Comedy" montage later in the show. Oops, wrong clipreel.
9:06 Best Supporting Actor - Aaron Paul in Breaking Bad. Isn't he really a leading actor? I mean I've only seen a few episodes but it's pretty much a show about two guys and their fucked up relationship.
9:15 Best Writing in a Drama - Homeland "Pilot". Sorry Mad Men.
9:20 Best Supporting Actress in a Drama - Maggie Smith in "Downton Abbey". My god. Injustice! Maggie is hilarious but what does Christina Hendricks have to do to win an Emmy already? Criminal. For four years now I've just MARVELLED at what she can do even from the background of a scene, let alone when they give her delicious episode-center stuff like "The Other Woman".
9:24 Best Direction in a Drama Tim Van Patten for Boardwalk Empire. No show has bored me as much from afar*
9:26 Oh this is not in good taste. Making fun of the awards tradition In Memoriam with Jimmy Kimmel, the host, being memorialized.
9:27 Best Actor in a Drama Series - Damian Lewis for Homeland. Best Actress in a Drama Series - Claire Danes for Homeland. It's a matching set! Really terrific show but this means that Mad Men goes home completely empty-handed. bummer.
Claire Danes says "Mandy Patinkin - holla!" in her acceptance speech and though it's the only time I'll ever hear that sentence... seconded, Claire, seconded.
It's worth noting that Kathy Bates' Harry's Law clip was her saying "THIS IS WRONG THIS IS WRONG. WE HAVE TO FIX THIS" [twilight zone music] She's talking about the Emmys themselves. So meta! This awards show has turned on itself.
9:41 Oooh the "Year in Variety" started with Madonna at the Superbowl. My queen.
9:55 Sorry, I've totally lost interest. The guy directing the Emmys won an Emmy for directing the Tony's earlier this year. Such much back-patting and nobody even knows whose hands and whose backs they are! It's like that orgy sequence from Top Secret (1985).
9:56 Best Variety Series Goes to Daily Show. Again.
9:58 Oh the movie categories. Why did they save these for last? Shouldn't they have saved Drama for last?
10:07 Best Supporting Actress in a Miniseries -- Jessica Lange for American Horror Story.I'm starting to admire the creativity Hollywood shucksters employ to come up with new ways to perform Category Fraud each year. They're REALLY good at justifying doing whatever the hell they wanna do!
10:08 How are they going to pull off that In Memoriam section after already making a gross joke about it? Uncool.
10:14 Best Supporting Actor in a Miniseries - Tom Berenger for Hatfield & McCoys. Is this Berenger's first award? Somewhere Anne Rice is smiling.
10:17 Ron Howard talking about playing Opie leading in to In Memoriam. Sadness.
10:26 Writing in a Miniseries or Movie - Danny Strong for Game Change. OMG. One of the Supervillians from Buffy. He's too short for the mic' awwwww.
10:30 Best Actress in a Miniseries or Movie - JULIANNE FUCKING MOORE for GAME CHANGE. It's about time. Get it girl. You never win anything and you deserve it all.
This is so validating because Sarah Palin gave me a big thumbs down."
Yes. They are NOT attempting to play God off the stage. They are NOT. Ugh, I hate the Emmys.
10:41 Kevin Costner adds an Emmy to his shelf (which already has Oscar and Globe) for Hatfield & McCoys. More Game Change wins too. I lost track of everything after Julianne.
I died.
10:48 Julianne Moore announces Best Drama Series Goes to... Homeland.
10:56 Final award of this very dull Mad Men free evening (sniffle) Best Comedy Series goes to... Modern Family.
GOOD NIGHT. I leave you with this tweet via God herself from her limo with hubby Bart Freundlich.
It was worth the trip!

Reader Comments (77)
Stream link?
please please please stream link indeed. I am desperate, it's already 0.45 am here i wanna watch so bad
I am never the person to answer these questions. I suck at finding live streams.
I love Kidman. Love her. Worship the ground she walks on.
But it's Moore's turn. I mean, she made me care about SARAH PALIN.
Any bitch who can do that deserves an Emmy and a Nobel Peace Prize.
Live stream there Enjoy
Beau -- CAREFUL. if you start letting actors win the Nobel Peace Prize all the wrong people will win!
Thanks for quoting me on your liveblog! But seriously, no one cares about Julianne Hough.
Ryan T -- we're meant to believe that Ryan Seacrest does! Play along!
I really hope there's a tie - Julianne and Nicole...i mean c'mon this is nicole's first emmy nomination and we might not see her here in years...she is swamp with her work in the big screen...i love them both...i want to see a tie.
If it comes down to just one....ok...ill still give it to Julianne...one point difference...hehe.
-- Lydie, thank you so much ! Oh man, I'm already enjoying this way more than I should.
It's a one time thing. Never to be repeated again. Just like the outcome of the 2000 Presidential Election, courtesy of Laura Dern.
Beau -- understood. now which actress is strong enough to make us care for Michelle Bachmann? can it be done? when will it be done
I think ithe first link doesn't work well, so here is an alternate one:
That's a tall order, Nat. That's like asking Nic Cage to be good again.
Actually, I'm going to go with Kristen Wiig for this one, Nat. Only one who can manage to bring some humanity to the beast while still satirizing her to perfection.
UGH Kristen Wiig should've had that. Like seriously. She elevated SNL every episode, and she had an amazing year last year with Bridesmaids.
Jon Cryer said it best himself: "Something has clearly gone terribly wrong."
Jon Cryer ... is this real???
Modern Family is totally The King's Speech of the Emmys, i.e. something I wouldn't feel strongly about either way but annoys the hell out of me because it sweeps undeservedly all those awards.
