Non-Committal Golden Globe Live-Tape Delayed Blogging Arrivals. What?

6:00 The official HFPA Twitter account announced a short time ago that this 'this is what the stars will be eating' tonight. Stars they're just like us...
Stars! They're just like us ...if us happens to be starting some California Pepper Honey Goat Cheese on Endive Pear Salad and then gourging on Carmalized Mint Fennel and Smoked Flat Iron Beef with Grilled Sweet Pickled Pepper and and Assortment of Gourmet Rolls tonight. Are us? We?
6:27 What is Jessica Chastain supposed to eat? She's vegan. They're not good with Flat Iron Beef
winners list and brief early comments after the jump
6:30 Amy Adams is the first star I saw in my very casual red carpet viewing. I'm about to hop on a subway so I will miss a lot. But she looks stunning and her body is slammin' even though i heard "spanks' on the unforgiving twitter. But that color is so hard not to fade away in and this silhouette is so ubiquitous for years now... perhaps she's trying to fade into the background so that she may secretly be the master of us all.
6:39 Who are you looking forward to seeing tonight? Do you like Amy's "ballet pink" look or Claire Danes red red dress and blonde hair that's just as unshy?
7:52 Oh so it turns out live blogging from an iPad is THE WORST . So impossible. This is also why I don't go to other people's parties. Travel time and I miss the arrivals.
7:59 The host of this party has offered everyone handjobs if The Master wins any acting prizes. (One has to wonder if The Weintein Co has thought of that with the Golden Globe voters.)
8:05 Tina Fey and Amy Poehler killed their opening. So so funny and fresh!
-Meryl Streep isn't here tonight. She has the flu
-I heard she's AMAZING in it."
8:08 SUPPORTING ACTOR Christoph Waltz for Django Unchained
He said "I have two people to thank..." at which point they cut to Connie Britton. I often find myself giving thans to Connie Britton but I don't think that's where Christoph Waltz was going with it, camera director.
8:12 Dennis Quaid arrives to present looking very ... tight. In this room "He's totally had a facelift." "Tonight" Zing! If Tina & Amy won't tell stale facelift jokes, we'll do it for them.
8:14 SUPPORTING ACTRESS, TV Maggie Smith for Downton Abbey
It always freaks me out to see "Jonathan Levinston" (Danny Strong) from Buffy winning prizes for things that are not evil plans to defeat Buffy.
8:27 During some technological misshap I believe Caterine Zeta Jones sang a Les Miz number at me. I believe that even if I had been paying attention I would not understand why.
8:35 TV ACTOR DRAMA Damian Lewis, Homeland
8:35 More technical snafus on my end! I think I have to call it a night and revisit with "live" tape delay. I did warn you.
Drama WINNER: Argo
Comedy or musical WINNER: Les Misérables
Director WINNER: Ben Affleck, Argo
Actor, comedy or musical WINNER: Hugh Jackman, Les Misérables
Actress, comedy or musical WINNER: Jennifer Lawrence, Silver Linings Playbook
Actor, drama WINNER: Daniel Day-Lewis, Lincoln
Actress, drama WINNER: Jessica Chastain, Zero Dark Thirty
Supporting actor WINNER: Christoph Waltz, Django Unchained
Supporting actress WINNER: Anne Hathaway, Les Misérables
Screenplay WINNER: Quentin Tarantino, Django Unchained
Original score WINNER: Mychael Danna, Life of Pi
Best Original Song WINNER: Adele, Skyfall (Skyfall)
Animated feature film WINNER: Brave
Foreign film WINNER: Amour
Miniseries or TV movie WINNER: Game Change, HBO
Drama WINNER: Homeland, Showtime
Comedy or musical WINNER: Girls, HBO
Actor, drama series WINNER: Damian Lewis, Homeland, Showtime
Actress, drama series WINNER: Claire Danes, Homeland, Showtime
Actor, comedy or musical series WINNER: Don Cheadle, House of Lies, Showtime
Actress, comedy or musical series WINNER: Lena Dunham, Girls, HBO
Supporting actor, series, miniseries or movie WINNER: Ed Harris, Game Change, HBO
Supporting actress WINNER: Maggie Smith, Downton Abbey, PBS
Actor, miniseries or TV movie WINNER: Kevin Costner, Hatfields & McCoys, History
Actress, miniseries or TV movie WINNER: Julianne Moore, Game Change, HBO
TO BE CONTINUED... Here's my take on Jodie Foster's Speech
Reader Comments (60)
I'm looking foward to seeing Tina Fey and Amy Poehler host, but I don't think I'll make it.
