Reader Ranking: Smackdown '03

The Year of The Month is 2003, so we'll be sprinkingly a little 10th anniversary Early 'Aughts glitter here and there on our usual blog party for the next few weeks. On December 5th, we'll be celebrating those 10th anniversary Supporting Actress Nominees in the next SMACKDOWN. Since the revival of StinkyLulu's series began (with his blessing and participation), we've covered 1952 (comic landslide), 1980 (super tight race), and 1968 (Happy Halloween!).
And now something presumably all of us actually lived through!
We'll get to discussing Shohreh, Patty, Holly, MarciaMarciaMarcia, and the Zeéeeee as a group on December 5th (The Smackdown!). For now I wanted to let you know that balloting is open. If you'd like your votes counted in the smackdown tally you...
a) rewatch the movies (be suspicious of 10 year old memories!)
b) send us an email with "2003" in the subject line by Sunday December 1st
c) give whichever of the five performances you've seen a rating on a scale of 1 to 5 hearts with or without commentary. (You may only vote on performances you've seen all the way through... no guessing or 'i've seen clips! presumptions'... its unfair to the actors!)
And since we like to build a little "context" for a given year's Smackdown please vote on which of these 2003 movies you'd most like to read about (none of the Supporting Actress nominated pictures are in this poll because those movies will obviously get talked about).
Reader Comments (62)
Oh lord. I'm afraid. Rarely has a winner inspired so much hatred.
And disclosure: I like her in this. A lot. (Please don't hurt me!)
I'm afraid for her too (but this should be fun!).
I voted for The Station Agent and Kill Bill: Vol. 1 because they were quite probably my favorites of the whole year and yet Oscarless. Shame!
Master and Commander is SO underrated. We don't see realistic historical epics like that too often. Peter Weir where have you gone? Would be on my top 10 of the decade. I wish they would've made a sequel, and it's odd that it got zero love from the actors' branch in spite of 10 other nominations.
I don't really remember it as clearly as I'd like but In the Cut is such a fascinating departure for Meg Ryan. Plus it utilises Ryan's star power (then the girl next door ness) and pits it up so...weirdly against the prickliness of Campion's charged sexual politics (I remember this being one of those cases when I thought while watching the film that this is such a Nicole Kidman circa early 2000s role). Plus the visuals are gorgeous as always and Jennifer Jason Leigh is fabulous and I hope that even if you don't get to talk about it for the smackdown, I'd love to read your thoughts about it in another post down the road sometime, Nathaniel.
I also agree with Jordan about the unique epic quality of Master and Commander. Although if this is related to the Supporting Actress smackdown,then I'm curious to see how you integrate its all male cast into it!
I hope you will also talk about Dawn French's brilliant performance as the Zeéeeee in Cold Turkey: "I hate that feckin' rooster!"
I thought I was the only one who saw The Girl With A Pearl Earring ( in a movie theater no less ). Love it.
Nobody talks about Intolerable Cruelty anymore. Is it the least liked Coens movie? I saw it again recently and liked it a lot.
"Nobody talks about Intolerable Cruelty anymore. Is it the least liked Coens movie? I saw it again recently and liked it a lot."
I think their remake of The Ladykillers is the true bottom-feeder.
My picks:
Lost in Translation and The Station Agent. The latter should've been Patricia Clarkson's real Oscar nomination.
As for the Supporting Actress smackdown:
To me, clearly, Holly, Marcia, and Shoreh really belonged for those turns but Clarkson had a lot of goodwill built in those last few years and that role in particular while Zellweger notably had Weinstein/Miramax behind her in addition to building a 'she's due' feelings from AMPAS members. Holly and Shoreh both had movies that were pretty polarizing, though Clarkson's movie felt pretty DIY and unwatchable, while Marcia had the issue of being a previous winner and nobody feeling obligated to reward her, even if she was probably the best nominated from her movie (Penn's win had a lot to do with 'he's due'- that turn was just too over the top). I want to say Zellweger in hindsight was probably undeniable but I've seen fewer big-scale disappointments as Cold Mountain and that total Doris Day cum Calamity Jane performance from her.
