Hollywood: Oscar Nom Morning & CCMA Evening

As you read this I am in my hotel room pressing my cuffs (that sounds filthy!) and preparing for the CCMAs. For the first time in the whole of my life that I can remember I hit snooze on my alarm on Oscar nomination morning. What has become of me? Oh yes, it's as simple as this, 5:15 AM is a lot earlier than 8:15 AM and for the first time I was in something like the vicinity of the live announcement from my hotel room in Koreatown. This gave me extra time to sleep but it was rather like that time when I lived two doors away from my Junior High and I was late every day. I only got the live feed up just in time for the countdown to air.
Since I could say the mythic Hollywood sign from my window, perhaps I should have attempted to be in the Hollywood-centric room when Thor & Cheryl intoned the hallowed names this morning? But baby steps. Despite all the years blogging I'm new at parts of it, especially parts West of Manhattan. A lot of parts.
I'm not sure what one does at awards shows from the audience (lots of drinking?) but if you follow me on twitter. You might find out. I won't be able to live blog obviously but there could be tweeting. Oscar pages will continue to be updated through the weekend but for now the Nomination Index, is updated (laugh at my terrible rate of prediction in Best Live Action Short and marvel at my perfection in Best Picture and Supporting Actor. There are also polls up at Picture, Actor and Actress with more to come. Click away. As one does.
Reader Comments (7)
Have fun! Give Michael Fassbender and Bradley Cooper a big hug for me.
Happy I stuck with my original nominations to include both Christian Bale and Meryl Streep. Also predicted Emma Thompson would be the Lead Actress to be bumped.
You're lucky you can see green trees from your room.
LUPITA! I'm so happy you get to see that, haha.
Love this pic and this post. I'm really happy for you today and, as always, send you thanks for keeping up this site. You know a lot of us appreciate reading it daily. Enjoy yourself out west!
What zig said X 10.
Nathan, this pic made my day. Have fun tonite dancing among the stars.
BTW, you look cool in silhouette! Very James Bond!