Looking forward to Nicole, if she's there, and Chastain myself. Though honestly, it's all about the hosts.
Mel Gibson is at a table with Robert Downey's a fact but sounds like the beginning of a bad jokes.
Christoph Waltz for best supporting actor. Now we'll have a DIFFERENT winner at SAG. Great.
very excellent Streep joke.
Very funny HFPA president speech
Damien Lewis looks mighty hot in tux.
She was introducing LES MIS, as they do every year. They introduce the nominees for the top categories.
Did anyone else try to find the connection between Rosario Dawson and Best Exotic Marigold Hotel?
Zeta-Jones/Broadway/Les Mis is already fetching at best... but Dawson and Marigold? Uff.
Jorge - For whatever reason, I just imagined a show called "Rosario Dawson's Creek."
Julianne Moore!! Yes!!!
The score win for Life of Pi is the first one I've missed all night. I'm kind of impressed with myself!
Why is Mel Gibson there?
Hmm my no guts, no glory prediction of Anna Karenina for score didn't pay off...
But I hope if not Anna Karenina, that Life of Pi/ Danna wins. It's such a snooze if John Williams wins again. And for that score...
I LOVE ADELE. That is all.
I suppose Mel Gibson is there maybe... to present Jodie Foster DeMille award?
JLaw just quoted First Wives Club. That was awesome.
JLaw made a gaffe.
Oh man, if this Best Actress race is the battle of the charming between JLaw and Jessica Chastain, that speech was an ace. Keep it tight Jessica!
I love, love, love, love the First Wives Club joke.
OMG anyone else noted how anybody laughed at Anne jokes? :(
So, umm, Harvey's doing well so far.
I love the polar opposite (online) reactions to anne hathaway's speech.
How I wish Game Change was released theatrically.
GLENN CLOSE! Hilarious!
are these CBD speeches teleprompted? I remember finding robert de niro's as weird as jodie's (with the joke telling).
i made a joke about jodie foster finally coming out, and i thinks she did???? but i'm not sure??? what's going on
why is no one talking about this?????
I...have no idea what that Jodie Foster thing was about
why are people crying
what is this
what is
OMG!! Jodie Foster kinda joked about coming out (hinting she doesn't feel like she has to do so publicly) to then basically say she's retiring from acting?!?!
Yeah that speech was effed up. She was saying goodbye to what exactly? Acting? Directing too? The industry? I have to confess it left me wondering...
To quote Scott Tobias, "That speech is going to require a lot of unpacking. It's THE MASTER of awards-show speeches."
I think Jodie Foster may have just announced she's retiring.
Lena Dunham just got a Hilary Swank slam in-I'm sure Nathaniel is smiling. :)
You know what makes me mad? People always complain about the Oscars following suit of precursors and hype yet everyone is so upset and takes it so personally that Oscar doesn't match up with any other awards show this year. I say cheers to Oscar. Embrace your own choices and originality in thinking, and please, do not feel guilt and vote Argo Best Picture as a make up prize to Ben!
yay Jack! glad i got that right.
^ Um ... I meant Hugh lol
Although no one will ever be pleased with all award winners, I think the Golden Globes is already better than the Oscar winners will be ...