I voted for Lost in Translation and A Mighty Wind, although I'm disappointed that American Splendor isn't an option. Speaking of which, Hope Davis would have been my choice for Best Supporting Actress of 2003. Clarkson was my favorite of the nominees, but man, they had so many better choices to pick from than that...Davis, Bello, Clarkson for The Station Agent, even Ellen DeGeneres...any of those would have been better than the five nominees they chose, in my opinion.
I voted for Master and Commander and Lost in Translation. I can't explain my love for Master and Commander because I usually don't care at all about that kind of movie, but I just adore it.
I chose Intolerable Cruelty because I think that it's the 2nd of Catherine Zeta-Jones' great performances and a vastly underrated film in general.
Then I saw that In The Cut was on the list and wished I'd voted for that instead. It's not even a glorious failure, it's jutst glorious…
Supporting actress-wise - Holly Hunter gets my vote, though I also adore Shohreh and Marcia (though any time I consider how great Marcia was, I remember how fucked up Laura Linney was in her final scene - weirdest character transition ever, I can't even remember if it's the script's fault and she's making the best of it, or whether she decided to inject a little crazy…)
One final mention for Patricia Clarkson - she's my win in 2002 for Far From Heaven. However, Pieces Of April is a dull film and her performance is the worst (aka the only bad performance) I've ever seen her give. It makes me sad that her only role in the Oscar history books could be THAT one…
I'm not mentioning Zellweger because I've avoided ever seeing Cold Mountain (despite my love for Nicole and Jude) - it just seems SO VERY, VERY DULL.
A couple of Supporting Actress performances that I love (and don't seem to get many mentions) -
1) Anna Faris in Lost In Translation - it's wonderful, she's wonderful (I enjoyed Just Friends solely because of her and even endured The House Bunny for her) and it's a disgrace that her career is in the state that it's in.
2) Altagracia Guzman in Raising Victor Vargas - allegedly not an 'actor' though she's so good that I beg to differ. And the film is great...
Man, say what you will about Pieces of April or Cold Mountain, the true torture will be rewatching Mystic River. That movie was so bad with the melodrama and the speechifying and the constantly inconsistent characters, I just couldn't again. (Although Marcia was very good, as I recall.)
2003 - such a great year although you wouldn't know it from the oscars
american splendor, spellbound (the documentary), in this world, city of god and pirates of the caribbean were my top five of the year
catherine o'hara (a mighty wind) was my favourite supporting actress of the year
This year was a mixed bag. As a lover of the Rings Trilogy (both films and books), it was an utter joy to see it get rewarded with a sweep. Also it was the year that introduced me to the Oscars in a true sense. But the only performance that has stayed with me from that year was Agdashloo who was just so hauntingly heartbreaking and just simply brilliant in The House of Sand and Fog. I love Zellweger in Chicago but I just felt her Cold Mountain performance was..............No I won't go there! I will just pretend she, Jullianne Moore, and Nicole Kidman tied for the win in 2002. I really wished she had not won the Oscar, because maybe she would of actually kept on trying. Also it is interesting that from that year Katie Holmes (in Pieces of April) looks like that one from Dawson's Creek who would go on to do great things. Flashed to now her career has gone nowhere, and his costar Michelle Williams is a 3 time nominee and many touts her as one of her generation's finest actresses.
Evan - I liked her too! We are not alone! While I am not her biggest fan she is not a bad as the hype around her suggests.
I loved the book of Cold Mountain and never saw the movie because there wasn't a single actor cast that I felt matched the role including Zee who was probably closest. No one has told me I was wrong in my impression.
