Curio: Danielle Buerli's Three-dimensional Tributes

Alexa here with your weekly art appreciation. In my frequent perusals of the pop culture artwork shown at Gallery1988, Danielle Buerli's work has always stood out. Danielle is an illustrator working out of Zurich, Swizerland. While in art school, Danielle's illustrations began to emerge from the page, and now she primarily creates diorama environments with found materials, often with inspiration from popular culture.
Here are some examples of her wonderful movie tributes (more after the jump... )
"Milk Plus"
"Harold Loves Maude"
"The Fifth"
"Master Frogman"
"Mixed Vegis"
"Oh That Nose"
"Bunny Darko"
Depending on the piece, she paints, knits, sews or sculpts, editing and combining her materials for the desired effect. You can see more of her creations on her website.
Reader Comments (2)
God, that bunny's CREEPY! Should someone give to me as a present I'd have to go all Glenn Close and boil it as a preventive measure.
Carlos -agreed. but that Clockwork orange milk thing is just haunting (in the good way)