Critics Choice Award Winners & After Party

Quickie post to give you more of an opportunity to discuss the CCMA winners. I salute all those with strong enough multi-tasking skills to both attend and cover events simultaneously. I've just arrived in Park City for the Sundance Film Festival and before I stuff my face, it's catch up time!
Arriving at the CCMAs - Seating Chart?
When I arrived at the Critics Choice Awards last night -- excuse me, last afternoon (awards ceremonies start so early on the West Coast!)-- I had no idea where I'd be seated so I was just goofing in the photo above and pointing randomly to the space as if to say "There! I'm sitting there" Well there was within stumbling over into the American Hustle and 12 Years a Slave tables which were right next to that open walk way to the stage. This is not where I was sitting. You're doing it wrong, Nathaniel!
with commentary
"12 Years a Slave"
I am so nervous for my favorite that I was freaking myself out wondering if the applause and the mini Standing Ovation were more respectful than enthused per se. Respect can take you far in a voting pool of 280+ but how far can it really take you in a voting pool of 6,000-7,000. Enthusiasm is important in Oscar voting. I hope it goes all the way.
Matthew McConaughey, "Dallas Buyers Club"
My table (all strangers to me) was practically salivating waiting for the "all right all right all right" which came early via Jessica Chastain's intro. I thought they would spontaneously combust when he did it which immediately reminded me of 2004 and Jamie Foxx's repetitive audience call out shtick. People in the rooms really love these things even if they're annoying on TV.
Cate Blanchett, "Blue Jasmine"
Darling speech, referencing her sons not giving a shit about her job. "Just be glad it's I and not Jasmine French that's your mother". Ha! She seemed really human and warm. The Oscar is 1000% hers.
Jared Leto, "Dallas Buyers Club"
He got the memo to be more sensitive about these things and mentioned people living with HIV/AIDS.
Lupita Nyong’o, "12 Years a Slave"
Beautiful speech and resplendent in white. The room erupted with the fastest standing Ovation of the night, at least from my vantage point. Jennifer Lawrence was not there so thank god the BFCA didn't repeat the Globes choice here (though they did in most of the other categories)
Adele Exarchopoulos, "Blue Is the Warmest Color"
As I tweeted, her extremely "awkward teenager" walk to the stage, quite a mismatch with her beauty and gown, suddenly made me feel better about her winning this category. I love the performance but it seemed odd that an explicit movie for adults would be competing in a category designed mostly for child and teenage stars. They should probably lower the age on this (I voted for Tye Sheridan in Mud, primarily due to what I think the category should be for, not as any slight to Adele0
"American Hustle"
I don't recall this moment at all? Was I at the open bar? Daniel Brühl was. Rough day (whose idea was it to hold these things on Oscar Nomination day?)
don't you love this pic of Ben Kingsley & Cate Blanchett?
Alfonso Cuaron, "Gravity"
Less endearing than at the Globes since there was no herpes/earpiece joke. And crazy how many winners repeated. Like...
Spike Jonze, "Her"
No speech since this was one of the prizes they didn't do live.
John Ridley, "12 Years a Slave"
Non televised
Emmanuel Lubezki, "Gravity"
Non televised
Catherine Martin (Production Designer), Beverley Dunn (Set Decorator), "The Great Gatsby"
Non televised
Alfonso Cuarón, Mark Sanger, "Gravity"
Non televised
Catherine Martin, "The Great Gatsby"
Non televised but basically the BFCA gave Catherine Martin her Moulin Rouge! Oscars again. Will the Academy follow suit?
"American Hustle"
Non televised which is a shame because they won't be getting an Oscar speech because they were inexplicably NOT nominated. Even though this "College Humor" poster on True Movie Titles knows the real score.
Non televised
Televised but I don't remember this moment well
"Lone Survivor"
Televised sort of... included as a package deal with...
Mark Wahlberg, "Lone Survivor"
Would this have one best action movie if it hadn't just opened?
Sandra Bullock, "Gravity"
Great speech. She handled a technical snafu really well. How is she as endearing as she is? It's like a mutant power on her.
"American Hustle"
Leonardo DiCaprio, "The Wolf of Wall Street"
I don't remember this speech. Too early in the night. I was still absorbing the room and where everyone and everything was. I think I was staring at the back of Meryl Streep's head, entranced.
Amy Adams, "American Hustle"
Cute... and I loved the shout out to James Marsden, any chance she could get to kiss him. Incidentally James Marsden was very popular in the room and a snazzy dresser. Nice checkered suit.
Forest Whitaker
All I remember about this is that Oprah did the intro and I didn't even know all this about Forest Whitaker and he sounds like an awesome person. Aisha Tyler later tweeted this adorbs photo
Julie Delpy, Ethan Hawke, Richard Linklater for trilogy "Before Sunrise," "Before Sunset" and "Before Midnight"
This speech was a hit in the room, playing less like rehearsed banter and more like genuine goofing fun.
"Blue Is the Warmest Color"
Televised but no one was there to except it which was odd since Adele was there to accept her Young Actor prize.