VERY excited about this smackdown and 2003 retrospectives, aside from Lord of the Rings. Like CMG my pics are Lost in Translation and The Station Agent - two films I adore. I agree that Patty should have been nominated for TSA instead although love that she got two individual SAG noms for both films. I will always be angry that the stupid supporting campaign robbed Scarlet J of her deserving Best Actress nomination for beautiful work in LIT but will always be proud that in the UK we gave her the Best Actress BAFTA. As for the smackdown my heart is always with Patty but Shoreh was magnificent. I haven't seen Thirteen. t
Also, while every speaks about what a mess Supporting Actress was this year, I'd like to point out the mess that Lead Actress was. So many good options that year and that was the final ballot? I will forever be bitter about Evan Rachel Wood missing out for Thirteen. Don't ask me what it is, but something about that movie really hits me and her performance is phenomenal, and it sucks that she got the GG and SAG nods and still missed out. No matter what we would've had the youngest Best Actress nominee in Oscar history (at the time, of course - hayyy Miss Wallace), but you couldn't choose Scarlett Johansson (in two films, but obviously Lost in Translation) or Evan Rachel Wood? You had to choose Keisha Castle-Hughes in Whale Rider? Who even is she? Lol. It's weird that she got nominated, it feels very random. And you also have Uma Thurman killing it (literally~) in Kill Bill Vol. 1 as well. I just... I can't. Also, Diane Keaton is awesome, everyone loves her. But was her performance in Something's Gotta Give really a necessary nomination (genuine question)?
Philip H.,
Keisha Castle Hughes was fantastic in Whale Rider and remember she had suddenly gotten serious momentum going into the last few weeks. She even got a SAG mention for Supporting actress and AMPAS clearly saw that she was lead the same way they did for Winslet in The Reader. Also category confusion and split just did Johansson in the same way Maria Bello got snubbed among countless others as we seen. Thurman and Kill Bill series was virtually ignored both years and it was not likely she would get anything albeit a globe recognition.
In regards to the who is she comment, everyone is a nobody until they become a somebody and they have to start somewhere. I donot think that that is a good enough argument for Castle Hughes not being deserving of a nomination when almost every year we see a first time nominee in Best Actress. Who was Quvenzhané Wallis before 2012? Who was Jennifer Lawrence before 2010 and Gabourey Sidibe before 2009 or Melissa Leo before 2008 or Ellen Page & Marion Cottillard before 2007? 2003 may not be a perfect lineup but I donot think it is a weak lineup or an unjust one. All 5 ladies deserve to be there and Diane Keaton was the only 1 I remember at the time that really could challenge Theron for the win. many might say Watts, but I never bought into the Watts for the win thing despite how much I loved her in 21 grams.
I get what you're saying, but all those people did things after their nominations that established them. They really used it. It's ten years down the line and I have even less of an idea now of who Keisha Castle-Hughes is. Not saying she wasn't good, but I don't know about an Oscar nomination. Evan Rachel Wood on the other hand was a revelation and obviously she still has a career, but the Oscar nomination probably could've helped her a bit, I'd be interested to see Keisha Castle-Hughes actually do something, though, and prove herself as an actress. One can hope.
I voted for Seabiscuit, not because it's a good movie but because it is an interesting glimpse back at Oscar logic ten years ago. Toby Maguire was Spider-Man, Jeff Bridges was one of the most overdue of actors, the US was supposedly hungry for an old-fashioned story of triumph over adversity, etc. I could see a lot of these movies faring the same with Oscar and audiences in any other year. Seabiscuit is very 2003.
@ Philip H - are you saying that to get an oscar nomination you have to be prepared to do something with it afterwards? Surely it's about the performance not what they do with it and that year I rank her second to Theron - if anyone it's Samantha Morton and Naomi watts who should not be there over Johannson and Rachel-wood
Keisha Castle-Hughes has been working semi-solidly in New Zealand for the last few years. She had a great performance in Piece of My Heart. Give her a break, she has a family in NZ so she;s not gonna pop up in US movies all the time.
Though I believe she moved over there early this year so look out for her.
Sorry but some americans think that just because someone isn't famous in the US then they aren't famous at all.
