ICYMI + Goldfinger

June is flying by and if you aren't here every day you're bound to miss something good. Here's a few posts just for the helluvit that you won't want to have missed that are already buried on pages 3, 6 or number whatever of this continually updated blog.
Sarah Paulson Reality Check - she thinks she'll keep getting stiffed for Supporting Actress and knows from Category Fraud
Disney Heroines - gorgeous old school paintings of Mulan and more
The Fault In Our Stars - reviewed through watery eyes
Miss Julie Posters - what'cha think?
Beauty vs. Beast - white swan versus Black Swan... the closest battle yet
and for dessert
Maleficent Cake - what do you suppose it tastes like?
and if you really haven't been here in a while...
First Oscar Predictions of the Year and all the updated Oscar Charts
COMING SOON: Tuesday Night (June 17th) on Hit Me With Your Best Shot
James Bond in Goldfinger (1964)
We've never done a Bond film in this series and this one right here, 50 years old now, is universally regarded as one of the tippity-top entries in the franchise. Plus, it fits neatly into our '64 party and is available for instant watching on both Amazon and Netflix. I wonder if anyone will look beyond that gold corpse? You want to join in this week, I know you do.
Take the assignment - you're licensed to blog!
Reader Comments (1)
RE: Sarah Paulson. Did y'all see this: AHS Freak Show?