SAG Nominations Are In!

Good morning Oscar watchers. This morning brings one of the biggest precursors of the season: the Screen Actor's Guild. These days the eventual Oscar cross-over is usually somewhere between "very hot" (19/20 for 2009) to "very warm" (17/20 in 2011 and 2010) so you can guarantee a large number of the below nominees will show up on Oscar ballots in January.
What are we thinking will cross over? What will fall out? Will tomorrow's Golden Globe nominations (!!!) erase whatever momentum that some of today's nominees have amassed (we're looking at you August: Osage County and Lee Daniels' The Butler)? They just announced the stunt ensemble awards (still not important enough to be read on the main nominations by the likes of Clark Gregg and Sacha Alexander, apparently) and we'll update as they go.
Outstanding Performance by a Cast
- 12 Years a Slave
- American Hustle
- August: Osage County
- Dallas Buyers Club
- Lee Daniels' The Butler
Four of these were expected, but the inclusion of Dallas Buyers Club is interesting. I had long thought that McConaughey was maybe not as locked and loaded as people assumed, but I guess the film is resonating. It also has the smallest nominated cast from any of the five films.
Most annoying "I'm not a big name so I wasn't included in the cast nominations despite being in more of the movie" this time around is *clearly* the omission of Yaya Alafia from Lee Daniels' The Butler. But at least Mariah Carey is now a two-time SAG nominee so who's laughing now (even if her inclusion here over Alafia, along with Redgrave and Pettyfer especially is absurd). It's as if SAG themselves don't realise that the credits of a movie are as managed as everything else and that it's all about who has the better agent or who has the more fame. If Alafia's role had been played by someone more famous, I have no doubt they'd be nominated alongside actors with one 20th of the screentime. Joe Reid dutifully listed all the actors who could have a rightful claim to a nomination including Alafia, Taran Killam in Twelve Years a Slave (his buddy in the film, Scoot McNairy, was nominated) and Kevin Rankin as the homophobic rodeo pal in Dallas. One I hadn't noticed was Colleen Camp in American Hustle and now I'm just gonna go spiral into deep madness.
You don't get a SAG nomination, and YOU don't get a SAG nomination, and YOU don't get a SAG nomination...
Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Leading Role
- Bruce Dern, Nebraska
- Chiwetel Ejiofor, 12 Years a Slave
- Tom Hanks, Captain Phillips
- Matthew McConaughey, Dallas Buyers Club
- Forest Whitaker, Lee Daniels' The Butler
On one hand, I am not at all surprised to see Whitaker nominated. He's incredibly well-liked (he's got his hands in several of this year's contenders alone), he's good in a role that takes him from baby-faced to old man, and the film was obviously popular. On the other hand, I'm surprised at the omission of Robert Redford since, well, he literally had to act all by himself. Dialogue and interaction are apparently the way to avoid that, I guess, since Sandy Bullock was nominated for Gravity with no problem. It's long felt like there were 7 actors gunning for five slots (with Wolf of Wall Street clearly not seen widely enough since Jonah Hill also missed in a relatively open supporting actor field) so maybe it's Redford that's most vulnerable? But I wonder... does Redford get nominated in the stunt ensemble? I mean, he did do a lot of his own stunts. Hmmm. Hanks definitely needed this as the critics awards were not going for the film.
Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Leading Role
- Cate Blanchett, Blue Jasmine
- Sandra Bullock, Gravity
- Judi Dench, Philomena
- Meryl Streep, August: Osage County
- Emma Thompson, Saving Mr Banks
A bit ot a yawn roster in that it's been the presumed Oscar shortlist for weeks now. We just gotta hope that tomorrow's Golden Gobe nominations inject some fresh blood into the non-critics discussion especially for Exarchopoulos who'll really need GG and BAFTA to get behind her if she hopes to squeeze out one of these ladies.
Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Supporting Role
- Barkhad Abdi, Captain Phillips
- Daniel Brühl, Rush
- Michael Fassbender, 12 Years a Slave
- James Gandolfini, Enough Said
- Jared Leto, Dallas Buyers Club
I've given up pretending that awards bodies care about category fraud, but it's still a grievance. Brühl and Gandolfini are arguably co-leads (in the case of the former I'd say inarguably). As somebody said on Twitter, the whole roster of nominees feels like "two weeks ago", which makes sense given the ballots were probably cast then. Brühl may be this year's Hilary Swank: nominated here and nowhere else. Are people really remembering that film fondly enough? I find that hard to believe (although, it is a two-time SAG nominee with the stunt cast so maybe I'm wrong).
Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Supporting Role
- Jennifer Lawrence, American Hustle
- Lupita Nyong'o, 12 Years a Slave
- Julia Roberts, August: Osage County
- June Squibb, Nebraska
- Oprah Winfrey, Lee Daniels' The Butler
Yeah, this is what we expected. Can Julia and Meryl survive the tumultuous response to their film and make it to Oscar? I'd love to see Roberts' talent once again justified after 13 years of bickering over her Oscar win, but this is a lead role. And without her this might have been the rarest thing: a supporting category with no lead roles in it! At this stage I'm thinking the Fruitvale Station ladies Spencer and Diaz might be out with Oscar. The film didn't get a single nomination today and tomorrow's Globes prospects look grim.
Outstanding Performance by a Stunt Ensemble
- All Is Lost
- Fast and Furious 6
- Lone Survivor
- Rush
- The Wolverine
This is what happens when Hollywood offers up some blockbuster garbage. The X-Men films have been nominated here before (First Class was a stunt ensemble nominee) and All is Lost is a curious nominee, but the other three seem like solid choices that likely wouldn't have been there if it weren't for so many of Hollywood's big summer blockbusters not being very good. Isn't it curious how little awards attention The Hunger Games movies get? Last year's original only received a costume guild nomination and I thought maybe Catching Fire may have caught on here.
Conclusion: So what are we thinking? I think the Redford omission is the biggest surprise of the morning. Personally, I think we'll be looking at another year of red hot cross-over with Oscar. Between 17-19 out of 20 (I don't think Brühl will last to Oscar, maybe Gandolfini, Whitaker or Roberts, too), I'd say. And I really hope we can avoid any "Wolf of Wall Street should have screened earlier" nonsense. Let's say "Awards shouldn't be so quick out the gate without having seen big contenders", instead.
Reader Comments (69)
I'm here... go meryl! lol
tv nominees now...
yay meryl and j-law! and anna gunn!
No Robert Redford or Amy Adams!
As much as I enjoyed Dallas Buyers Club, i dont think of it as having a stellar "ensemble"
Jennifer Garner?
How in the world is Bruhl a supporting actor, he is without a doubt a co-lead?
Happy for Gandolfini (RIP), I think that Oscar nod is looking more likely now.
Wow they really loved The Butler.
Best Actress especially is absolutely Oscar-tailored
we all know the same ladies will get nominations at the Globes tomorrow in either drama or comedy and hey! Don't be surprised when you see the same 5 names on Oscar nominations morning.
Rami, I'd say Gandolfini is a co-lead as well, but apparently the boat on making that argument has sailed and people are just accepting a supporting position because it's easier that way.
david - is jennifer not good in the fillm? (I really liked her in "juno", so she can do good film work)
Booohh Streep, Hanks and Oprah!!
Yeah for no Adams, Hanks in supporting, Daniel Bruhl!! and no Blue Jasmine for ensemble
Does this mean that Dallas Buyers Club may get a Best Picture nod?
Pretty predictable with just a few surprises in supporting actor/actress.
If that is the Actress line up I won't be mad at it, they always skew younger so it will be nice to have five veteran/former winners duking it out (even if Cate's win is a foregone conclusion at this point). Somehow it seems less boring than than last year's Supporting Actor race.
She is neither here nor there in it. Nothing really to work with, it's not her fault though. The script didnt give her much to do. I agree, she floored me in Juno! :)
Glenn I haven't seen Enough Said yet (I KNOW) but I assumed it was more the story of Julia's character than his. Still I illogically don't care about category fraud in that case mainly because this is literally his last shot being a film awards recognition, while Bruhl is still young and alive.
Very disappointed that the SAGs went category fraud for both lead performances in RUSH and AUGUST: OSAGE COUNTY. Thought it would be great to see something pop up contrary to campaign(s), esp since actors really should know who is lead and who is supporting. Also very sad for Amy Adams. Hope she cracks into the five for Oscars.
Happy for Nyong'o and Abdi. And Leto and Lawrence (though I haven't seen AH).