Love the Ben Affleck/Argo win....
My twitter feed had a collective meltdown over the Jodie Foster speech, and I may or may not have rewatched Kristen Wiig and Will Ferrell's bit three times in the past hour.
Golden Globes, you never let me down.
Jodie Foster was soooo bad with her speech .... worst i have ever heard for the DeMille award.
Love this:
These Golden Globes were at least good at giving us some very funny bits. Tommy Lee Jones' whatdahell face at the Hope Springs joke, Adele high5ing Daniel Craig, Tina Fey and Amy Poehler when their names were announced in their category, Tina and Amy cameo-ing in Best Actor and Actress - TV movie or miniseries, the Jodie Foster part drunk, part coming out, part i'm saying goodbye to what now? speech...
Ah. Let's see if the Oscars can top that. No. way. Tommy Lee Jones still the frontrunner? He lost both the BFCA and Golden Globe to two different people. I frankly wouldn't be surprised if De Niro won the SAG. It seems like something they'd do. This category will be totally wide open until the end.
And while I'm not ready to proclaim it a frontrunner yet, I really do still think Argo could win Best Picture. And that would make the Best Director category a hell of a lot more interesting, because everyone who votes for Argo in Best Picture would have to figure out someone else to vote for in Best Director. I'm starting to wonder if even Haneke has a shot at pulling off a massive upset if Affleck wins the DGA and BAFTA.
Speaking of Haneke, was it not one of the most surreal things to see him standing next to Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone on stage? His speech was surprisingly warm though. Is he actually going to be playing the Oscar game?
"the Jodie Foster part drunk, part coming out, part i'm saying goodbye to what now? speech..."
I guess that jodie will be a full-time director now.
Hat off to Jodie Foster.
Great speech with full of grace, humanity, sensibility, intelligence, sense of humor, beauty and love.
Yes, Damian Lewis is making me all funny down there! And that accent too!
I was rooting for Bryan Cranston (who has ZERO Golden Globe wins), but Lewis inspires LUST in me completely.
You know it's a successful night at the Globes when Bill Clinton presenting Lincoln is a lot less interesting than other things that happened
Jodie's speech needed some editing, but it was great. It bugs me that people are such nazis about coming out. If people don't flat out say I'm gay I like the same sex it doesn't count? She said she came out personally to people she knows as she meets them. What's wrong with that?
Jodie was a train wreck, right? Awkward and tone deaf.
Jodie Foster speech, love it or hate it, has got to be an instant classic. Never seen something more terrible wonderful awkward awesome happen in a lifetime achievement speech. As for the rest of the speeches, thought Jessica Chastain's was absolutely wonderful.
Jodie's ego is equivalent to the size of Asia. Claire Danes gets closer.
Jodie Foster.
* Several years ago she acknowledged her partner at a speech somewhere. That was her formal coming out. That is why she said she had done so years ago.
* Her mother must be suffering from a mental condition, Alzheimer, dementia o something. I imagine that is why Jodie said she hoped what she was telling her registered in her brain. That is why everybody was so emotional. This fact must be known around the film community. In any case, just speculating here.
* Basically she said she won't be on any stage, so I imagine she strictly referred to acting. She even mentioned that Downey Jr (I think it was him) had previously convinced her to continue acting. She must have considered it before. I believe she herself is not sure if the retirement will be complete. Probably she'll still produce and direct. She said "I will continue to entertain you" or words to that effect.
PS: She has a film as an actress in the can: Elysium for this year.
After her speech, when the press asked her backstage she said that she's not retiring from acting and she never will... so no idea as of what the heck she was talking about. I guess maybe she meant she'll focus more on directing (after all, she's only directed 3 movies in 30 years) and do less or more independent/auteur acting work.
One of my few favourite things of awards season is coming here the day after the GG, and reading (and laughing with) the live blogging. Now, I feel like an orphan in dirty old Victor Hugo France or something.