Happy Gabby Day

JA from MNPP here, wishing a very happy birthday to Gabourey Sidibe, who's turning 30 years old today. In the four years since she popped on the scene, seemingly out of nowhere, in Lee Daniels' film Precious, Sidibe's proven that she's nothing like the sullen abused girl that brought her stardom - every awards show and every red carpet that year didn't come alive until she showed up, a star right out of the box. I don't watch The Big C so I can't speak to what she's done there but I was elated when she got cast in the upcoming third season of American Horror Story - I can't wait to see what Ryan Murphy does with her. What do you hope the future holds for Gabby?
Gabby Sidibe

Reader Comments (10)
I loved her so much and then I heard she started becoming a diva and I kinda saw it in some interviews and such, so I lost interest.
But I'm SO so excited for her on American Horror Story!!! It will be so much fun to watch her. Get that Emmy, girl! And Happy birthday!
I'm always happy to hear her get roles because there was so much talk about how she was going to have a rough career post-Precious and I didn't want to see that happen to her. Not based on her looks, but how it would be so easy to typecast her in other Precious roles. Plus, I'm still trying to dissect Joan Cusack's "advice" to Gabs.
"Oh, honey, you should really quit the business. It's so image-conscious."
That is either one hell of a bitchy quote or something coming from sage experience. Anyways, my point is that i'm a fan and want her to have a great career. My only advice to her is to steer clear of the Tyler Perry void that seems to suck up all the fine black actresses who need some work. I'm curious as to what the hell she'll be up to in AHS though.
I watched Tower Heist this weekend and while it is an utterly average movie, I really enjoyed her in it. She's a great presence onscreen, and one heck of an actress to boot. Should have easily won the Oscar that year.
Happy Birthday, Gabby! Can't wait to watch you get your coven on (hopefully) in American Horror Story!
The Oscar someone stole from her...
@Philip actually from my experience, nothing could be further from the truth. I worked with her through a few seasons of The Big C and she was very kind throughout, always being courteous and sweet to everyone down to the production assistants.
Happy birthday Gabby! I wish you the best in your future endeavors.
@Philip H
Her diva tactics are a line in the sand. She's saying yes I'm obese, dark skin, female, young but. Don't assume I'm weak. And that I'll take whatever sympathies Hollywood has in store for me during my opportunity window. I think it's safer to be a bitch than being noble when people assume you have to be because of what you look like.
Welcome to the 30's Gabby.
Love Gabby and hope that Ryan Murphy gives her a great role on 'American Horror Story.' After he wasted fellow Oscar nominee Chloe Sevigny last season, I'm skeptical...
stjeans: Of the nominees? Certainly. In terms of actual quality, what was her next closest competition among those? Carey Mulligan's well spoken but robotic moving Jenny Mellor? Please.
Love Gabby, she was funny and so different in The Big C compared to her role in Precious, and I am glad she is still getting work as an actor, because she damn well deserves to. Some people are born stars and I think she is one of those people. I don't think she'll ever get a role as good as Oscar-baity as Precious, but she is carving out a very decent career for herself, and that's what any actor could hope for.
Gabby is great on "The Big C" even when the material lets her down. I'm just glad she's getting work still. It can't be easy looking the way she does in an industry where if you're not white and thin female, then that's a wrap for you. She really should have been closer for the Oscar win for "Precious" than she ended up being. That role's going to haunt her forever, but I mean that in a good way. At least she isn't letting herself be typecast. I don't know if I can stomach another season of "American Horror Story," but I might at least watch an episode or two to see how she fares in it.