TVs noms were same old-same old. Once again, no Parks and Rec, no Community, and surely The Good Wife deserves an ensemble award for this season alone--all those great guest stars?
Glenn: I don't see Gandolfini as fraud - it's the story of Julia's character. Her and her daughter, her and Catherine Keener, and her and Gandolfini. Him and Keener have the main supporting roles (and probably equal screentime, as well.)
Bruhl and Roberts, though... Come on!
maybe the performers who got 'snubbed' here can intensify (even more in some cases) their campaign... like redford and adams.
Congratulations Bruce Dern, Cate Blanchett, Lupita Nyong'o and Jared Leto on your Academy Awards!!!!
Zé: Wow! That would be my favorite group of acting winners in ages! So you can count on one of those getting screwed up. ;)
Ze, I would agree with your picks for winners, but I am sure that Chiwetel and Matthew are ahead of Bruce in the race- especially since they managed to nominate Dallas Buyers Club for Ensemble and not Nebraska- which is closer to an ensemble than Dallas.
I just noticed Redford isn't nominated, Best Actor is such a strong field this year.
Ze, if anything, these nominations suggest McConaughey is stronger than Dern. NEBRASKA easily could have sneaked in for supporting actor if it was more popular, for instance.
If actors, only to 2% of which have regular work (according to the union/guild itself) are willing to abide to category fraud in the level of Julia Roberts supporting actress for August Osage County, I will not hold it against the Academy, should they choose to follow their lead.
Poor Leo and poor Redford. They should team up for a cover of Hot Troubles and release it on Funny or die. Hot leads we got troubles too! We're just like you! Except we're hot! Hopefully the Globes will correct this by not only nominating them, but giving them the win!
Ensemble for DBC is the weirdest nomination of the batch!
I expect the overlap to be 100% with females, both lead and supporting. Male lead will likely have Redford over Whitaker. Supporting male will see the least overlap, with the possible ommisions of Gandolfini, Bruhl and Abdi. I expect Hanks to be a double nominee.
I'm furious about Orange is the New Black's snubs. That show was THE ensemble comedy story of 2013 on television. Often these TV nominations are stubborn and haphazard but the actors' union looks incredibly stupid for that oversight.
Like, pretend you're a working actor. Isn't that a show that gives you hope for diversity and opportunity? Isn't the entire ethos of that series' casting and writing a GIFT to working actors?
I tweeted the same thing about Mariah over Yaya, crazy omission but I can't be mad at Mimi.
Redford's snub was surprising but I still think he gets the Oscar nod over Whitaker.
I cant believe I was snubbed for my miniseries HOUSE OF VERSACE on Lifetime :-(
Oh well, Maybe the Globes tomorrow!!
Hayden-OMG! Totally forgot about OITNB, and you are so right! Maybe because it's New York-based, with New York-based actresses and actors, that it was forgotten by the Hollywood SAG members? It's been given a Season 2 so we have hope for next year.
Roberts is a lead
Whitaker is kind of dull in The Butler
The TV-Categories are just awful
Yay for Streep!
Orange is the New Black was submitted as a drama, right? I believe I read that it has been submitted as a drama for the Globes at least. Which is odd since they easily could have convinced the world it was a comedy. It is comedIC, at least.
After years of complaining that all the Oscar films were released in December, I can't believe how I now find it absurd that films released in December find themselves at a severe disadvantage if they were not ready in time for a Fall festival run.
Is that so? If August is a comedy and Orange and Jasmine are dramas, I know nothing anymore.
Right? Philomena, too. Philomena being a movie that the poster claims is "The new comedy from Stephen Frears". Up is down. Black is white. Cats and dogs.
Mitch, it's crazy, but even a festival run wouldn't have helped WOLF with the actors. Although I guess they'd have heard where the "buzz" is.
I was very moved by Octavia and thought Sarah Paulson was magnificent but I really like the look of this supporting actress line-up : three superstar names (Lawrence, Roberts, Winfrey) with a newcomer ingenue (Nyong'o) and a discovery character actress for balance (Squibb).
Gandolfini! Woo!
I mean, I'm so happy that Enough Said is getting some awards attention. This could mean good things for the Golden Globes, right? Which could help sway voters to Julia Louis-Dreyfus and James Gandolfini at the Oscars, right?