Agreed! I may be biased as a New Zealander but she's been on TV constantly and in movies here and with bit parts in Star Wars, major parts in The Nativity Story and the Vintners Luck - she's certainly been more present than say Catalina :p back to topic anyway! I'd love to hear about finding nemo and love actually if only because there should be two in the supporting actress category from these movies hahah two guesses as to whom the ladies are!
My personal top 5 would remove clarkson and zellweger and put emma thompson and maria bello in there,i know la is awful but emma spins such gold,marcia for the win although it's the film that lets her down badly.
In the Cut is an amazing film, and reactions to it (apparently) caused Campion to announce her retirement. According to critics at the time, it's a five and zero star film. Ruffalo is (predictably) unrecognisable. Ryan has never done anything like it, before or since. No other film on your list can claim such accomplishments. I freaking love it. Please revisit!!
In other news, I decided I would love my partner (of over 10 years and counting) forever, when we discovered our mutual absolute hatred of Love Actually. A film that brings people together.
I'm so excited to hear all of the fun things I'm sure everyone has to say about Renee. Honestly now that time has passed, I kind of love the performance for being as bad as it is. I just watched the clip of her arrival at the farm again and I am like crying laughing. Not for the reasons the movie wants me to be laughing, but whatever, I'll take what I can get.
For me the worst part of the 2003 Oscars was the Best Actor race - Sean Penn winning for that embarrassing performance in Mystic River over Bill Murray's lovely, nuanced, subtle work in Lost in Translation (probably my favorite performance of the decade). The Academy is like a moth to a flame for a big, hammy, overemotional performance. And Tim Robbins's supporting turn (was he supposed to be mentally challenged, or what?) was nearly as bad.
Marcia and Kevin Bacon gave the only two good performances in that movie. To think that it probably would have won Best Picture if LotR weren't due!
And count me in also for fierce love of Master and Commander. And The Station Agent is one of my all time favorites. Clearly this is a vintage year for me!
Am I the only one who considers Morton supporting in In America? I always saw Paddy and the litle (well, not anymore) girls lead. A similar situation to The Impossible where I also consider Watts and McGregor supporting. I'm glad she was nominated, though.
Suzanne: I agree with everything you say, except I think that Laurence Fishburne is also fine in Mystic River.
Morton is deffo supporting,i only like 2 of there nominated perfs,i like Watts but mostly in her quieter scenes which she nails the amputee scene not so much,theron is clearly leagues ahead,keatons doing keaton and hughes well what a waste of a nom.
My 2003 ballot would've been
Scarlett Johansson, "Lost in Translation" (winner)
Keisha Castle-Hughes, "Whale Rider"
Ludivine Sagnier, "Swimming Pool"
Patricia Clarkson, "Pieces of April"
Melissa Leo, "21 Grams"
And those are from notes I made at the time and haven't revisited since. Brief thoughts on the actual nominees:
1. Hunter - Decent performance, I would guess largely based on her name and the fact that she hadn't done much Oscarworthy in a while. B+
2. Aghdashloo - Moving in an inert movie with pacing and plot issues. B+
3. Clarkson - A catchall nomination for "Far From Heaven," "Station Agent," "High Art," etc. She may have even won her "Six Feet Under" Emmy around this time. Deserves a spot. B
4. Harden - Second surprise nom for her. Good final scene, little else. B
5. Zellweger - They "owed" it to her, but the performance is high camp. Like a Supporting Actress performance from the '40s. Although this is the type of thing my parents would call "the most memorable part of the movie." C-
I would've given it to Clarkson.
sad man -- watts supporting in IMPOSSIBLE? no way no how
mark & philip - i LOVE Keaton in Something's Gotta Give and think it's a worthy nomination but yes Lead Actress was all kinds of disappointing messy that year. I still maintain that Jamie Lee Curtis (Freaky Friday) and Evan Rachel Wood (thirteen) and Uma Thurman (Kill Bill) are better than almost all of the nominees that year. I have in retrospect more appreciation for Theron's work which I was respectful of but not in love with at the time. It came at such a bad time for me after so many years of biopic mimicry and deglam dominating that I almost felt physically illa t the site of it like "these tricks again?"... those tricks are still in vogue with the academy but it's not quite as oppressive as it was now.
