Holly Hunter on HuffPo Live

We've been waiting for twenty-years for Holly Hunter to return to Jane Campion's camera and it's finally happened. The Piano Oscar winner co-stars in Top of the Lake (2013) a miniseries that stars Elisabeth Moss (Mad Men).
She was interviewed on HuffPost Live today and though they ran out of time just as the question & answer period with the assembled writers began, I did win the luck of the draw with the first question... I wanted to know what she attributes that incredible psychic connection with co-stars to. She had it in The Piano without the use of dialogue and it was there in every breath and gesture of thirteen.
The interview is after the jump.
My question is at the very end but the interview preceding it is well worth watching since she talks 80s directors (James L Brooks, The Coen Bros, Sam Raimi) and quite a lot about the Oscars!
Reader Comments (7)
Fuck!! Where have the years gone? Has it really been 20 years since "The Piano" was released?!
Anyway, just wanted to say that Hunter's win for "The Piano" is probably the greatest Best Actress win in Oscar history along with Vivien Leigh's perf in "A Streetcar Named Desire." "The Piano's" double acting prizes is also my favorite leading-supporting winning pair.
I just wish we had meaty films for such great actresses,they opened wide and had all our faves in sung and unsung of actressing.
I think she was such a comic genius (Her as Ed in Raising Arizona was such a charged, astounding comedic performance for me) and as great as it is that she and Jane are collaborating again, I want her to do more comedies.
I literally JUST watched The Piano for the first time the other night. Beautiful. She was amazing, as was Anna Paquin. She was so nuanced.
My favorite Oscar moment from Holly Hunter was when she lost best supporting actress to Anna Paquin. She looked so happy for Anna. I've never seen a loser so happy!! The only other time that I can recall of loser being that kind of happy for someone else is Meryl Streep when Cher won.
Aaaw! She told you how great your question was!
She's totally lovely in this interview. I liked her "oh, please" about getting to talk to an real live Oscar winner.
I genuinely love her so much! One of the most deserving Best Actress winners for sure; it's a shame that that Ada McGrath isn't held in the same regard we hold Sophie Zawistowski or Blanche DuBois. She's one of those unexpectedly versatile, consistently excellent performers that you always hope will get (at least) one great role every five or so years to remind everyone just how much we've missed her, and how much we need her.