Listen, Frances Ha is out. Stoker and The East were D.O.A.. Let me have this, AMPAS.
I think you nailed the analysis- Bruhl will probably be swapped for Jonah Hill as more people see that film, Exarchopoulos has a tiny chance at a nom but is not likely, and Whitaker is well-liked, explaining this nom, but will probably be replaced by Redford at the Oscars. If anything, I wonder if Whitaker's nomination is best for McConaughey (or Ejiofor, whose frontrunner status I don't buy) because it keeps Redford from one opportunity to build momentum and may indicate that the actors aren't quite behind him.
It is interesting how people get so upset about category fraud with these various awards but conveniently let it slide once one of their favorites sneak in for a nomination (i.e., Gandolfini, Will Forte). And I'm pointing it out because I'm also guilty of this. But, eh, whatever.
Frankly, I'm just more annoyed that June Squibb is getting recognized for such a grating, one-note performance.
It's worth noting that Yaya Alafia (then Dacosta) was also snubbed in this category a few years ago for her relatively large part in "The Kids are All Right."
I'm glad for Gandolfini, and I'm glad that "Enough Said" is getting traction with some the critics' screenplay awards. But it all feels a little incomplete when there's no love being given to JLD, who was such a revelation in that movie. I'm hoping that the Globe nominations change this.
Evan — Ejiofor has a juggernaut film backing his nomination. He's a lock for Oscar. McConaughey could still miss but not bloody likely.
For someone who at one point was supposed to be a front runner getting overlooked for a nomination by his peers clearly doesn't bode well for Redford, especially if it's essentially a one-man show.
Have to admit I'm a bit disappointed. Not that anyone nom'ed isn't worthy, but there are many others I feel deserved it more and the lists look a little boring. However, I wasn't on the nom committee so don't know what was submitted and what wasn't.
Television is hard because they usually only submit one episode and not everyone watches every series so they don't all get an equal shot.
I just don't get the lack of love for Good Wife. Its doing some of the best work on television right now.
I am glad for Emma Thompson, but I am sorry for Tom Hanks/Walt Disney.
3rtful- I'm talking about for the win. Of course he'll be nominated.
Nice for Julia, Meryl and August Osage County just when people were claiming they weren't happening or they were "vulnerable." Honey no.
Also shout out to NYFCC building up American Hustle only for it to underperform.
This is the part of the awards season that I dislike, when I suddenly remember that with all the great options out there, the various guilds and Oscar-y type voters are going to reaffirm their usual bland, middlebrow tastes and go with the obvious, least interesting choices whenever possible. Joy!
Everyone -- SAG voters do not have a choice where to nominate the people. By their own rules if the studio submits someone as a supporting actor they can only vote for them in that category. So category fraud is written in to their laws. it's entirely up to the studio.
but that said yes it's super gross and more so all the time that working actors also essentially vote against them by giving supporting recognition opportunities to stars in leading roles. The vast majority of working actors will only ever have opportunities in supporting roles. Supporting is their place to shine. It's just so gross that hollywood (and fans) keep being okay with this.
the category was created SPECIFICALLY because Oscar knew it needed a place to honor the non leading movie stars who contribute so much to movies.
pam-- SAG's vast membership .is located all over the place so the location of OITNB wouldn't be a reason for snubbing it. The nominating committess, which i believe is drawn at random via dues paying membership roster, changes each year, too.
I'm delighted for Barkhad Abdi. He was terrific. I was worried that "Captain Phillips" was losing steam, but hopefully this bolsters Abdi's chances. I'm also happy for Gandolfini. I do think he's supporting, though. "Enough Said' is about Julia Louis-Dreyfus, who ought to be nominated too. Why does this year have to be so crowded in the actress category? Other years it's a drought and this year is just insanely bountiful.
No Robert Redford, who I thought could take it. Also no Leonardo, and Whitaker in there. Just Disappointing.
And Oprah, for that that melodramatic performance, wow.
These lists are pretty good, but Dern is an egregious omission.
JESSICA LANGE! American Success Story.
Wouldn't it have been fun if Gravity had been nommed for ensemble?
SAG hated Colleen Camp SO MUCH... Flames....
But seriously, the fame-whoring is really terrible. Colleen Camp deserves a SAG nomination for all the good work she's done, and it's unfortunate to have it taken away by a bigger name in a smaller part.