What did I miss?

This is the entry to a kino here in Norway. My friends didn't let me go in *sniffle* Be back to NYC and thus movies tonight. What did I miss these past ten days? Fill me in! What have you been seeing?
Reader Comments (26)
Saw 'This Is the End' on Tuesday and though I'm not sure Seth Rogen can make a film, he can certainly string together often amusing YouTube quality sketches under a sweet narrative thread.
Then I saw 'Man of Steel' on Thursday, and boy was I thoroughly disappointed. So little, practically none, of that film was the slightest bit enjoyable. Once again, Zack Snyder's sole cinematic compulsion is to make things "look" cool, rather than be cool.
And then I saw 'Before Midnight' yesterday, which effectively left everything else in the dirt. Such a painfully resonant conclusion (for now, anyway) to Jesse & Celine's seemingly paradise romance. It feels like the film is actively procrastinating against the "wonder of passionate love" that defined the first two, and is actually trying to find out why these two people belong together, if they do at all. It hurts, and I want it to. Could barely bring myself to leave the theater at the end.
In short, you didn't miss anything, LOL.
Did you enjoy your vacations?
You missed the triumphant return of @MichaelHaneke! Other than that not much. Frances Ha finally rolled out to the burbs (and it was glorious), but that's not much news for you city folk.
Nat, I managed to see perhaps the best performance by an actress I've seen all year, namely Barbara Sukowa in "Hannah Arendt."
It'll still be playing at the Film Forum when you get back to NYC.
Much. Ado. About. Nothing. See it as soon as you can! The most charming film I've seen all year. I haven't seen Before Midnight though. :)
Fittingly enough, I watched Oslo, August 31st last night. I thought it was pretty stunning. Is Oslo anything like the opening scene of that film?
Please do a "Yes, No, Maybe So?" on the Blue Jasmine trailer!
Nothing. One of these days I will win one of the many lotteries available in California and get back to seeing 200-plus movies a year. With my work schedule, I am now lucky if I can sneak out on a weekend and see one. <whimper>
20 feet from stardom is glorious
Man of Steel was agony. So terrible!
Bling Ring is kind of interesting. Saw it with my parents and it sparked crazy conversations.
Second the Yes, No, Maybe So of Blue Jasmine.
Saw my favorite film of the year so far, Stories We Tell. Dying to know your thoughts on it, so get back here and start up those reviews again! Also eager to hear your full thoughts on Frances Ha, Mud and Before Midnight. It actually hasn't been a terrible year for film so far this year.
@Duncan Houst: You said everything about what the last 10 days were like. Completely second it all
Blue Jasmine is a Yes, only because I see everything! But No because it looks completely bland. Cate Blanchett who I normally love is very annoying in the trailer. I'm not blaming her, I'm blaming Woody...Woody Allen's shtick of neurotic women is wearing awfully thin...
I went on a movie binge this week! Caught up with Gatsby, Mud, The Purge, and Man of Steel over a few days. Saw them in that order, and liked them in roughly that order too. MoS was a big disappointment for me - the action in the second half is like a comic book come to like - thrilling as far as it goes - but the origin story first half revises the Supes legend without improving it in any meaningful way, and I felt like I was being told what the movie was about way more than I was actually feeling it. The cast is great and there's some solid material, but there's just something *off* about the movie.
We need you to dissect "Blue Jasmine" as soon as you get back! We know you are not fond of Cate The Great but it's a Woody Allen's film after all!
Saw" Man of Steel "... waste of time
" France Ha "... loved it
Amen to Yes, No, Maybe So of Blue Jasmine trailer, even if you dislike Cate Blanchett. The trailer looks promising.
Apparently Kanye West and K.K. have joined their genes and have produced a human being. I'd say you haven't missed that much.
Now I think about it, you've missed the first gay moment in Mad Men since... that other gay character disappeared. It kinda turned me on, and that's saying a lot because it involved Pete Campbell.
iggy -- omg. gotta catch up.
filmbuff -- reports of me disliking cate blanchett are grossly exaggerating by everyone. I just don't worship her is all. hit and miss with me whereas she is a bullseye for lots of people
roark -- i started a movie binge before i left (MUD!) and continued it on the plane! ;)
Finally saw "The Sapphires" and "Scatter My Ashes at Bergdorff's"--both worth seeing, as both shine lights on little-known aspects of history/culture in very different ways. On next week's list" "This Is The End" "Man of Steel" and--if I get through re-watching "Before Sunrise" and "Before Sunset" by tomorrow--"Before Midnight." Hoping "Frances Ha" sticks around town awhile longer.
Saw Man Of Steel and liked it but with reservations (A second viewing is probably in order). Meant to see "This Is The End" and "The Bling Ring" this weekend as well but I didn't feel like going to the city. Besides, I can see both this coming week - maybe even Wednesday - because World War Z isn't going to be a must-see for me.
Welcome back Nat. Your subs did a valiant job filling in, but its nice to have the boss back.
Glad to have you back! :) And hope the trip was fun.
Last monday was a torture. Sofia Coppola visited Lincoln Center and at the same time BAM was screening The Bling Ring in advance. Why couldn't they just had her talk after the screening???? Anyway I decided to see The Bling Ring. Also This Is The End which is definitely the funniest movie this year. Like for real.
I'm with Murtada: 20 Feet from Stardom gives the audience a great time!