Kate Winslet is FINALLY a Star

Here is abstew on Kate Winslet's star ceremony
Ladies and gentlemen, the ground of Los Angeles literally shook in anticipation of Kate Winslet's star today.
Don't worry, that earthquake in LA yesterday morning was all just a PR stunt orchestrated to commemorate the unveiling of the Oscar winner's star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame! (That Divergent budget must be massive.) But a little ground swell didn't stop people from coming out to celebrate Kate's star at Hollywood and Vine. Kathy Bates, wearing a fabulous black and white mumu, auditioned to appear alongside Carrot Top in his Vegas act as she debuted a prop-heavy comedy routine about Kate having to clean her own star. But so Kate's not embarrassed by doing so, Bates supplied her with an "I'm NOT Kate Winslet" T-shirt. And I immediately went on eBay to buy a knock-off of it. Shailene Woodley (see Divergent this Friday!) spoke off the cuff about how Kate was always prepared and pleasant on set and then got a little choked up as she spoke of what an amazing role model she is. (Kathy Bates was seen gathering her things and mumbling, "sure, go the cheap sentimental route...)
Kate, who joked that she had a breast-pump in hand as the earthquake rumbled that morning (always boobs with her), gave a short but sweet speech about how honored she was. She also pointed out that Titanic was 18 years ago (well, technically 17, but I'm sure filming it made it feel much longer) mainly just to remind us all that we're old if we remember seeing it in the theatre. But honestly, I'm kinda thrilled that she finally has a star! I mean, Jennifer Lopez, Vin Diesel, and Jennifer Aniston all have them–it was time. Now, she's just got to get working on that Tony in her EGOT to complete her collection...
The video, which really starts at about 1:21, is below. That Kathy Bates bit kinda has to be seen to be believed.
Reader Comments (16)
And The Dressmaker, Triple Nine was confirmed at this ceremony. So happy.
OMG YES!!!!!
But, like...why didn't she already have one?
Because having an EGO isn't enough. :3
Andrew -- the walk of star system is very confusing. some people get them right away and others wait and wait. I mean michelle pfeiffer didn't even get hers until very recently. but it involves campaigning to get one in a way and a lot of stars don't care -- though i suspect some movies foot the bill to arrange it because it's a good promotional tool if the star doesn't already have one for a movie's opening.
andrew - I know, right?!? she was eligible in 2012, but you have 5 years to pick a day. and i think they have to pay for it themselves or something, it's $30,000 for the star and ceremony. just some other actresses who are waiting to have a star: jessica lange and sally field...
I feel like my attitude toward Kate Winslet is similar to Nathaniel's attitude toward Cate Blanchett (Blue Jasmine notwithstanding). It would require something truly awesome from her to get me on board for any more acclaim/attention/praise than she's already received. Sometimes it's hard to love people who have been as well-taken care of as she's been through her career. I don't believe I've ever been surprised or awestruck by a moment of hers onscreen besides Eternal Sunshine. And I find her incredibly grating offscreen, which doesn't help. Like you said, always with the breasts and the body.
I also don't find her visually interesting playing everywomen OR glammed up. Which I hate to say matters, but it does.
!!!!! http://www.deadline.com/2014/03/sofia-coppola-to-helm-the-little-mermaid/
Dear David O Russell,
Since you're the Oscar whisper. Getting blood from De Niro and a WTF nomination for Jacki Weaver. Please cast Kathy Bates immediately. She wants a second Oscar and she really could give an F if it's in the supporting category. The path of least resistance is in the supporting category.
Someone who wants to see her receive a second Oscar.
Jessica Lange does NOT have a star! WTF! I am now descending into full-blown, fiery-eyed Frances mode.
did you guys know MADONNA doesn't even have one??
Madonna can afford one, so she probably doesn't give a fuck.
Getting a bit tired of the bringing down of some of our gretest female actress mainly Streep and Kate,Nat remains unbiased as usual,i didn't see what peoples problem was in Labor Day thought she was solid as always..
Mark -- Kate Winslet is clearly doing JUST FINE regardless of my antipathy for her, so perhaps you should stop worrying about what perfect strangers think of a perfect stranger.
I'm grateful for every bit of Kate I get so this was really, really nice. Whenever I look at her I'm like "she's so beautiful".
And I kinda like the JK Rowling reference in regard to the occasion because I've read that Kate refused to be in the Potter movies which was, although I don't mind the series (and I do have an emotional connection to that world), a good decision, for me.
Hayden W, I agree. (I wasn't even impressed with Eternal Sunshine.)