Reader Spotlight: Lucio in Argentina

We're getting to know The Film Experience community. Today we're talking to Lucio in Argentina.
When did you start reading TFE?
LUCIO: I started reading in early 2004 after I began to get crazy about the Academy Awards, so I looked up for some sites in order to help me to predict them. I remember reading about the Shohreh vs. Renée battle here. I was glad when Renée finally won the Oscar but my relationship with the website became closer over the years.
Your three favorite actresses
LUCIO: Meryl Streep: She can do anything, no matter what. Kate Winslet: she is a great dramatic actress. Made me cry in The Reader, smile in Eternal Sunshine and think in Revolutionary Road; Nicole Kidman: The Hours… probably the Best Performance by an Actress in History. “Always the years between us, always the love…always the hours”. Brilliant!
How often do you go to the movies?
I try to watch every single nominated movie. So I think thirty or forty a year. The movies here in Argentina arrive with a little delay, but they get here in time for Oscar night.
Have you ever dated or broken up with someone because of the movies?
My partner and I met two years ago…and he didn’t know a thing about movies. Since he’s been with me, I think we've watched my complete wall of DVDs together and all the Oscar-nominated films each year and we watch the Oscars together. He has started to get a critical eye and now he and I can cry together with The Reader and I’m so happy about that. So now I have a movie fan boyfriend.
You've trained him well! Since you're such an Oscar nut, take one Oscar away from regift it.
Take away Jennifer Hudson's Supporting Actress Oscar and give it to Adriana Barraza for Babel.
Okay something less Oscary. Your first movie memory?
When I was probably 6 years old, my mother, my sister and I went to the cinema to watch Beethoven. I love dogs so the movie was great for me! We were in the front row and our necks suffered a lot that whole week.
Reader Comments (31)
I SO dig the 'always the years between us...' monologue from 'The Hours'!! :)
Felicitaciones, Lucio! I just loved the boyfriend story!
Dude, I was prepared to enjoy this profile until I read that he was on the *other* side of the Shorheh/Renee battle. :-P
Troy -- LOL. I'm glad Lucio stuck around cuz i was clearly out for blood that year with Renee . ha!
Stop asking readers their first movie memory. None has claimed an 80's title yet.
I'm so jealous, I'm cultivating my bf now, a tough task for both of us!
Amen to taking away J-Hud's Oscar. Barraza's performance was far and away my favorite in that category... heck, maybe even my favorite supporting performance of the decade.
Out of all the undeserving Oscars, the readers of this site always wants to take away a Black person's Oscar. I find thta interesting.
Melissa - let's not generalize like that. I've done 30 or so of these and it's hardly every person. and what's more: good luck finding an Oscar win that everyone agrees with. By anyone! ;)
Really, Melissa? The popular one seems to be taking away Jennifer Lawrence's Oscar.
It seems like everytime, I read one of these. Someone wants to take a Black person's Oscar away. Halle Berry , Jhud, and Queen Latifah's nomination..all in a row. Sorry, but I can't help but generalize. Performance's are subjective to begin with, but it kind of just says to me that readers of this site believe that Black people never deserve to win Oscar's.
Didn't Jennifer Lawrence just win an Oscar over Emmanuelle Riva?
Didn't Meryl Streep ( who already has 2) win one over Viola? Out of the 85 years of Oscar history everyone wants to take away the Black people Oscars.
Yeah, but Melissa honey,
you forget that no one wanted to take away Viola's.
Woman gave one of the best nominated performances I've ever seen.
Beau -- yes. ugh. VIOLA 4EVER. that was so ridiculous (not that we should restart that war)
lasttimeisaw -- i find this impossible to do so luckily TheBoyfriend already had good taste in movies... even if he doesnt love them quite enough.
Melissa black actresses totally deserve Oscars, if it were up to me, Viola Davis, Angela Bassett and Alfre Woodard would be winners already, but really Halle was good but not exceptional in Monster's Ball (and there were better performances in that particular race) and Jennifer Hudson belonged in the lead category (and she was brilliant when singing , but her line reading were atrocious, a problem she still suffers from in all her post-Dreamgirls performances).
"It kind of just says to me that readers of this site believe that Black people never deserve to win Oscar's"?
