Costume Designers Honor Princess Hathaway & Anna Karenina

The last (I think?) guild has spoken. And they have announced the movies (and tv) that were 'CLOTHED IN IMMENSE POWER' for 2012. Apologies to Lincoln for stealing their line ...but at least they were nominated!
The evening included Career Achievement Awards to Eduardo Castro a frequent Emmy nominee with shows like "Ugly Betty" and "Once Upon a Time" under his belt and Judianna Makovsky who made waves this past spring with Hunger Games and costumed films as diverse as the original Harry Potter, Seabiscuit, and Reversal of Fortune. There was also a special award, the LACOSTE Spotlight Award to Anne Hathaway because Guilds generally find a way to honor a movie star or famous director during their ceremonies.
Her award seems to be a crystal alligator of some sort and it looks like she's inviting it to eat Russell Crowe's diaphragm in the photos. Hey, anything to stop him from singing at the Oscars on Sunday!
Television Movie/Mini-Series Lou Eyrich for "American Horror Story: Asylum"
Commercial Costume Design Judianna Makovsky for "Captain Morgan Black"
Contemporary Television Molly Maginnis for "Smash"
Period/Fantasy Television Carolina McCall for "Downton Abbey"
Their series awards are hard to argue with, right? Although "Smash" has an unfair advantage over other contemporary shows in that it can also work in period and fantasy wear without stretching the boundaries of the show.
Contemporary Film Jany Temine for Skyfall
Period Film Jacqueline Durran for Anna Karenina
Fantasy Film Eiko Ishioka for Mirror Mirror
...which sets up the Oscar contest in brief.
I've said for some time that I think that Anna Karenina will be winning this statue (the other nominations for the film show some cross-branch interest and, no small matter, the costumes are also beyond gorgeous and memorable). But Mirror Mirror does pose a formidable threat if the Academy is feeling silly and adventurous (bunny ears on top hats, stilt legs, supersized bows, etcetera) or merely feeling misty about the passing of the great Eiko Ishioka.
Which way do you think it will go? Are you happy with the CDG winners?
Reader Comments (6)
But really, wasn't measuring Daniel Craig's in-seam enough of a prize for Jany Temine?
JA - lol. comment win. This is also probably why Christopher Peterson didn't win anything for costume design of Magic Mike. Rewarded enough!
The Mirror, Mirror costumes brought a smile to my face each time a new one was unveiled.
But the Anna Karenina costumes made me lust after them. I wanted them, then I wanted the jewelry. (They were real diamonds- that's why they sparkled so). It was like the Atonement's green dress, but with a dozen outfits. And the the crowd was beautifully dressed too. And the men's costumes were perfect for their character. And it all fit together so beautifully, the costumes matching the art direction, supported by the music, exhilaratingly filmed, and with a clever script.
Mirror, Mirror didn't have that kind of technical support for its costumes. Although I agree that one of the great things about the costume craftspeople is that they don't demand the costumer be working in a good movie.
Look at Hathaway giving you "Je m'appelle Barbra" realness!
I love you, Paul Outlaw.
Aw, Nick...