That Modern Family sketch with evil Lily was flawless and by far the best thing so far because all these winners suck so far.
...excuse my french.
i don't like the emmys one bit tonight. i don't even want to finish. but i have to for julianne moore.
Well, Jon Cryer won for surviving Charlie Sheen. Did anyone ever win an Oscar because a costar had an EXTREMELY public meltdown?
i literally haven't agreed with any of the wins tonight.
and the emmys are boring when they're just a bunch of repeat winners.
Nat, give Jon Cryer some credit for staying so committed to everything the writers have thrown at him in that show. I don't know about you, but I think it takes a very skilled actor to humiliate himself like that every week on television by playing a character as pathetic and creepy as Alan Harper. I think the Emmy voters take note of that commitment and reward him for that (you may not like the show, I also don't think it's as good as it once was, but Cryer has remained committed to it throughout).
With that said, I am a little disappointed at this year's Emmys so far. I mean, if you still want to reward Modern Family, why not people who haven't won yet (Ed O'Neill? Jesse Tyler Ferguson? Sofia Vergara? Jason Winer?). I mean, I think Eric Stonestreet and Julie Bowen are still doing terrific work, but they already had Emmys before tonight.
Anyway, hurray for Louis C.K. I've watched that episode three times already, that scene where his daughter says "I like Momma's better" is still painfully hilarious (so is flipping the bird behind her back). And, even though she already had two Emmys, Julia Louis-Dreyfus was fantastic on Veep (even if it means Amy Poehler still doesn't have an Emmy, I'm confident she will someday).
Let's see if the Drama winners are better......
These wins are becoming so irrelevant and dissappointing I'm almost hoping Julianne won't win. Almost.
Yay for Julia Louis Dreyfus!!
Jon Cryer winning equals Sally Field winning for Places in the Heart. Absolute flop.
When Mad Men wins again, do you think Nat'll complain about it like he does every other repeat winner
YAY Homeland!!!
And I know her win probably won't be popular, but Maggie Smith deserves that Emmy for her high-fucking-larious phone call scene ALONE.
@RichterScale, there's no need to "reward" Cryer, he already has an emmy in supporting.
True, I'm not saying he should have won tonight, but it baffles me that everyone on the Internet talks about him as if he does nothing to deserve any kind of recognition, even when he won three years ago. I know it's not accepted around here to like the show, but apparently Emmy voters laugh at it and recognize the effort that Cryer puts forth, and therefore recognize him. Again, he wasn't my choice, but we should give the guy some credit. That's all I'm saying.....
Damian Lewis' delicious win is the best of the night so far. Love him.
Christina Hendricks was beyond robbed. How the hell could those voters watch "The Other Woman" and simply not vote for her? Second-hand embarrassment @ them.
THANK YOU, Nathaniel, for noting your preference for Shakespeare in Love over Saving Private Ryan. Not to rehash that fight here, but Shakespeare gets such a bad rap for winning and it really doesn't deserve it.
Amen to the Madonna nod... is the Super Bowl Halftime show nominated??
PS Loving the Revenge promo commercials!
Can I just say: Damian Lewis is hot.
Also, I love Jon Stewart, but just for once I'd like to see "The Colbert Report" win an Emmy.
I was also rooting for Christina Hendricks in the Supporting Actress Category, and I'm a little sad that she didn't win (though I love Maggie Smith). However, at least Christina Hendricks has 3 Emmy nominations, unlike the extremely deserving John Noble who is not even nominated. *sniffle*
Anyway, happy about the Homeland writing win and Claire Danes winning Lead Actress.
As far as Mad Men going home empty-handed, Bryan Cranston losing Best Actor makes me think that Breaking Bad will win Drama. I'm rooting for Homeland, though (since I haven't seen BB yet... I'll start watching soon... if I find the time...).
If Julianne doesn't win she will never win ever, ever, ever—she has to win.
Nat I agree totally re SUpporting Actress Drama. Dame Maggie is hilarious as the comic relief but this is the drama category and I cant say I've seen anything in the series that truly showcases this side of her (btw I am a huge fan of her).
Hendricks is amazing and has truly evolved during the last 5 seasons. This should have been her year.
re tom berenger, why is anne rice smiling? did she want him o play lestat?
Thanks to Lydie again, stream stopped, the second link saved me. I was afraid i missed julie
Sorry had to cut off that comment for obvious reasons! I feel like all is right in the world right now.
Julianne has a major televised during primetime award. I see a Globe and SAG in her future. Sarah Palin is a gift to actresses and she continues to give.
Wow, Danny strong is a writer now? Buffy flashback.
And yay Julianne Moore!
Julianne winning was sublime. And so very surreal. Reminds me of when Tilda won her Oscar: just seeing one of the underrated greats get the recognition they so sweetly deserve. And she looked great! Everyone wins with her! :D
So, we have Claire Danes, Nicole Kidman and Julianne Moore. Where is Meryl at this The Hours reunion?
So Julianne won for totally imitating In every way Sara Palin .,..I guess that was ok for Moore.
,but not for Streep I'm The Iron Lady
Nat ... Do you see any hypocrisy in this!??!
Julia - I think I saw her somewhere along the way laughing with Robert De Niro
Murtada -- anne rice has said many times in interviews that she is totally hot for him. and yes she did want him for her vampire chronicles when they first were talking about making them into movies.
Rick -- i have never claimed that "mimicry" is not worthy of praise. Just that it is not the only form of acting that is worthy of praise. generally speaking i'm VERY VERY sick of it. That said, Julianne Moore was special in that movie. I explained why it moved me in my review. Do i think it's one of her three best performances? No i do not. Her best work is all original characters built from screenplays and her mind. Do I think she deserved the Emmy for this? Yes, I do.