I'm rather sure that's definitely not the end-game of any of these questions.
I mean, the statement is clearly hyperbolic that "everyone wants to take away the Black people Oscars" or that " the readers of this site always wants to take away a Black person's Oscar" because not everyone has chosen a black actor when the question has been asked and all the readers haven't even responded affirmatively in these cases. So, other than observing that three of the chosen undeserving winners/nominees were black (which is just general observational) how does that move to that conclusion?
Anyhow, can we all agree that the Oscar Renee "stole" was from the lovely redheads Marcia and Patricia? (I'm alone there, aren't I?) Granted, like Lucio I was weirdly rooting for Renee for personal reasons and, hey, I really like COLD MOUNTAIN even if it's persona non grata at TFE. :D
I give Pacino's Oscar to Denzel
I give everybody's Oscar in the last ten years to Jeffrey Wright because he is the best actor of his generation
I give Shelley Winters' Oscar to Juanita Moore
I wished Jessica Chastain and Octavia Spencer could share that Oscar from last year because their scenes together were the only tolerable parts of the film (and that includes Viola Davis' scenes- but I blame the source material).
Nobody wants to take away Poitier or Mo'Nique's Oscar.
Also people are looking at performance. Berry was not bad but it was a very 'look I can act!' award. Hudson's performance was like the musical performances that have won in recent years. For pulling off that signature song without embarrassing yourself along with her having the human interest story of being shunned by American Idol, except she is really not a good actress. Great singer, undeniably. Queen Latifah was charming in her role in Chicago but she was Queen Latifah. At least in Hairspray she got some gravitas when she had those scenes with Michelle Pfeiffer.
@rami, I didn't think Jennifer Hudson's line reading was atrocious at all. Not to mention that NO ONE in that category that year was amazing. Halle Berry was fine. NO more or less than Kate Winslet in the Reader, Sandra Bullock in the Blind Side, Reese Witherspoon in Walk the Line and I can name many more. The problem is people seem to hate when they feel like Black people win " underserved Oscars" but hardly have issues when they feel like Whites win underserved Oscar. Sure people are complaining about Jennifer Lawrence now, but 5 years down the line she will be no where near as hated as Halle or JHud for their wins. I'm sorry , but there are worse Oscar win's or nominations out of those three. Being a Black woman and reading three of these in a row and they all want to take away a Black person's Oscar. Yeah what would you think it looks like to me.
Actually the actress who deserved it Jennifer Hudson's year was Anika Noni Rose for the same film but sadly she wasn't nominated.
I understand why you may see this but it is coincidence, other people in this series wanted to take away white actors Oscars from them, it's a generalization that has no basis in intention. Lots of people who comment on this site wanted Viola Davis to win last year (including myself). And lots of people think Sandra Bullock didn't deserve her win, including Nathaniel and many people who post on this blog (plenty of whom wanted Gabourey Sidibe to win), etc, etc.
JHud and Halle are not hated at all. People do not think they are great actresses but their personas are not hated at all. Not even comparable to a Julia Roberts level of hate for **taking** Ellen Burstyn's Oscar or people finding the Oscars irrelevant because Sandra Bullock or Gwyneth Paltrow won. And even though Anne Hathaway has an Oscar and people begrudgingly were okay with that performance she is HATED. Jennifer Lawrence is somebody I can easily see being hated for her ubiquity in 5 years and also the fact she won for a role I am confident will not be among her best by a long-shot.
"Not to mention that NO ONE in that category that year was amazing."
The movie was bait-y tripe but Barrazza was amazing.
I could also write a treatise on just how terrible it was that Reese Witherspoon won over Felicity Huffman and Kate Winslet winning over Hathaway was BS.
It does bug me that there are never good parts simultaneously happening for actresses as talented as Regina King, Angela Bassett, Alfre Woodard, and Viola Davis. It can only be one of them and that annoys me to no end.
I feel the conversation has digressed, but Melissa I'm a black man and it doesn't look or feel like anything insidious or conspiratorial to me. It's just a coincidence. In the 2006 Supporting actress category I'd say Cate and Adriana's performances are GREAT, Rinko and Abigail are very good and Jennifer is good to okay depending on the moment. But, I'm with Rami here - I'd in a heartbeat exchange Jennifer's Oscar for Anika Noni Rose who was the MVP of DREAMGIRLS in a big way for me. Also, like CMG says neither Halle, Jennifer nor Queen Latifah is hated by any means. Historically, nothing from the TFE's history suggests poor feelings towards black performers - specifically black actresses.
