Yes, No, Maybe So: Captain America Winter Soldier

Two multi-syllabic would be 2014 blockbusters teased us yesterday. We already looked at those X-people, so it's time for the more substantial offering Captain America: Winter Soldier. And, listen, I know that on the internet you're only supposed to talk about such things within the hour they debut so this makes me at least, what, 30 hours late? Though I type like The Flash with super speed I have other things in my life! This is why I can't always be there for the superheroes the second they're begging for attention. And when aren't they, really? The superheroic are SO needy and they take up so much of the internet's time. We should all stop enabling them but until the demi-gods, aliens, mutants, and super soldiers stop being the lolcats of film blogs (i.e. instant traffic draws) the madness will truly never end.
Question: If I wore horizontal tripes would it make my chest & shoulders look this broad / great?
Answ--- hey, you don't have to be mean!
THE TRAILER. Let's break down the good captain's promo after the jump. Are you a Yes, No, or a Maybe So for round two with super soldiered Chris Evans?
• Scarlett Johansson's Black Widow -- I'd watch in her own movie (something I never thought I'd say after Iron Man 2) so I'm thrilled that she's the co-star which might help this be as fun as The Avengers
• Remember how sexy/noble/oldfashioned Chris Evans was in this role the first time around?
• "This isn't freedom. This is fear"
• It looks suitably big and I love some shield play...
Just when we were loving The Black Widow is she reduced to Damsel in Distress this time?
• "Shield play" not S.H.I.E.L.D. Play. I am so over S.H.I.E.L.D., Marvel's espionage operation, even though its parallel tv show is starting to rise from terrible to decent. If I'm going to a superhero movie I want superheroes, not self-serious spies dressed in black.
• I'm tired of Samuel L Jackson phoning it while barking out orders as Nick Fury.
• Ugh why are the Falcon's wings metallic? Why must everything be like antiseptic machinery. Seeing The Falcon's wings marks the only time in the history of me that I've ever looked back nostalgically on the execrable X-Men Last Stand (Angel did have cool wing-like wings!)
• There is not one T&A shot of Chris Evan here of any kind suggesting that Chris Evans prudish handlers are at it again -- remember that tragic time about 5 years ago when they told him to stop taking his shirt off for photoshoots -- thoroughly misunderstanding his appeal. Either that or the new director doesn't get it. Chris Evans is better with his clothes off. This is not horndog prurience but FACT. Chris Evans with his shirt on for a whole movie is like drying Julianne Moore's tears, CGI erasing George Clooney's crow's feet, or covering Tom Hardy's lips with a complicated breathing apparatus.
• Robbing Sebastian Stan of half his prettyboy face is a similar though far lesser infraction.
• The action does look kind of exciting though I worry that they've used all their money shots upfront.
• Anthony Mackie is always welcome and so reliable as a supporting player. The Falcon might be a good role but it's hard to tell from this trailer
• The opening joke in the trailer suggests that the movie understands that it needs to have a few light moments but I still worry because the first two posters suggest, along with everything we've seen of the Thor sequel, that Marvel is suddenly wanting their Avengers all dark brooding and Nolan-like and forgetting that the Marvel brand out-box-officed The Dark Knight Rises last year partially by remembering that superheroes are FUN.
In short, I am shocked to report that I'm a "No" based on the evidence presented in this trailer which seems to have missed entirely how good Captain America: The First Avenger was and, more importantly, WHY it was good: i.e. it wasn't trying to be like every other superhero movie (a song and dance number! I mean, come on) and it understood Chris Evans square jawed blank faced Americana charisma.
Where do you stand on all this? Please don't stand backlit, with back to camera (above). That's every other movie poster now!!!
Reader Comments (21)
Yeah, I loved the first one for the reasons you listed, but this trailer makes me nervous. Gets points for putting the only two Avengers I care about in a movie together without the rest.
Captain America has always had a very close connection with SHIELD in the comics. Nick Fury and Sharon Carter are two of his most regular supporting characters, for instance.