"20 Feet from Stardom"
"Let It Go," Robert Lopez and Kristen Anderson-Lopez, "Frozen"
Steven Price, "Gravity"
I didn't talk to many celebrities - I was a bit horrified at the swarms of people descending on them during commercial breaks. Let them eat their fish, guys, yes even Julia Roberts! (For the record Amy Adams on-air disdain for the food in that bit with Aisha Tyler was not celebrity entitlement. It did really appear to have been sitting there for some time)
Me and BrieThe Hustle teams vanished immediately but for Shea Wigham and Allesandro Nivola who were quite a pair, circling the bar. I marvelled at how genuinely happy both Kellan Lutz and Will Forte seemed to be while posing for photos and shaking hands. I said an extremely brief hello to Daniel Brühl but had more luck with David Oyelowo who was happy that I led with Middle of Nowhere "I love that film!". My longest conversation was with Tracy Letts which I swear he could have walked away from at any time so it's kind of his fault (I kid I kid) that I tried not to complain about William Friedkin not directing August: Osage County but ended up there anyway after chatting about Bug and Killer Joe. In case you were wondering, on Oscar night, Tracy will be in rehearsal for a new play.
But the best moment of the night was seeing Brie Larson again. We had a great sit down interview earlier this year and she was even more delightful the second time, joking about Ben Kingsley's Best Actress intro "he said geniuses... that includes me!" and obviously just thrilled and still kind of shocked to be in the room and mentioned in the same sentence as Cate Blanchett "I just made this little movie I wanted to make that I didn't think anybody would see"
As we were saying our goodbyes, we noticed that while we'd been talking the workers had seriously made a dent in tearing down the event space that we were still standing in and had just dined in on live television. The room suddenly looked so different. Brie looked around, mock-wistfully, 'It's like your dreams. One moment you're living it, the next it's gone.'
Reader Comments (19)
Oh, really, Lone Survivor for Action Movie? Over, in order of plausibility, Captain Phillips, Iron Man 3, The Hunger Games: Catching Fire, Pacific Rim, and The World's End? Guys, Lone Survivor is looking at, what, $250 million max, worldwide? (far below the grosses of Hunger Games 2 or Iron Man 3.) Maybe $325 million if we're slightly generous? And NO major Oscar acceptance (like Captain Phillips) OR natural long term stickiness? (Like The World's End and Pacific Rim). Any of those options make you look sane and reasonable in some fashion. Lone Survivor just makes you look like your decision for this category was "let's give it them to the newest guy" and call it a day.
At least the background noise level wasn't as bad as it was in previous years. And it did move along at a fast clip. But enough with all the categories.
sounds like a great time. i know you didn't intend it but my dirty mind immediately went to a kellan lutz-will forte pairing. sort of strange, but hey it still works for me. (even with will's old age makeup i was turned on by his french kiss with james franco on snl.)
i have to disagree with you about not voting for adele for best young actor. one of the most marvelous and fearless things about "blue is the warmest color" is that adele was so young in both spirit and reality. in many ways she was more puppyish and immature than tye sheridan, who was marvelous in a more standard "precocious child" role.
I love that AH satire poster. So true, So true. :-)
Don't know what I hate more: 'Honest' trailers or 'Honest' posters.
Leto's 180 was so obvious. At least Matthew just dialed it down, obviously because he was not nearly as drunk. Ben Kingsley drank everything there.
Meryl came! And she had such a 'not impressed' expression in trying to pull off the idea that Ben Affleck among our 'illustrious directors'.
Loved the Before Trilogy team's yelling. Dear Emma Thompson, this is how you pull off somewhat planned spontaneity. Anyway, the intro to the film was so BAD. There's no way those twins are 8 years-old so don't act like Jesse and Celine conceived them.
I'm so happy for you. Wait! You didn't vote for Adéle?!!
I was hoping someone would give Bruce Dern an award just to hear him do a great acceptance speech. Otherwise, I think Critics Choice made great choices, especailly for best original screenplay.
Sounds like a ridiculously fun night
Sounds like fun!
Will you consider posting your votes? :)
It wouldn't really spoil the Film Bitch Awards since these nominees are so different.
Someone can give an award to Bruce Dern: he campaigned so hard and the journalists repeated him that he was the favorite
I confirmed "alrigt alright alright" starts to be really annoying and phony
I found a link because I missed the show, so happy for Lupita and wanted to see her standing ovation that you alluded to. Why did you exaggerate? Her table stood up of course, Oprah and a few others, hardly a standing ovation.
Brie Larson sounds delightful.
I loved Adele's speech -- she is so chic. I'm sure every guy in the room was drooling over her and that accent.
Terri -- i can only write from my perspective way off the camera. It was the most enthusiastic standing ovation of the night spreading quickly to tables well outside of the camera's view. I wouldn't lie. I have nothing to gain from it. Just trying to share the experience from my vantage point.
Suzanne - it's electronic voting so i don't have a copy and some of them were toss ups for me but in the top categories i voted
and i remember voting for
SHERIDAN for young performer
I was kind of at a lost in all the extra categories becaues the nominees were *so* strange and random and the categories don't make sense because they don't have clear divisions. So Leonardo DiCaprio is NOT a Best Actor but he is a Best Actor in a Comedy. But Wolf of Wall Street is a Best Picture but not a Best Comedy? CONFUSED.
JFC Terri, he was there.
Nathaniel- Do you think the scattered categories were the result of films like Hustle and Wolf both being so little scene only by small pockets of the BFCA when ballots went in?
Thanks, Nathaniel! I could've probably guessed the actress categories as well as director and picture if I thought about it but it's still interesting to know.
I love you for not voting for the bimbo McConaugh-a-shit.
Liked reading your report and its sounds like you had a good night.
Just wondering, did you get to walk the red carpet or is that just nominees?
My favorite part of the ceremony was the Genius Award. I could listen to Delpy, Hawke, and Linklater banter forever.