Triple the Patrick

Manuel here to check in with “The Prom King” himself whose latest passion project films have been making news lately:
First up and still looking for distribution is Stretch, the Joe Carnahan film he shot in just under twenty-three days with Chris Pine, which is drumming up interest by releasing new images and new clips. Carnahan, who shot the film for Universal, has found himself needing to find alternate distribution for it, and from the plot description (and the weirdly fascinating pics released) one can see why: “The under-$5 million pic follows a chauffeur who’s deep in debt to a bookie. In the hope of scoring a big tip, he picks up a risky job ferrying around a mysterious billionaire (Pine) who wants to sell his book of criminal contacts. The driver tries his best to fulfill all of his client’s requests, but the night takes ever stranger turns, he starts to wonder if his life is in danger.” Sounds like a bonkers Collateral, no?
On a brighter note, his movie Space Station 76 (featuring him and Matt Bomer in delightfully 70s garb) which premiered at South-by-Southwest earlier this year is now out on VOD and digital platforms. I particularly love the quick and dry synopsis offered by IMDB: “A 1970s version of the future, where personalities and asteroids collide,” as well as the Star Wars inspired poster art. Any of you out there seen this yet?
Wilson in Carnahan's Stretch
Wilson talking to an R2 (?) in Space Station 76
If those two films don’t satisfy your Patrick Wilson-in-an-offbeat-film needs, you may want to wait until December this year when Tribeca Film and Well Go USA Entertainment will release Let's Kill Ward’s Wife. The just-acquired dark comedy was helmed by none other than Scott “Felicity” Foley and features, among others, Amy Acker (!), Donald Faison and Nicolette Sheridan, and centers on… well precisely what the title suggests.
The cast of Foley's Let's Kill Ward's Wife
You gotta hand it to Wilson, while Hollywood was unsure what to make of him, he's been slowly building an eclectic resume, surely helped by the success he's found with Insidious and The Conjuring. Those two franchises have allowed him to indulge these smaller, odder projects. Any Wilson fans here anticipating any or all these titles? What genre should the beautifully sculpted Wilson tackle next? (Hint: I'm still waiting for him to return to his musical roots in something other than The Phantom of the Opera)
Reader Comments (16)
LITTLE CHILDREN is still his best work in my opinion :)
I tend to get him mixed up with Aaron Eckhardt sometimes though. :/
I loved him in Watchmen. Or maybe I just thought he was really hot--I forget. I really like him in drama, so I'm not sure about comedies. Did you know he was the father in Prometheus?? I just saw that.
at this point in his career i really think he needs to return to Broadway for some rejuvenating heat. alert the movie folk again to why they liked him in the first place. god his voice is beautiful. I saw him in The Full Monty and in Oklahoma! and he was just great in both.
phantom of the opera wasnt a good movie but you should get more than one chance when you have a voice that good and can also act.
Nat - Amen.
Imagine him singing Being Alive!
Well, folks will also get to swoon over him again as the lead in Adriana Trigiani's film adaptation of her chick lit novel, Big Stone Gap. Not that he'll be singing, unless it's some Blue Ridge Mountain tunes...
He looks like a cross between Paul Newman and Chris Pratt in the first photo.
Now there's a thought, Peggy Sue. (Along with "Someone is Waiting" and possibly "Marry Me a Little.")
Space Station 76 looks like fun.
I was surprised he wasn't cast in Into the Woods he seemed a natural fit for one of the men what with his looks and voice. He's slipped some though from the top flight projects to the second tier so that might have cost him consideration. I agree with Nathaniel that he needs to hit the boards again for a bit of rejuvenation.
joel6--Ha! Maybe he and Jake Gyllenhaal got some good recon about the ITW production--stay away, FAR, FAR away...
Bless you for putting an ! next to Acker's name.
Space Station 76 is terrible. A comedy without much comedy. Can't imagine why people signed on or why this got made. And the politics of the film are questionable. I was hoping for something so much better. Though it was nice to see Kali Rocha again (loved her as Halfrek on Buffy).
Patrick Wilson and Scott Foley are married to that explains his involvement with Let's Kill Ward's Wife.
P.S. If not Broadway, how about get him cast in one of the live musical specials NBC has been producing lately? That would be another opportunity to showcase his singing abilities.
Angels in America on HBO remains the best thing outside of theatre he's done.
He needs to ask Adam Guettel or Jason Robert Brown to write a score for him. Book by Craig Lucas.
Saw Space Station 76 last night, actually. I really liked it quite a bit. And, it's not only an offbeat Patrick Wilson film, it's a beat off Patrick Wilson film! You'll have to watch to see. :)
How could Hollywood get a man this beautiful and not know what to do with him? Did no one actually see Little Children? I just don't get it.
I'm so happy so many others enjoy Wilson on screen, though I'd agree that outside of Little Children and Angels in America he's been rather short-changed as to his acting (and singing!) abilities.
Arkaan's suggestion of getting him in a JRB musical sounds so much like heaven that I worry I'm already crushed by its not existing already.
I guess I'm just happy he's happily employed and away from the recesses of that horrid CBS show he somehow signed up for a while back.