Podcast: I Know What You Saw Last Summer (Pt 1)

The podcast returns for another Oscar season! I'm your host Nathaniel R and my ol' podcast mates Joe Reid & Nick Davis are joining me to discuss Summer Movie Season 2012. That's a wrap on summer so we're tying it off with our idiosyncratic messy multi-colored bows...
This podcast was inspired by our Summer Report Card series. Topics include but are not limited to:
- What's Wrong With Virginia? (no, really)
- Compliance
- Killer Joe
- Best Picture Choices, Favorite Scenes, Summer Crushes
- Beasts of the Southern Wild and Oscar's Music Branch
- Hope Springs and Steve Carell
- Steven Soderbergh pros and cons & Magic Mike
- Sparkle
- Joe's hilarious ongoing obsession with Oliver Stone's Savages
- Bachelorette
- Moonrise Kingdom and Red Hook Summer Double Feature
- Lesbian longing in Farewell My Queen
- Michael Fassbender as the next Ed Norton?
You can download the podcast on iTunes or listen right here at the bottom of the post. There's more coming in Part Two tomorrow!
Reader Comments (11)
A two-parter?! Hell yeah, I'll take it.
Nick, as a working projectionist, I gotta say it sounds like whoever built the print of Compliance you were watching did a real crappy job. Sounds like a bunch of missplices to me ...
Oh, also, I am so happy to have this podcast back. Really makes the award season worth it.
SO GREAT! Exactly what I needed on a Saturday night in. And you guys succeeded in getting me really excited about so many movies I've been wishy washy on. Savages, Farewell My Queen, Hope Springs...now if only they were all conveniently in theaters right now.
i listened to these while power walking along the crowded beachfront; now half of melbourne thinks i'm some kind of nut job from the way i was laughing out loud....
the observation that 'dog day afternoon' seems of its time but still fresher than a lot of recent movies is true of so many films of the 70s
Is it Christmas already? These podcasts are so delish in every way. Thank you all so much!
still curious about your views on Hope Springs.
The theaters showing Red Hook Summer here aren't the most convenient, so I was going to just let it pass me by, but I've been convinced to go put in the effort.
The podcasts aren't playing in Windows Media Player.
LOVE this podcast! Thank you guys for doing it!
I am right there with Nathaniel on Killer Joe - I was so excited about it, which made me doubly pissed that I missed it (of course one art house here had it for one week only, which made it rather difficult to catch - I wish art houses would post how long they expect to have each film, because had I known it would only play for a week, I would have made the time to see it). However, I've also seen the play and... well... I'm curious to see how certain scenes play on the big screen, as in: will they make me feel more queasy because they're larger than life, or less queasy because they're not happening LIVE, right in front of me?
Brandz ..
Nathaniel is lightening upon Streep, so you may not get an answer. He rated the movie a B ... which is pretty good for his rating system..
Nathaniel is lightening up on Streep, so you may not get an answer... he rated the movie a B, so that is a good mark for his system.