Cool Girls Don't Look at Explosions

Michelle Pfeiffer in The Pfamily. Just two days away! Are you planning on seeing it this weekend? I was more excited when it called Malavita but I'll be there for my haphazardly committed girl. (Oh you feel like working two months biannually? Well, good to have you back!) Here are pics from the premiere to which I totally should've been invited. My pfeelings, hurt.
Pssst. Just just between you and I a certain Oscar nominated actress on facebook liked it but wrote "Michelle Phyffer{?}" when posting about it. I weep!
Reader Comments (16)
I would like to see it, but I am so afraid of DeNiro movies... he has been horrible of late ( Silver...)
I will wait for reviews ... then decide
Michelle really needs to put some weight on .. her face is still beautiful, but....
That outfit looks like she is hanging on a hanger.
I meant except Silver Linings....
That is some kick ass casting...Michelle and Diana look like they could be mom and daughter.
What pointy shoulders!
No wonder she doesn't work much when all people want to comment on his her weight.
I wouldn't have the slightest interest in this movie if you didn't love Michelle so much. I find your appreciation of her endearing and it helps when rummaging through her filmography and finding under discussed gems. Especially the intelligent choices she makes as a performer that work with the script instead of wholly subverting it. I wish I could get remotely excited for this thing but I'm not a comedy movie person.
Rick: I actually find him pretty good in his supporting role in Limitless (far more than SLP, a role that he's awake for even though I don't think he really NEEDS to be).
I simply must know the actress who misspelled Michelle Pfeiffer's name! The suspense is killing me.
Love that she went out of her comfort area and chose that outfit in which she looks perfect.
I am going to watch it because of Michelle Pfeiffer.
Expecting a fun movie and nothing more than that.
Love how she reacts after the explosion, that's an actress, that's acting. She performs brilliantly in a small scene.
Open here in Malaysia next week. And it's still called Malavita... at least pfor now. The Family is really a terrible name, makes you wonder how many of Robert De Niro's and Michelle Pfeiffer's recent pfilms could have also been using that name (except that they didn't): People Like Us, Dark Shadows, The Big Wedding, Silver Linings. If every movie starts using a generic name we will only have 10 movie titles per year. They have done it twice to Luc Besson now (The Professional, what kind of lame title is that?), why would they do that to such a cool director with such a unique style?
Thanks for the hit on DeNiro in Limitless
Thanks for the info on Limitless. I will try to
find it on Netflix
As to the comments about the way a star looks
It seems that you bloggers have no problem
Knocking stars unless they are Michelle or Kidman
Just thinking out loud
Prepare for disappointment and you may have a good time at the movies. As I posted elesewhere, Agron was the standout for me when I saw this last weekend. The girl has got something.
I wonder about the movie's quality since there have been no reviews. I want this to do well and would happily go see it if the reviews are even mediocre. We'll see.
It looks like Michelle will co-star with Viola Davis and Diane Keaton in an upcoming film to be called "Whatever Makes You Happy", she said so in an interview yesterday. She also looks to be attached to an upcoming Robert Rodriguez film called Best Boy.
And yes, please share which actress it was who misspelled her name!!