The real tragedy of 2006 was Alan Arkin's win, as he wasn't even the best in his film, yet alone his category.
As a longtime reader of The Film Experience (and a black man myself), I can assure you that actresses of every hue are treated with reverence and appreciation (Nate even did a Tuesday Top Ten of his favorite "Blacktresses" a few years ago).
@CMG Here's the problem, I hardly see anyone talking badly about Julia's Oscar win or Bullock, Paltrow (outside of the years that they won). Everytime someone complains about the Oscars, they always use Halle and Jhud as examples as bad Oscar wins.I personally have no issues with anyone winning Oscars, because I do find them fun, but irrelevant.
"Here's the problem, I hardly see anyone talking badly about Julia's Oscar win or Bullock, Paltrow (outside of the years that they won)."
Really? Because every year some blogger, or even somebody at a trade, makes a list about where were the least deserving winners. Usually at least one part of that trinity gets mentioned and for years Julia and Gwyneth get all sorts of grief but it compounds to the fact they are so generally hated because people rejected the PR agency driven 'America's Sweetheart' attachment that came with them early in their careers.
Also probably the most mentioned 'least deserved' Oscar winner is the criminally underrated Judy Holliday, whose career was sadly short-lived, because of who she beat that year. Many just saw it as the 'kid' winning and honestly there has always been a trend in giving lead actress to the 'rising star'/'kid'/'babe'.
Totally agree with the definition of Nicole Kidman performance, no race that Year!
Well, i guess i'll chime in.
I'm a black dude and even I have no qualms over taking Halle Berry's Oscar. I distinctly remember that there was such a hullabaloo in the media that year over race and Oscars and i found myself completely unsurprised that her and Denzel managed to snag them. I'm HEAVILY biased towards Nicole Kidman so i would easily have given her the statue for my all-time favorite movie. That's just me personally. I'd give Nicole all the Oscars she wanted.
With Jennifer Hudson, i'm mostly ok with her award because she killed it with the singing but sometimes her acting and line reading leave alot to be desired.
With Mo'Nique, there is no actor in the last 10 years or so who i think deserved their Oscar more than she did. I was 1000% on Team Mo'Nique that year. Especially with her desire to not give a single shit about campaigning.
and to go even further, the award that I would snatch and give away is actually Kim Basinger's for L.A. Confidential. I love Kim, adore the movie and thought she looked great but every time i see the movie, i still wonder just what she got the award for. I would've easily given it to Julianne or Gloria Stuart even.
So even if the reader spotlights (which are always a joy to read) seemingly might have a bit of a trend, it's not like every reader at TFE feels the same way.
These interviews are fun. Let me know if there's a slot I can jump into :)
Nice to see a fellow Argentine interviewed!
"Nicole Kidman: The Hours… probably the Best Performance by an Actress in History" - totally agree. I love our "The Hours" team :D
Here's the thing. Oscars are a fascinating time capsule. While I do think that Halle's should have gone to Nicole and that JHub's should have gone to Abigail Breslin (Barazza was good but her arc started off bad with the terrible introduction into her motives; whereas Breslin personified this goodness and heart unlike I've seen before. A real talent that will show in 15 years). However, Viola was the winner and Whoopi needed "The Color Purple" win as did either Margaret Avery or Oprah (preferably Oprah, regardless of the history after). The truth is, Nathaniel just wants the best to win. It rarely happens but certain performances such as Halle's get unjust treatment to make history. McDaniels, Spencer, JHud, and Mo'Nique especially were all worthy even if they weren't the best in their category (I'm a huge Shailene in "the Descendants" fan, sorry Nat). The problem isn't race it is that not enough color performances are coming out. "Boyz n the Hood" was one of the best 90s movies and "Fruitvale" will hopefully be great. There aren't enough black roles but Oscar reflects what is in the marketplace and that happens to not be diverse. The Oscars are not racist, Hollywood may be though. I just think it all come from the way to get people to see urban dramas. Precious was a $50 mil hit almost.