Personal Ballot:
Best Actress
Uma Thurman, Kill Bill Vol. 1
Evan Rachel Wood, Thirteen
Charlize Theron, Monster
Scarlett Johansson, Lost in Translation (I know, I know her placement was pretty controversial and probably cost her a nomination)
Hope Davis, American Splendor
I think Charlize still wins here but unlike the actual Oscars, it is not the easiest path.
Best Supporting Actress
Holly Hunter, Thirteen
Shoreh Aghdashloo, House of Sand and Frog
Marcia Gay Harden, Mystic River
Patricia Clarkson, The Station Agent
Darryl Hannah, Kill Bill Vol. 1
My pick would probably be Shoreh. I think that film is extremely underrated. What happened to its director Vadim Perelman anyway?
Edward L., you're right, I blanked on Fishburne.
CMG, I really like your nominee line-ups.
CMG: Ditto everything you said about the 2003 supporting actress race, Shorheh, and "House of Sand and Fog." I couldn't have been more succinct myself.
My ballot for 2003 would have been:
Shohreh Aghdashloo - House of Sand and Fog
Holly Hunter - Thirteen
Christina Ricci - Monster
Emma Thompson - Love Actually
Renee Zellweger - Cold Mountain
I am not going to say who I declared my winner, but I will say that I need to go back and re-watch all of these movies. In a year where Charlize Theron's extraordinary performance overshadowed everyone, Christina Ricci's performance was EXTREMELY underrated. No she didn't undergo the transformation Theron did but she was equally arresting and that last scene on the phone is what should've sealed the deal for a nomination somewhere!
Oh, and one more thing, I really like Zellweger in Cold Mountain!
Hi! I've nominated you for a blogger award. The link won't be live until 5pm Tuesday though.
I miss my old film blogging days (I had Final Cut) and would love it if you would check out the film section of my blog or the guest posts I write for aliljoy.
It's not on the list, but FREAKY FRIDAY!!!!
Kermit the Frog nails the Anna Faris comment. She's a wonderful actress and an excellent comedian (I love her in almost anything she's done, to be honest... I suggest to discover "FAQ about time travel" which is a pure british gem of nerdy humor, and where she has a significant supporting role).
Can you believe I still haven't seen either "Cold Mountain" nor "House of Sand and Fog"? Never got really interested in these films, for whatever reason.
So glad 'Intolerable Cruelty' got more votes than 'Seabiscuit'.
I mean, my vote is with Love Actually, just to hear Nathaniel's reaction to Emma Thompson, knowing he hasn't seen it.
My Supporting Actress winner for 2003 is far and away Mary-Louise Parker in "Angels in America," who was doing work that was so far above anyone else that year, but if I'm playing by the rules, my answer would be Patricia Clarkson, but for "The Station Agent."
I guess this means I have to watch <I>Pieces of April. Ugh.
The two films I voted for were Girl With a Pearl Earring and Intolerable Cruelty, but that's looking unlikely...
And whenever Uma Thurman's name and Best Actress appear in the same sentence I'm convinced that Myrna Loy and Marilyn Monroe both roll over in their graves.
So glad to hear so many share my love of Master and Commander! Too bad it's not getting a lot of votes :( Don't remember what Nat thought of it initially but it deserves to be revisited.
I feared that LIT and Kill Bill would get the most votes. Not that I don't think both are worthy, but come on... let's talk about two other movies that don't get as much love (hence my votes for In the Cut and Master and Commander.)
A Mighty Wind is really a vote to talk about the amazing Original Song performances that year. The Christopher Guest team was hilarious and then the Triplets of Belleville team with the bicycles and vacuum cleaners was showstopping.