Won't see the trailer until I see it in front of THOR in a couple weeks, but I'm a YES simply because I'm a completist (hell if we all saw IRON MAN 2...) and because Cap 1 was really quite good.
No mention of Robert Redford at all? I forgot he was in this, so it was a pleasant surprise.
I'm a yes. Despite the obligatory jumbo sized spectacle (giant air ships falling from the sky!), this trailer has the feel of the old school Phillip Noyce Jack Ryan movies, and if they can get a superhero movie even remotely into that ballpark I'll be a happy camper.
I do want to see the movie but it looks like an Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. two-hour special, not a big budget cinematic experience.
Yeah, everything that I've seen from this movie as well as THOR 2 suggests that they have gotten rid the visual treats that made them unique (the somewhat camp galore of THOR and the sepia retro of CAP AMERICA) and turned them into actual AVENGERS sequels with palates of grey.
This one certainly looks better than THOR 2 though. And nice to see Scarlett Johansson again.
Since they decided to shave Captain America's chest (because 40's men did that all the time, I guess) Shirtless!Evans has lost some appeal. Not all, but some. I like 'em hirsute. Shrug.
It's still a yes, because of completion and because the first one was my favorite of the pre-Avengers movie.
Is April the new May?
I wasn't a fan of the first film but I thought the trailer was pretty good, so I'm a YES for this one. I'll always shake my head at the idea that Nolan's Batman Films weren't fun - I certainly saw them more than once in theaters - but whatever. To each their own.
honestly if Redford was not in the movie, i would wrote NO and it's from someone who liked the first Captain America movie
So...we're faulting this movie (trailer) for not having the same feel as the last movie, which it logistically could not resemble because it does not take place in remotely the same time period? Muy confused, I am.
And for the record, this doesn't really look like a superhero movie as much as an action thriller with superheros in it.
I think the trailers for most Marvel movies (except maybe Iron Man) have always been far more dramatic and dark-ish than the movies itself, so I still have hope this will be fun.
I'll see it for Robert Redford if nothing else - but I'm a huge fan, so of course. I do think it's accurate to say it looks more like thriller than a superhero movie (which is preferential as far as I'm concerned).
Oh my God! Is that the actual trailer? I can't say the movie is going to suck because we'll have to see it but that trailer was so boring!
Chris Evans is always worth a look...
I'm a force yes. My spouse will make me.
I loved the first one, and although this one looks quite different, I'm still a yes.
One thing to keep in mind (no matter how similar all the superhero movies may seem) is that Marvel is trying to keep each of the Avengers unique so they can justify their individual movies. Iron Man is comic action; Thor is god-like and epic; Captain America appears to be political and straight-laced.
These separate styles will also help keep the team dynamic interesting for Avengers 2.
On the wings being metallic: That's because the original set ARE actually supposed to be partially made of metal in the mainline comics universe (Titanium and Mylar, specifically). The second (conceptually cooler) set in the main universe were made by Black Panther and constructed of hard light. Yes, seeing someone with actual feathered wings in a good movie would be very cool, but that's not what this character uses.
volvagia -- okay but you have to admit that originally in the comics they didn't look so boringly metal. I swear comic book movies cannot get away from the steels and blacks and greys. It's like they're all DESPERATE to be taken seriously.
relax superhero movies, you are the world's favorite genre (outside of animated films)... people take you seriously. Now enjoy yourselves and quit with the sterile looks.
Yes, to be honest, I am an absolutely Captain America film fan. I love those exciting story plots. It attracts me very much. Besides, the heros in this movie are really very cool. So, there are more and more movies cosplay fans are buying their favourite cosplay costumes in the on-line stores, such as Moviescostume, Fandomsky and other stores to play their most loved characters in the cosplay shows. That is really very cool! Even sometimes I have also an idea of becoming my loved hero characters in the cosplay shows! Haha.
I believe that captain America 2 : the winter soldier will be better than the first avenger movie. Captain America the first was not perfect, it was not believable enough that this "captain america" is the main guy that can win the war. The film didn't show it enough and make us believe. It seems like james bond or jason bourne can do it as well. Thats my problem with the first film.
I thought Cap. America 2 was amazing.