And in Other Actressexual News...

Manuel here to share some news about TFE’s favorite ladies.
Did you catch Nicole Kidman at the premiere of Paddington this past week? She looks so excited! Maybe it’s because she knew they’d be releasing news about her upcoming David E. Kelley limited TV series adaptation of Liane Moriarty's book Big Little Lies alongside sure-to-be-Oscar-nominated Reese Witherspoon? [Side-note, if you feel like you’re experiencing deja-vu, it’s because we had just been discussing other casting news about that property here at TFE a couple of months ago!]
I can’t be the only one who’s already picturing the red carpet and party pictures that’ll bring together Nicole and Michelle Pfeiffer (otherwise known as Mrs E. Kelley) and while I’d love to be able to share some Pfeifferrific news, the next best thing: share some news on Annette Bening and thus manage a TFE actressexual trifecta post.
La Bening’s newest film, The Face of Love will be in cinemas and available digitally from December 12 (though it'd apparently already come out back in March? Has anyone caught it?) The film follows Nikki, a recent widow who embarks on a relationship with a man (Ed Harris) who bears more than a passing resemblance to her husband. The film also features one of Robin Williams’ last performances. I also wanted to take this opportunity to share this Elle magazine cover, because, c'mon, she looks great:
Catch the trailer for the film below:
Will you pay your respects to La Bening? Are you excited about this Reese-Nicole collaboration? Julianne Moore and Amy Adams over at THR roundtable were just discussing the very rare opportunities actresses have to work with one another, so are there any actresses you could see working together?
Reader Comments (20)
Watched The Face of Love a few months ago and she does ALL the heavy lifting for this film. The film has a lot of issues, but she keeps in centered and makes it worth watching all the way through.
So Big Little Lies is coming to TV? I know Nicole always finds new projects but they turned out to be strings of flops (or not released at all) lately. It sounds like a fun project so I originally wish it to be her rare commercial success.
Oh, I've seen The Face of Love! It opened last year in Barcelona. I strongly recommend it to all La Bening fans. It's not a masterpiece, but it's definitely a Bening fest. What a phenomenal actress and what a glorious expressive face where every wrinkle counts.
I am actually relieved that "Big Little Lies" will be a mini series. There are so many characters and backstories that will be better fleshed out in series than a 2 hour movie. And the fact that David E. Kelley wrote the screenplay makes me more confident since his brand of dramedy suits TV much better. At the very least, I hope it will be and entertaining one. Beside, Nicole has many movies in the can already; this is a great move.
"The Face of Love" is not good. I saw it on DVD couple months ago. Annette Bening's character does and doesn't make sense at the same time though she sold it quite well.
I've seen The Face of Love on VOD as well. Acting is great but the movie itself not so much. Only for fans.
I am not feeling The Bening in that cover. That looks like a mullet.
I'd love to see a Streep, Moore, Kidman reunion.
Al Pacino has a potential Oscar comeback vehicle. It features Annette as his love interest. The trailer for it has her outshining the entire cast with what would she be a generic part that Annette elevates by allowing herself to be inspired having the opportunity to work opposite Al Pacino. He used to be so handsome. Now Annette is aging gracefully like a European actress or Frances McDormand to use an American example---or Kathy Bates as Nick Davis compared those two in a private email to me (Kathy and Annette). Bening's Oscar is surely on the way. And if the stars perfectly align for Julianne Moore---except the world to be pro-Annette.
As for my Kidman, I hope they shotgun her an Emmy for this. It would be nice for her to set herself up for Oscar #2 and a plausible Tony nomination down the line.
Kidman also bought the rights to produce/star in Reconstructing Amelia , about a mother struggling to cope with her daughter's death an investigating what actually happened to her. I haven't read the book, but the fact that it will be an HBO coproduction and that Kidman excels at playing victims or suffering mothers makes it very promising.
I mean, a TV miniseries feels like a good fit for Nicole, actually. I can see her and Reese strutting up to the Emmy (or Golden Globe, surely) podium to accept their statues as producers and it being a *moment*.
Kinda excited to see the bidding war that's gonna go on for that property.
Regarding actressexual news, Kidman and her future projects, it is strange that her upcoming reunion with Julia Roberts in "The secret in their eyes" remake (and with Chiwetel Ejiofor as the third corner of the triangle!) is not receiving more attention (not only in this blog, which does not use to comment casting news, but in general...)
I still have hope that Nicole will figure out how to reconnect with audiences again. Paddington Bear is not an Oscar movie, but at least she is getting some decent notices after the Grace of Monaco debacle. Maybe right now television is the right place for her and Reese Witherspoon (i.e., the movies create very few great roles for women in their 40's or 50's, so they may as well create projects for cable that will have a greater likelihood of connecting with audiences).
I caught The Face of Love on Showtime a couple of weeks ago. It's a very difficult character where you have to accept emotional irrationality in an otherwise rational person (all her motivation comes from the death of her husband and subsequent grief, set up in the first few minutes). Bening carries the character perfectly, letting us see the conflict at play as she knows logically that her actions are wrong on so many levels (Really wrong. Really, really, really and will result in failure---sometimes changing thoughts several times within a couple of seconds, all of it conveyed facially) but unable to stop herself. Supporting players are good, but a bit thinly written (Williams, Ed Harris, Amy Brernneman, Jess Weixler). They see things realistically and call her out in different ways leading to the finale which is a bit neat but cathartic for Nikki. Beautiful location work mostly (a couple of context flaws) but again, Bening is terrific to watch. It's not a big film, more of a chamber piece. And everyone is, and looks, age appropriate.
I'm getting serious "Lesbian Power Player" from that photo and the mullet (please do not let this be a thing) is not helping her.
I hope the mini series works. Both those girls should be seen more.
Annette Benning is always a treat to watch and I look forword to checking The Face of Love out, but I do not like that haircut.
Female duos? Annette Benning with Meryl Streep (a reprise of Postcards from the Edge combination)
Rosamund Pike with Kristin Scott Thomas
Julianne Moore with Scartett Johannson
Keira Knightly & Helena Bonham Carter
THE FACE OF LOVE? Yes, that came out months ago here in Australia, so it feels like old news. The central cast - Williams, Harris, Bening - all did solid work, but nothing that I would consider awards-worthy. If it was a weak year for any category, then I wouldn't really have a problem with one of them slipping in somewhere, I guess, but it really was mostly a forgettable movie (i.e. not atrociously bad enough to be able to use it as a bar for future reference, but not good enough to be memorable either).
We saw The Face of Love trailer when we saw Only Lovers Left Alive a few months ago. We decided that the plot seemed interesting, and Bening always a draw, but the only thing more horrendous than being married to Ed Harris once would be to be married to him again.
Harris is a good actor and I respect him for that, but just so unappealing as a romantic companion, sorry Ed.
Bite your tongue adri. Harris is top of my dilf list and has been for many years. He looks really good in this film too.
Doesn't everybody look great on a magazine cover these days?
I'm surprising they're resurrecting The Face of Love, since IFC basically dumped it last spring. They must think Annette has a chance to figure in this year's awards race. I sought it out, because Annette and Ed Harris are two of my favorite actors. People who are fans of the cast will enjoy it, as the acting is great, but Henry's description of some of the screenplay difficulties are pretty much spot on.
I'm with Henry. He's kind of hot and such a brave actor for accepting this particular role, always in the shadow of Annette and showing such level of vulnerability. Not many actors of his generation would do that on screen.
Maybe some of my ambivalence about Ed Harris is that he looks like my relatives. He could be my uncle or my cousin. Maybe that's why I don't find him romantic.